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Messages - Nash1992

Pages: [1]
Feature Requests / Re: Deep Space Boarding Actions?
« on: February 18, 2011, 05:52:25 am »
Was there ever a UFO:AI map is on a moon or under-water environment? That would be cool too. Or fighting Aliens in the south pole and you have to save the Penguins (wearing santa hats) instead of the humans! You know, add some funny Easter eggs or something in the game! :)

Feature Requests / Re: Sprinting feature
« on: February 18, 2011, 05:45:31 am »
Well, I don't know...
But I personally think that the UFO:AI devs should include this into their game. They can nerf the sprinting anyway they want. I just want this feature in the game, because it gets annoying sometimes when you want your solider to get across a large map. Or if your solider is close to death, he can run away like a sissy, avoiding to get killed!

Feature Requests / Re: fuck realism, dont kill ma soldier ;)
« on: February 18, 2011, 05:43:34 am »
Well, how bout make it somewhat realism...

How bout this. When at "0% Health" your solider will go through one of these phases.
1.) Last Stand - Your solider is conscious, but so injured that he can crawl away to try to avoid "FATALITY" . Because when he got hit. The blow didn't hurt him enough to kill him. So that would be like around -25 damage after he hits the 0% health marker. The only way he can get up again, is if one of the team-mates heals him. When in Last-Stand mode, it is the developers choice that the character can pull out a side arm or not.
2.) Un-Conscious - Your solider got hit critically, but not critically enough that he dies right away. He is just un-conscious. Therefore, making him vulnerable for aliens to hit him again and possibly kill him. At the end of the mission, the solider still lives of course to return back to base.
3.) Death - Your solider got hit so much critically (from getting killed from last stand, or un-conscious, or just getting blown up to pieces) that oh well. He is done for, it is impossible to revive him now.

I suggests these. It has some realism in it. But not to crazy that the soldiers are immortal or something. Thumbs up if you like my suggestion.

It is a Win-Win situation for players. So what do ya say? Should the devs include this in the next update? I think it is really worth it. Because yeah, I don't want my guys to die either! I want them to have a second chance! But of course I want it to be realistic, where that if the solider got epic-owned really badly, he dies!

It should

Feature Requests / Sprinting feature
« on: February 17, 2011, 05:43:00 pm »
There should be a Sprinting feature for your soldiers.

What should this sprinting do for you soldiers?
PROS: It doubles their Action Points. So that means they can move further than walking. Maybe also able to doge enemies attacks.
CONS: It drastically reduces their accuracy and for their next turn, they loose 25% of action points. Because they need that turn to catch their breath.

I think that would be a useful feature. Like for example, when you want your guys to sprint across a large map, it will only take them 2 turns instead of 6 turns.

Mac / Re: UFOAI for Mac???
« on: February 16, 2011, 05:11:12 am »
=D Count me in! So, for the feedback, are you also going to list bunch of questions we need to think about while playing the game, so we can give proper feedback?  :-\

Only problem is, I will only have time to play it during the weekend (Friday and Saturday).

If I am not picked as a tester, I'm cool with that. Like I said, only available on the weekend.
You should ask all the other mac users too, if they want to do the game testing as well. Someone who has more time on their hands.

Mac / Re: UFOAI for Mac???
« on: February 15, 2011, 05:08:21 am »
2.3.2 version for mac is fixed? Phew! With working sound and everything? I can't wait till it comes out! 2.3.0 had sound issues, 2.3.1 has crash issues, hopefully us mac users can finally experience the game what it supposed to be! :)

Good job, and keep up the good work! I knew that the UFO: AI team wouldn't let us mac users down!

Mac / Re: Problem starting/opening game
« on: February 10, 2011, 07:23:20 pm »
Downloading...installed 2.3.0 - OMG NO SOUND!!! Your right! Well...I guess it is better than nothing.

Darn, that means if I can't hear the sound, how am I supposed to give credit to the sound and music composers? That really sucks. The composers are not getting any credit for their hard effort they put in this game for mac people! =( Oh well. I'll just add my own sound track in the background then.

Oh yeah, where are the saved games stored? I want to put my game and saved games on a flash disk so I can play it in my residential hall computers.

Mac / Re: Problem starting/opening game
« on: February 08, 2011, 06:14:07 am »
I have the same problem. As soon as I clicked on the UFO:AI icon. It seem to launch, then a window pops up "ERROR". It gave me the option to relaunch. The same problem occurred again! Darn!

Does anyone know if the previous versions for mac work? I don't mind downloading the older version. Obviously the 2.3.1. version for mac does not work at all!

Is the devs doing anything to fix this problem BTW?

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