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Messages - jbsongaku

Pages: [1]
Linux / SDL_mixer ogg support problem
« on: August 13, 2010, 09:14:20 pm »
Maybe a non UFO:AI problem, but it's giving me some trouble

UFO:AI 2.3 is running fine, except that I get no sound.

Here's the log [excerpt]
Code: [Select]
------- sound initialization -------
SDL_mixer version: 1.2.11
... requested audio rate: 48000
... driver: 'pulse'
... audio rate: 48000
... audio channels: 2
... could not load ogg vorbis support


music change to van_theme (from PsymongN3)
M_Start: Could not load music: 'music/van_theme' (Module format not recognized)
S_LoadSound: Unrecognized sound file type.
S_LoadSound: Could not find sound file: 'weapons/bloodspider'
S_LoadSound: Unrecognized sound file type.
S_LoadSound: Could not find sound file: 'weapons/medikit'

I've been installing/uninstalling SDL_mixer, compiling from source and nothing changes.

Is it possible that the library is located elsewhere in my system and it doesn't get updated?
The sound files are there, the library is there, it is (supposedly) compiled with ogg support, how come it's not working?

Any help would be greatly appreciated

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