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Messages - gb

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gena@work:~/svn/ufoai_2.3$ svn up
At revision 31039.
gena@work:~/svn/ufoai_2.3$ make
[blah blah]
gena@work:~/svn/ufoai_2.3$ sudo make install

and got same issue...

i can contact someone on irc if help is needed to track this, i joined to #ufoai as gena2x.

Did valgrind run, got same crash in the end, results:

Team 1 ended round
Team 7's round started!
ERROR: Game Error: G_GetShotFromType: unknown shoot type 877097528.

Shutdown server: Server crashed.

==1747== Process terminating with default action of signal 11 (SIGSEGV): dumping core
==1747==  Access not within mapped region at address 0x3A17B6EB
==1747==    at 0x1A581D37: ??? (in /lib/
==1747==    by 0x1A5825BD: _Unwind_Backtrace (in /lib/
==1747==    by 0x13B137DD: backtrace (backtrace.c:91)
==1747==    by 0x58191D: Sys_Backtrace (unix_main.c:543)
==1747==    by 0x581991: Sys_Signal (unix_main.c:568)
==1747==    by 0x13A621EF: ??? (in /lib/
==1747==    by 0x1A581D36: ??? (in /lib/
==1747==    by 0x1A5825BD: _Unwind_Backtrace (in /lib/
==1747==    by 0x13B137DD: backtrace (backtrace.c:91)
==1747==    by 0x58191D: Sys_Backtrace (unix_main.c:543)
==1747==    by 0x51332B: Com_Error (common.c:275)
==1747==    by 0x538A12: SV_error (sv_game.c:85)

==1747== HEAP SUMMARY:
==1747==     in use at exit: 528,399,330 bytes in 72,201 blocks
==1747==   total heap usage: 467,083 allocs, 394,882 frees, 1,511,516,365 bytes allocated
==1747== LEAK SUMMARY:
==1747==    definitely lost: 2,676 bytes in 12 blocks
==1747==    indirectly lost: 103,582 bytes in 1,213 blocks
==1747==      possibly lost: 480,798,688 bytes in 66,558 blocks
==1747==    still reachable: 47,494,384 bytes in 4,418 blocks
==1747==         suppressed: 0 bytes in 0 blocks
==1747== Rerun with --leak-check=full to see details of leaked memory

------------------------  cut, other piece:
==1747== More than 1000 different errors detected.  I'm not reporting any more.
==1747== Final error counts will be inaccurate.  Go fix your program!
==1747== Rerun with --error-limit=no to disable this cutoff.  Note
==1747== that errors may occur in your program without prior warning from
==1747== Valgrind, because errors are no longer being displayed.
R_LoadShader: world_vs.glsl: Compiler Log:

-----------------------  cut, from random places:
many errors in  /usr/lib/

==1747== Invalid read of size 8
==1747==    at 0x13B3E5D4: __strncmp_ssse3 (strcmp.S:101)
==1747==    by 0x5712A4: R_PreprocessShader (r_program.c:375)
==1747==    by 0x571A85: R_LoadShader (r_program.c:533)
==1747==    by 0x571E0E: R_LoadProgram (r_program.c:625)
==1747==    by 0x5726C1: R_InitPrograms (r_program.c:833)
==1747==    by 0x553A6B: R_Init (r_main.c:999)
==1747==    by 0x440D5C: VID_Init (cl_video.c:157)
==1747==    by 0x43B4FE: CL_Init (cl_main.c:1133)
==1747==    by 0x5147F8: Qcommon_Init (common.c:911)
==1747==    by 0x5803FA: main (linux_main.c:48)
==1747==  Address 0x1c1121c9 is 1,177 bytes inside a block of size 1,184 alloc'd
==1747==    at 0x1192D1A7: malloc (vg_replace_malloc.c:195)
==1747==    by 0x51DA4E: _Mem_Alloc (mem.c:321)
==1747==    by 0x517F22: FS_LoadFile (files.c:402)
==1747==    by 0x5719CD: R_LoadShader (r_program.c:522)
==1747==    by 0x571E0E: R_LoadProgram (r_program.c:625)
==1747==    by 0x5726C1: R_InitPrograms (r_program.c:833)
==1747==    by 0x553A6B: R_Init (r_main.c:999)
==1747==    by 0x440D5C: VID_Init (cl_video.c:157)
==1747==    by 0x43B4FE: CL_Init (cl_main.c:1133)
==1747==    by 0x5147F8: Qcommon_Init (common.c:911)
==1747==    by 0x5803FA: main (linux_main.c:48)

updated to 31032.

