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Messages - DerTee

Pages: [1]
Artwork / Re: WIP Stiletto Crashed
« on: November 20, 2010, 05:50:39 pm »
Cool, so I'll texture this one too.

@H-Hour: I will bother you on IRC about some texture-/UV-mapping-difficulties ;)

Artwork / Re: WIP Stingray Crashed
« on: November 20, 2010, 05:47:19 pm »
Thanks for your feedback! I'm glad you like the model so far :)
So I'm going to start texture work.

Export parts as seperate .MD2's - no problem.

Artwork / WIP Stiletto Crashed
« on: November 19, 2010, 10:26:03 pm »

Again, no work on the textures yet.

How do you like it?

Artwork / WIP Stingray Crashed
« on: November 19, 2010, 10:00:05 pm »
Screenshots first:

Obviously I haven't worked on the textures yet.
So, what do you think? Criticism, suggestions?
No answers will be taken as complete agreement with the direction I'm taking :)

Discussion / Re: UFO:AI needs you. Yes, you.
« on: November 16, 2010, 01:03:19 am »
No problem, I was quite sick for most of last week, so I didn't do much anyway  ;)
And thanks for the compliment!

Collaboration on the same character will probably be quite tricky, because I don't have 3ds max.
But fbx does some good things maybe it'll work that way.

Discussion / Re: UFO:AI needs you. Yes, you.
« on: November 08, 2010, 09:09:44 pm »
Thanks! I'm glad you like my stuff  :D

I sent a pm to Origin, so if he wants me to, I'll work with him on the soldier animations.
For now, I'll look into the crash models of stiletto and stingray.
To be perfectly honest I'm not too keen on mapping, but I'll probably give it a try anyway.

Btw, I had a talk with mattn on IRC the other day and he was nice enough to answer all the questions I had for the time being.

Discussion / Re: UFO:AI needs you. Yes, you.
« on: November 07, 2010, 04:48:30 pm »

I'm a game artist and I'd like to contribute, if there is a need for what I can do. My main focus is on character animation, but that said I'm pretty much an allrounder, I can model, texture (a bit slow, to be honest) and rig. I also know a tiny bit of python scripting, if needed (I made some small changes to the blender fbx-exporter for exports to xna and I made a small tool in Maya for copying tangent alignments to different frames).
Some stuff I made:

high poly head

I'd be very happy to join this project because the original x-com was one of the first games I ever played, so I really like the idea of working on this modern adaption of the classic :)

Pages: [1]