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Messages - norabbit

Pages: [1]
On the soldiers preparation screen, when you have a soldier equiped with a two-handed weapon (ex: assault riffle), and then add a grenade through double-click of right-click, the grenade is seized in the free hand.
(This is changed from 2.3.1.)

Result: the solider won't be able to use the two-handed weapon in the mission until the grenade is moved.

In preparation, I believe it would make more sense to leave the hand free (and put the grenade in the backpacl / other free equipment area).

Any reason for the change?

Used version: 2.4-dev IA-32 jan 23 2011 Win32 DEBUG

This item is now on the bug tracker:


During campaign, when you go to the save menu, you have a list of saves and at the bottom a "back" button .
Once you hit it, right where it stood there is an "exit" button.
I believe that most people going through these menus just want to save and go back to the game. Less likely, they save and then exit the game.

It would be great if:
- the "continue" button was named "back" like the "back" button in the save menu. For text consistency.
- the "exit" button was not placed where the "back" button was. (I have exited games quite a few times un-intentionally because of this. I know it is my fault but a little help would be welcome. ;)

I hope this helps
Bye for now,

EDIT: I use version 2.4-dev IA-32 jan 23 2011 Win32 DEBUG
This is now in the bug tracker:


On the battlescape:
- asdw are used to move the camera
- right click is used to cancel
- center mouse button is used to rotate the camera.

On the geoscape:
- asdw do nothing
- right click is used to rotate the camera
- center mouse button - I am not sure what it does, actually.

It would be great if the default keys.cfg would bind the same key sets for both views.
Or just add some more keys equivalence to the geoscape (that would probably prevent people from changing their habbits ;)
I do not know how to specify these, otherwise I would even have attached the proposed modification to the file.

Thank you for your help.

EDIT: I use version 2.4-dev IA-32 jan 23 2011 Win32 DEBUG
This is now in the bug tracker:

Bugs prior to release 2.4 / Intro readability & duration
« on: January 30, 2011, 04:34:16 pm »

I noticed that in 2.4-dev the intro has been much improved (thanks!!!)
I would like to mention the following (minor) points:
- The 3 red crosses that are shown when you start a campaign, to show the aliens come back, are shown behind the page of text. So they are hard to spot. (This was corrected for the first alone red cross - thanks for that, but the 3 crosses are still a bit hidden.)
- The game intro (right after launch) could seem even smoother with shorter rotation of the Earth at the start and at the end (I did not count but I guess it rotates about 2 turns, I would personnally recommend 1-to-1.5 turn only, no matter the starting country displayed, no local discrimination there ;)

Anyway, these are minor suggestions - I am very happy I can relax and enjoy the intro video!

EDIT: I am using version 2.4-dev IA-32 jan 23 2011 Win32 DEBUG

This is now also in the but tracker:


I noticed that now on +city (the map with a big car park place on several floors), with 2.4-dev aliens can now spot soliders from more than 1 storey away (which is more fun ;).
However they also like to use grenades and... well they just blow themselves up that way. While I appreciate a little decrease in difficulty from time to time, I guess it is not an intended feature?

Thanks for your help.

Best of days!

Software version: 2.4-dev IA-32 jan 23 2011 Win32 DEBUG
If other info can help, please let me know.

This is now in the bug tracker:
(sorry for double-posting)

Hello there,

When an alien blows himself up during its turn (either reaction fire or grenade misuse), the game goes through the civilian's turn before declaring that the missions has been completed.
It would be nice to do so as soon as the last alien dies (or at the end of the aliens' turn).

I submit this as a bug ("you have to wait to get mission complete screen" - sounds too negative to me  ;)) though you could easilly argue it is a small improvement.


Software version: 2.4-dev IA-32 jan 23 2011 Win32 DEBUG.

Let me know if you need any more info.

This is now in bug tracker:

Bugs prior to release 2.4 / Re: Language list shows untranslated
« on: January 30, 2011, 03:39:36 pm »
FYI: This is still present in 2.4-deev IA-32 jan 23 2011 Win DEBUG.


I got the same problem and (unfortunately) just posted another report about this, but on the bugtracker:

I have WinXP and not Win7, a different video card...
So there is little left in common in the way of hardware. CPU?
Anyways, I do not play fullscreen for now... Hope there is an easy way to fix this. ;)

A nice day to whoever reads this!

Hi guys,

Tih2000 was kind enough to provide the latest 2.4-dev installer in the bug report and it actually solved my crash problem. So maybe it will solve yours? Please note that it is an "in development" software, so it might be less stable than 2.3.1 (although I have not seen that many game-experience-impeding problem so far).


I got the same problem and (unfortunately) just posted another report about this, but on the bugtracker:

I have WinXP and not Win7, a different video card...
So there is little left in common in the way of hardware. CPU?
Anyways, I do not play fullscreen for now... Hope there is an easy way to fix this. ;)

A nice day to whoever reads this!

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