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Messages - edsepulv

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Linux / Re: New to Linux -- Not Clear On How to Install UFO AI
« on: July 21, 2010, 12:19:31 pm »
I think that the best solution right now for Ubuntu users that do not want/do not know how to compile the game is to install wine (is in the repositories) and then download and install the windows version. I have been playing this way with allmost any problems since V 2.3 was released. Sometimes it hangs when starting the game but yo just have to close the program and start it again. It also hangs for a couple of minutes after starting (you cant move the pointer) but just be patient, after a minute or two everything returns to normall and you can play. Nevertheless I suggest to save your game oftenly because it can crash ocasionally (for me just once since installing and playing every day). Cheers for the developers of this great game and also to the developers of Wine

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