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Messages - SpartanCommander

Pages: [1]
Discussion / Alien alien relations
« on: August 04, 2010, 02:56:23 pm »
Here's a thought since thier are likely more than 1 race in this game I had a thought.  Since in most games like this you have the races working together against your forces very well why not make a few of the races not work that well together.  Like some that keep their distance from other races and maybe even some that express hostility to a few of their allied races.  Like a very predatory race that will sometimes use the herbivore race as prey.

This could show a part that show's a bit how the races seem to consider each other.  Like some races in a ship can work exemplary well together and even cause the player more problems and others can make things easier on the player.

Discussion / An idea that may make things even more interesting.
« on: August 04, 2010, 12:10:45 am »
Thought since your an organization that is being funded by the UN an since some countries don't like each other why not have the game have the player have to play out a political bit a bit and even have different senario's dealing with the military of different Governments.

Like one where you troops arrive at an attack to aid in the local troops fighting off the Aliens.  (So far the only guy's there are unarmed civilians I mean chances are their will be an occasional armed one or police or military).

Another could have where that you have an occasional situation where the normal military manages to intercept a ship as well.  Or even occasionally have where a Govenment's military tries to claim a crashed ship that you arrived at to late to claim.

You could also have a enemy human organization which is trying to use the tech from downed alien ship's for unknown purposes and they are not influenced by the aliens but it would show an interesting antagonist group that you may also have to deal with more than the Aliens and the human group could attack the bases with troops more often than the aliens and sometimes bypassing your defenses.  Thus forcing the player to keep a well armed garrison in his bases at all times.

This would not only prove a challenge but the resources you can recover from the attackers from these assaults could also aid the player greatly.

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