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Messages - Teemu Milto (Turku)

Pages: [1]
Discussion / Teemu's suggestions for UFO:AI
« on: August 25, 2010, 06:54:12 pm »
Version: 2.3 June 16 2010
-Problem 7.: ctrl + tab blocks the cursor to upper left corner on the desktop

-Problem 6.: saving broke after four saves and wouldn't react to the "save" button any more. It worked after relaunch and starting a new game. Geever, problem six happened again today 29.8.2010 after I had been to the desktop with alt + tab. I think the text field is unresponsive, although it takes in text. It disappears on relaunch from "Windose" 7. I have the new Asus 1215N, with D525 and Ion2
-Problem 5.: Losing 2 soldiers in a terror mission, switching to another terror mission in mid-flight results in that the two soldiers show active buttons but there is nothing in them

-Problem 4.: frag grenades slide past the enemy and drop over the edge of the map.

-Problem 3.: speed doesn't apply -soldier with 20, 22 or 24 speed early in the game has constantly 31 or 32 movement. With all soldiers.

-Problem 2.: weapons can't be activated and read their info in the equip screen, if there is not ammo for that weapon in storage.

-Problem 1.: civilians should give way to soldiers in stairs

-Problem 0.5.: pathfinding should reach across the map, not just the available TUs

-Wish 2.: movement should happen with a double click - one click shows the pathway and shift gives more waypoints

-Wish 1. : grenades should damage walls, metal staircases and other surfaces should pass bullets and be destroyed realistically

I will write more ideas to the top as I find them. Please comment, but you should know that I stopped arguing on web bulletins years ago.

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