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Messages - mf_nor

Pages: [1]
Tactics / Re: What's your favorite weapon?
« on: May 10, 2012, 03:12:08 pm »
Played it through for the second time (2.4 this time).

my favorite is the Sniper. When doing those small open maps the best weapon of choice is the sniper because of the range and firepower. I mix in two grenade launchers, but I think 8 snipers is the best for killing without being killed.

(i would like a small modification since this Sniper gun is so good. regular soldiers should be poorer with this until reaching say 25+ skill. Then you have incentive to play the sniper like a sniper, and not rush people with sniperguns into UFOs. Maybe the gun could be more expensive as well?)

Just my thoughts.:)

Discussion / Re: Looking for late-game saves
« on: May 10, 2012, 02:44:56 pm »
version 2.4(downloaded 1.May-2012)
This game is played on hard - I played it in Win7.

I did not build any UFO Yards until late  (because I didnt know how and had to ask on irc  :-[) at  deathcount ruffly 200 aliens. (Maybe it should be made a prerequisite to have a ufo yard before making more bases?)

I think  economywise I had too many bases (7) but keeping me afloat by selling what I raid and having exuberant alle nations.

At this savegame the Alien base had just been found in Australia.

Antimatterstorage - began construction.
ufo flight components not researched.
not produced own aircrafts
coilgun/needlegun/particleguns found

I used retry in missions maybe 5-10 times.  got some deaths perhaps 15-30 people, maybe lost 10 sarachens fully equipped.

Maps I did not like:
The map with the estate and all the basements and cannons.(Hard to find the last alien alive)

Bugs I was experiencing:
1 When fighting the UFOfighters sometimes the fps drops to 0.00something fps.
2 the program crashed maybe 3-4 times, one time during the ending of a mission.

Feature Requests / Re: couple of suggestions on health
« on: March 26, 2011, 06:09:32 pm »
thnx :)
i forgot it :)

Feature Requests / suggestion on bases/basedefense
« on: March 26, 2011, 06:07:35 pm »
just some suggestions, hope someone read them atleast :) pardon my not-so-good english :)

1) Before getting the AM(anti material)-building  I think there should be possible to build AM-research containers in the lab, that make it possible to have a tiny amount of AM and research AM-stuff.
This could change the map section of laboratory during base defence so that a AM-researchcontainer of 1x1 tile explodes when e.g. shooting it. I think it would be cool to apply research stuff in the laboratories. Like e.g. sections for ballistics, electromagnetics and so on...  (But maybe this is too micro-managing?)

2) The base defending should be more challenging. What if they (the aliens) are attacking in larger numbers -  I'm speaking hordes :) -  or all the scientists and other staff appear as civilists so that casualties was higher? If not, the damage needed to kill attacking aliens should be way higher than for the aliens who are assigned to only kill harmless humans. (E.g. the alien guys you hunt down when shooting down a UFO) This would be justified by that  these aliens are specialized/prepared in attacking a FALANX base.

3) I think there should be a surveillence system that is researchable that keep control of all the aliens during a base attack. Because It is indeed our home base and the electronics when power is on should work to our advantage. E.g. IR-cameras.

Btw, I havent played that much, but Im very impressed with how the economy is tweaked (played hard level) ! :)

Feature Requests / couple of suggestions on health
« on: March 26, 2011, 05:11:26 pm »
parts of the medikits healpoints should be temporary. 
maybe the ability to heal temperary could be assigned to an ability.
When the mission is over the soldier temporary health increase is gone, and therefore the soldier need more healing, preferably at a hospital.
Its silly that a sudden medikit stimpack is way more effective than hospital, agree?

Another thing:
If a Skyranger (troop transport) gets shot down, there should be possible to do a rescue mission, if the dogfight happened over land.
The health of the soldiers could decay with time, so they lose e.g. 15 points pr hour.
An Excuse for making this a mission against aliens is that aliens want our troops alive for information.

Tactics / Re: What's your favorite weapon?
« on: March 16, 2011, 10:50:28 am »
My favorite (start and mid game) is for every soldier i have -  to have:

either grenade launcher or sniper. The other gun in the backpack. And medikit and one piece of sniperammo and grenade ammo extra.

Since its impossible for me to know where my soldiers start at every map, and the map is not possible to prepare for I think 8 versatile killers is the best way to go strategicly. I figured this out pretty fast.. And its kind of dull that I guess I am actually right.

I think weapons should be some way restricted to skills (or classes like sniper, assault  heavy, Flamers etc)
If its possible to equip everyone with the same kind of weapons (which is the pretty much the best setup) , and it works very good for all players, some of the strategy concept (which i like) that includes having diverse weapons and relying on teammates, etc get less important.

With my setup I can just throw away the sniper and use the grenadelauchner if necessary (or otherway around). The Sniper from kneestanding kills most aliens giving some chances from all over the map. grenades wipes all mid-close combat. even snapshots from sniper is good in close combat :/

The tactics and weaponchosing should be based more on what skill the players have. SOme should really suck at sniper and grenadelauncher, and maybe just be good assault men. 

I think its a bit imbalanced that every player do (pretty) well with sniper rifle and a grenade launcher. There should maybe be training courses (target shooting) to learn using the weapons so less can use them (with good results)

I also thinks the old weapons get obsolite to quick. There should be a incentive to use them for a longer period. Maybe other ammo should be much more expensive. And maybe e.g. 7.62 ammo etc could be replaced by better tech bullets or covered with poison etc later on.

This is my experience playing hard difficulty playing maybe 70 missions on 2.3.1 - guess im newbie compared to many here, but hey - i want to make the game better - hope this helps :)

Hey my first post

info: I have Ufo AI 2.3.1 Win7 32-bit with nvidea geforce 7950 GT driver:nvd2dum.dll
Allthough I dont think it matter because its a savegame error.

I researched Medium Alien Armour and sold the armour during research.
I got a message saying something like i couldnt reseach it anymore(fair enough). Then I buy it back for 7500 and reassign the scientists. I get the research done. But i dont get any followups to research) When I click on research it is saying the same percentage as when i sold it - even tho I have the alien medium armour in my ufopedia and I cant assign the researchers since its already researched. I tried to retrieve another medium armour and research it from a different base on a diffent savegame, but same thing happens, only the percentage changes to a higher one, since i got more of it researched since the switch. 

Im not sure how this error got triggered but it follows the save game when I got it. My guess is that the error triggers when u sell medium armour during research. Maybe everything need to get researched from the same base? I am not sure where I researched it first.  Hope this info is enough - cheers :)

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