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Messages - MattJames

Pages: [1]
Discussion / Aircraft fires a dark cloud-shaped beam, what is it?
« on: July 20, 2010, 04:44:51 pm »
I'm playing version 2.3 (rel. June 16 2010, Vista 32bit) and I've been searching for an answer to a question that's boggling my mind regarding to air battle: in all air battles my fighters seem to launch this kind of a black or dark blue cloud-shaped beam on UFOs, but my aircraft are only equipped with missiles under both wings and a cannon in the front. They also carry targeting computers and ECM jammers.

This cloud is also relatively deadly, I once had my fighter launch it, then retreated, and had the UFO crash in this cloud. And I think my fighters are not firing anything that looks like the missiles that my base SAM battery fires, even though missiles seem to be used as I need to keep buying more of them.

I don't know what to think of this. Is it that missile graphics are replaced with this cloud-shaped beam (ATI Mobility Radeon HD 3470) or did I just prove my stupidity some way here by asking this question? Or did I find a bug and should I make a report? If so, how should I call this dark cloud-shaped beam?

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