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Newbie Coding / Re: Change order of resolutions list
« on: September 13, 2009, 09:53:50 pm »
Well, here is the patch. It modifies both cl_main.c and cl_video.c, sorting the resolutions first by vertical, then by horizontal resolution, and keeping the old selection values to maintain compatibility with old configurations.

To add new resolutions, just add them in the right position and set the index value to the inmediately next free (23 in this case).

Newbie Coding / Re: Change order of resolutions list
« on: September 10, 2009, 01:04:32 am »
The lookup-value idea sounds very good. I'll try. I hope to have it in two days (I'm quite busy these days).

Newbie Coding / Re: Change order of resolutions list
« on: September 08, 2009, 09:52:54 pm »
Hi all:

About the magic numbers, they seem needed to recover the resolution after exiting the game: first I just reordered the resolution without changing the magic number, and it seemed to work; but when I exited and launched it again, the resolution it used was wrong. I was selecting 1680x1050, with magic number 18, and when I relaunched UFOAI, the resolution selected was 1400x1050, which was the one in the position 18 in the reordered list. I, then, changed the magic values, and all worked fine.

So it seems that UFOAI stores that value in the configuration in order to retrieve the resolution the next time the game is launched.

Another detail about ordering: it's not possible to just use a generic string sorting function, because the resolution must be sorted first by vertical resolution, not by horizontal resolution. This is needed to ensure that, in small screens, the user will always be able to see the desired vertical resolutions.

Newbie Coding / Re: Change order of resolutions list
« on: September 06, 2009, 12:59:43 pm »
2.3 version, the SVN one.

But I replaced the original OS in my EEEPC with an off-the-shelf Ubuntu 9.04 (I have the EEEPC 1000H)

Newbie Coding / Change order of resolutions list
« on: August 29, 2009, 12:31:48 pm »
Hi all:

I've been playing with UfoAI for a long time, and found a very frustrating detail in the configuration: the screen resolutions aren't ordered. In a big screen that isn't a problem, because all the resolutions are shown, but when you have a tiny screen like an EEEPC, the resolution you want is outside the screen, so you have to set a big resolution first in order to be able to select the resolution you want.

So I modified the file src/client/cl_video.c and changed the resolutions, ordering them first by vertical resolution, and then by horizontal resolution.

I attach a diff file with the changes; they are very simple.

FAQ / Problems with Ubuntu Linux install with Synaptic
« on: December 31, 2006, 08:48:52 pm »
I have a fully functional sound system :? I'm using Ubuntu Edgy.

Have you used dpkg -i libasound...? or just dpkg libasound...?

Discussion / Re: For spanish gamers around here
« on: December 28, 2006, 12:04:42 am »
Quote from: "papabob"
¿Cuál nos gusta más? ¿"Ufopedia" que suena bien u "Ovniclopedia" que es más coherente?

Como diria Neelix: "Cuando ante tí se abran dos caminos, toma el de enmedio". Así que voto por OVNIpedia.

FAQ / Re: Problems with Ubuntu Linux install with Synaptic
« on: December 27, 2006, 11:59:28 pm »
Hi Voteslave:

Quote from: "voteslave"
I have the repository for UFOAI but when i try and install it in Synaptic i get the following message:

  Depends: libasound2 (>1.0.12) but 1.0.11-7ubuntu3 is to be installed

I downloaded the packages libasound2 and libasound2-dev (versions 1.0.13) from the Debian homepage and installed them with dpkg, and the UFO installation worked fine.

The pages are:

Choose your architecture (i386, I presume) and then a mirror.

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