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Messages - squishles

Pages: [1]
Linux / xinerama multi monitor setup
« on: August 24, 2013, 11:33:23 pm »
I'm trying to get ufoai to launch in a window on only one screen, but nothing I try seems to be working :(

I'm on a kde desktop with fglrx drivers, and xinerama(I believe xinerama is what's making it recognize as only one screen and launch between the two screens).

Bugs prior to release 2.4 / Re: INV_EquipmentSanityCheck
« on: August 27, 2010, 04:24:23 am »
Still it might be good to check the civilian* equipments -- you never know who will change the scripts...
But once again not really a bug...

is that civilian packn' heat O.o that might actually be a nifty thing to add like have a few of them with some underpowered pea shooter

Pages: [1]