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Messages - Pheimors

Pages: [1]
Bugs in older version (2.3.1) / Re: Base attack soldiers placement
« on: February 25, 2011, 04:23:06 pm »
Well, since they DON'T blow holes up, it's normal to defent the *possible* points of entry. Other than that... Any military base is defended all of the time. And even if you insist that "realism" is everyone sleeping until alerted... AND that getting on alert when the threat is high and real (it's wartime, guys), make it not "withing radar range", but an UFO withing 10 minutes of flight time to the base and heading in its direction.
Yep, but if you are looking for realism, don't forget that aliens doesn't exists. So military bases are not to be defended against aliens...  :D

Bugs in older version (2.3.1) / World Map mission placement bug
« on: February 25, 2011, 12:35:14 pm »
First of all, I'm note a native english speaker...
I have found that is possibly a bug in the world map. It appears when I load my campagn, and I don't know if the problem was here when I exited the game before loaded it. (Do you understand my meaning ?)
The name of the mission is the name of the Ocania continent. It appears two times on the map. One for the mission (the wrong place) and one for the continent (the right place).

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