hitting same problem again and again:

[STATS] alien (Zmolukk Kkr Kraukk) kills gena (Hiroshi Sandvik) with Lob of plasmagrenade
ERROR: Game Error: G_GetShotFromType: unknown shoot type 663658616.

Shutdown server: Server crashed.
==== ShutdownGame ====


System: debian/testing amd64, updated today.
Video: nvidia 195.36.24 /X.Org X Server 1.7.7

Revision: 31032

reproduce: resolution change from 1920x1200->2560x1600

problem observed: only small portion of 3d planet view window is updated strategic map. updated portion located in lower-left corner and surrounded by black space. Look like size of 3d view corresponds to old resolution.

I am hitting this again and again...

nothing useful in backtrace:

(gdb) bt
#0  0x00007ffb4629cd37 in ?? () from /lib/
#1  0x00007ffb4629d5be in _Unwind_Backtrace () from /lib/
#2  0x00007ffb4cd677de in *__GI___backtrace (array=<value optimized out>, size=50)
    at ../sysdeps/x86_64/../ia64/backtrace.c:91
#3  0x000000000058191e in Sys_Backtrace () at src/ports/unix/unix_main.c:543
#4  0x0000000000581992 in Sys_Signal (s=11) at src/ports/unix/unix_main.c:568
#5  <signal handler called>
#6  0x00007ffb4629cd37 in ?? () from /lib/
#7  0x00007ffb4629d5be in _Unwind_Backtrace () from /lib/
#8  0x00007ffb4cd677de in *__GI___backtrace (array=<value optimized out>, size=50)
    at ../sysdeps/x86_64/../ia64/backtrace.c:91
#9  0x000000000058191e in Sys_Backtrace () at src/ports/unix/unix_main.c:543
#10 0x000000000051332c in Com_Error (code=1, fmt=0x5cdcd3 "Game Error: %s")
    at src/common/common.c:275
#11 0x0000000000538a13 in SV_error (
    fmt=0x7ffb403eb0f0 <Address 0x7ffb403eb0f0 out of bounds>) at src/server/sv_game.c:85
#12 0x00007ffb403aa6eb in ?? ()
#13 0x00007f1000000000 in ?? ()
#14 0x00007fffe48042e8 in ?? ()
#15 0x00007fffe480429c in ?? ()
#16 0x00007fffe48042e0 in ?? ()

> btw there are tooltips in interface that tells you to restart game after change different video settings.

Tooltips are speaking about 'Windows users', while i am not windows user.

Bugs in older version (2.3.1) / resolution on-the-fly change problem
« on: July 16, 2010, 09:35:26 pm »
Other bug spotted - changing resolution without restart seem not change size of 3d planet view in strategic map.

Hi, guys.

First as i have a change, huge thanks for developing this excellent game!

Now, my bug:
system: debian/testing amd64.
video: nvidia 195.36.24 X.Org X Server 1.7.7

ufoai source: self-compiled latest revision from svn
problem: crash in first tactical mission
reproduction: happened once

Log on console:
Team 1's round started!
Can't perform action - target out of range!
Ktrukk K Krokk is consumed by mad rage!
Team 1 ended round
Team 7's round started!
ERROR: Game Error: G_GetShotFromType: unknown shoot type 822920840.

Shutdown server: Server crashed.
==== ShutdownGame ====
/usr/local/bin/ufo: line 2: 16623 Segmentation Fault

now turned ulimit -c unlimited to produce better reporst next time.

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