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Messages - GreyWolfUA

Pages: [1] 2
Bugs in older version (2.4) / Re: Slow battle between ships problem
« on: May 03, 2012, 09:33:07 pm »
Confirm! have same issue with air battle.

Bugs in older version (2.3.1) / inter_starchaser
« on: January 30, 2011, 04:53:38 pm »
i just research the new type of interceptor - Starchaser, but there is no description about this aircraft, as well as for Stingray interceptor
may be it's not a bug, it's under development. In this case please close my issue.

Feature Requests / Re: some proposals
« on: January 23, 2011, 12:48:47 am »
On point five. I actually got pretty frustrated by uselessness of suppressive fire. What about detracting (temporarily, like on their next turn) from accuracy and/or APs of characters (both human and alien) for each shot being fired at/near them? That way, say, a full auto burst, would make sense not only to kill someone off at point blank, but also from afar, just to make them less combat efficient.
Nice idea which close to my proposition, if soldier feel that he is target and bullets whistling around him it should fluent on his moral

unfortunately not sorry. :(
if it's not possible to check some how, we can close my post

Feature Requests / Re: some proposals
« on: January 21, 2011, 10:46:34 pm »
for 10) my propose is not enlarge country relation in case alien aircraft trading, only anti-alien missions can fluent on country relation.
for 12) sorry but i don't catch your answer - is't possible to implement(new alien type)? or aready done? Yes i agree regarding flamethrower and eplosive weapon which should be more eefective in this case
for 6) - it's a pity. In the UFO3 Appocalipse i get satisfaction and fun with conflicts with alien frendly organizations
for 2) for example map "Bridge" has always same disposition (at least for my craft and my troops)
new one:
13) reduce accuracy of a soldier in case both hands are busy (pistol+medicit or granade)
14) aliens never sit down, why?

Feature Requests / some proposals
« on: January 21, 2011, 02:19:48 pm »
Hello dear UFO funs and developers! :)
i play on v.2.3.1
it's cool really, i return to old times there was first UFO. But no limit perfection!
So, i would like to make developers attention for some futures:
1) medical kit - too strong thing. You can simple make people healthy, but one minutes ago troper was almost die. He recover are immediatly in compare with hospital in your Base! But Base has much better equpment for hospital. - Please make medical kit only for curing light wounds but not for full recovering. Serious wound should be cured only in hospital. Medical kit can recover no more than 50% of wounds
2) disposition on the battle map are stable. When you play more that 100battles it's so boring to see same map with same disposition of your ship, troopers, alien aircraft and aliens. Please make little random of disposion. To define few places on the same map where aircrafts can be located and make random. the same for troopers and aliens - it's should be a bit simplier because tropers and aliens takes less space on map
3) Aliens from crashed alien aircraft always alive! - why?? if aircraft damaged(30-50% remaining)? at least half of crew must die. - please make dependensy between status of aircraft (remaining percent) and count of aliens which alived
4) pilots should have some skills. will be nice to introduce some skills for pilots (accuracy, maneuvering, etc).
5) my troopers too brave. Will be more interesting if bravery will decreses much quicklier in case wounding and sit under fire, especialy in case no over troopers near and trooper alone.
6) will be very, very nice to add third party to the game! for example some terroristic organization, which attack your bases, some organizations which collaborate with Aliens and help them - defend alien aircrafts! attack your bases, and you can also attack their bases! some additional missions from the Goverment - to destroy some terrists, or defend important object from massive attack! (10-15 opponents). This is will increase very much of interest, especialy that this terroristic organizations will attack you by usual weapon, like shotguns, rocketlaunchers and assault rifles by everything which possible to buy on the market.
7) for that aim civilians on the map? All civilians can be die but it's doesn't fluent on mission success or for something else. Please make some dependency, for example if half of civilians will die, Country will be dissatisfied, in case most of civilians will die - country should be angry. My be it's already implemented but it's not really fluent
8) better if some civilians can defend themself, for example with pistols (policemans, securities on the objects, foresters etc.)
9) Escape missions. Will be nice to have escape missions, there your aim is to defend civilian group from alien attack. After mission you will get a money according to how many people were escaped. (in case <50% you will get nothing? in case 100% - extra money)
10) very easy to make country happy, just sell the alien aircrafts. But it not so much fluent on happines, it's just money. Real hapines can be reached only from anti alien activities.
11) aircraft battle not informative. Nice to see this battle and drive it (aggressive attack, or careful), to observe damages. By the way damages of aircraft not present. Craft or alive or crashed - that is all. Better to control it make an aircraft repair on the base.
12) Need to have some new alien type - quick, small and numerious, like 5-6 bugs or flys which make group attack, they have not much health but hardly aimed (because of small size).
Ths is may be not all that i want to see in the UFOAI but i saw more in compare with classical UFO.
You are the best! :)

Bugs in older version (2.3.1) / Beam aircrat weapon can't be resarched
« on: January 21, 2011, 12:59:28 pm »
after successful alien aircraft disassembling, got the new research topic - beam aircraft weapon (it sounds like that, i play with russion version), but i can't do this research because base which made this dissambling(there are no research laboratory installed) some how lost this alien aircraft beam weapon! please look on my console log and save ( i did the save little be later but not far)

terror mission on location "Петропавловск-Камчатский" - this is the russian :)
my ship with troopers aready there. but mission can't start.
please look on my save and log file

Bugs in older version (2.3.1) / Re: Electromagnetic rifle (sniper shot)
« on: January 12, 2011, 09:56:03 pm »
may be my save and console log somehow help you
this save i made before antiterror mission in central america
one from my soldier has elctromagnetic rifle
i check the bug and catch it: after map loading this soldier see the alien, i just sit down and make sniper shot but soldier made 3 shots using one bullet.

Bugs in older version (2.3.1) / Re: Electromagnetic rifle (sniper shot)
« on: January 05, 2011, 09:54:39 pm »
Maybe just a visual? I often notice two trails from the regular sniper rifle on a miss. Or is it indeed blasting thrice (i.e., first one downing an alien, two next going through further)?
Exactly! one from 3 shots can put to the aim, it can be first, at can be third. But i choose sniper shot and lost only one bullet for that.
I catch it only with this rifle. Other weapons still doesn't repeat this effect.
This is not permanent situation with electromagnetic rifle but happening very often.

Bugs in older version (2.3.1) / Electromagnetic rifle (sniper shot)
« on: January 03, 2011, 09:53:27 pm »
Hello dear developers!
I catch a bug with electromagnetic rifle. In many cases (approx.50%) with sniper shot from this rifle, my soldier make auto shot (3x shots), but spent only 1bullet for that.

Translating / Re: Russian translation
« on: January 03, 2011, 09:43:43 pm »
еще нашел баг
2.2.) НЛОпедия, описание характеристик НЛО кораблей (внизу описания) не соответствуют вкладке статитистика. А в англ.варианте вообще характеристики не указываются, только статистика

Bugs in older version (2.3.1) / Re: italy map not loading
« on: December 26, 2010, 09:17:54 pm »
I split this as it's not related to the bug with the dropship in +city.

Can you provide a ufoconsole.log for this? Instructions on finding it here.
Hello Everybody! Confirm the bug! have same problem with Italy map (but it happend with antiterror in SouthAmerica :)
please take my ufoconsole.log
i also attach the save file

Translating / Re: Russian translation
« on: December 12, 2010, 02:28:01 pm »
еще нашел, опечатка
4.2) НЛОпедия, раздел Патроны с СПЭ. первый абзац "...содержит 8 тонуих стрелок..."

Translating / Re: Russian translation
« on: December 12, 2010, 01:22:43 pm »
Вот это оперативность! :))
Итак, все ошибки замечены в самой игре, релиз 2.3.1:
1) как я успел определить, пара ошибок ниже вероятно связаны не с самим переводом, а с ограничениями по длине абзаца, весь текст не поместился, но не уверен в причине.
1.1) конец второго абзаца вступительного текста (как только игра запускается), "...чем на трех четверт"
1.2) в НЛОпедии, раздел После войны, самый конец "... преимуще". Там же по той же причине отсутствует описание Океании.
1.3) в НЛОпедии, описание Полимерной брони, в конце второго абзаца "...св"
1.4) в НЛОпедии, описание Боевой брони, в конце одного из абзацев "...защ"

2) следующая ошибка - отклонение от структуры англ.версии
2.1) описание самолетов "Жар-птица", "Стилет", "Сарацин" в самом низу содержит блок характеристики, которые не предусмотрены в английском варианте

3)Следующие ошибки присутствуют в обоих версиях и рус. и англ.
3.1) в описании самолета сарацин, упоминается что его скорость достигает 4макс, но в разделе "Статистика" указаны другие значения, максимум 2000, что явно странно. Где именно ошибка в описании или статистике - не знаю.
3.2) возможно это не ошибка, т.к. присутствует в обоих версиях (англ и рус), но странно, что в статистике к пулемету, при выборе режима стрельбы "автоматический" или "очередь" меняется только разброс, а все остальное идентично т.е. урон, затраты времени и т.д.

4) следующая ошибка, это стилистическая ошибка
4.1) НЛОпедия, описание 25мм фугасной гранаты. первый абзац "...производит намного превосходит..."

5) Не точный перевод
5.1) НЛОпедия. В описании боевой брони (раздел статистика), есть пункт "Лучевое оружие", в оригинале Particle beam. К лучевому оружию можно отнести как лазер так и плазму, но это другие виды оружия и они выделены отдельно, а Particle beam это поток/луч частиц из некого ускорителя частиц. Быть может стоит заменить термин на "Квантовый луч", что-то более короткое в голову не приходит Назвать "Бозонный/мезонный/протонный/антипротонный луч" - наверное не стоит т.к. природа не известна (или известна?). Если будете править, то наверняка этот термин также используется и в других описаниях оружия и брони
5.2) НЛОпедия, "пулеметная лента" - не совсем верно т.к. в самом описании пулемета сказано, что его достоинством является как раз отсутствие пулеметной ленты! в оригинале это просто magazine т.е. обойма.

Надеюсь. написанное выше Вам пригодится. :)

P.S. ээх а теперь запущу игру :)

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