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Messages - TC

Pages: [1] 2
Discussion / Re: Why is this so goddamn hard?
« on: November 23, 2015, 03:31:41 am »
This thread has been about the difficulty of 2.5 and the changes in that version which make it harder than previous versions. On that subject, I have a question:

Are the battlescape starting positions more difficult in 2.5?

I'm doing okay in my 2.5 campaign so far. I lose a soldier from time to time. The only time I take heavy losses, however, seems to be when the dropship puts my soldiers in the middle of the action on Turn 1. I don't remember that being a problem the last time I played in v2.3.

Discussion / Re: Strength gain by weight
« on: November 23, 2015, 02:04:20 am »
Note that it depends on the average weight carried, not the starting weight.
That detail is not mentioned on the wiki page. Based on your assertion, I will add it now, but mark it with "confirmation required".

Discussion / Re: Strength gain by weight
« on: November 22, 2015, 08:38:03 pm »
Thank you for the reference.

Discussion / Re: Strength gain by weight
« on: November 22, 2015, 08:15:20 pm »
To train the strength of soldiers, they have to carry as much weight as possible...
How do you know this? Is it documented somewhere?

Discussion / Re: Do you want a save&quit option from the battlescape?
« on: November 22, 2015, 08:13:12 pm »
Do you want a save&quit option from the battlescape?

Discussion / Re: A Wiki for Each Manual
« on: August 06, 2010, 10:27:54 pm »
Would it be appropriate, then, for me to move Manual/Troubleshooting to Manual/2.3/Troubleshooting?


Discussion / Re: A Wiki for Each Manual
« on: August 06, 2010, 06:02:13 pm »
Let's put this discussion into action. I just created this page: . It is ambiguous regarding its applicability to different versions of UFO AI. How would you suggest I fix that?


Discussion / Re: A Wiki for Each Manual
« on: August 05, 2010, 01:45:50 am »
Bayo and Duke,

From your comments, I can't tell whether or not you see my point.

The 2.4 manual hasn't been written yet, but what happens the first time someone wants to document something in 2.4 which is different from 2.3? Do you end up with one wiki page which is ambiguous regarding its applicability; do you end up with one wiki page with a 2.3 section and a 2.4 section; or do you end up with two wiki pages? Having two wiki pages seems like the best structure to me.


Tactics / Re: Storming harvester
« on: August 04, 2010, 11:26:58 pm »
I can second Siim's strategy. Two soldiers positioned in front of the wings with IR goggles can see almost all aliens in the ship, and are in absolutely no danger. Actually, one spotter seems to be sufficient, but I usually send two anyway. Furthermore, they seem to attract the aliens to them. The distances are such that when an alien stops lingering near a spotter in front of the wing and goes to attack a soldier breaching the stern, he doesn't have enough TUs to hurt the breach team, and he leaves himself in perfect position to be killed by breach team members with short-range weapons, particularly flamethrowers. With this technique, I don't have to storm the ship. I go in far enough to kill the aliens that come back toward the stern, then retreat to just outside the ship and wait for the next group of aliens. Sometimes, an alien doesn't follow this exact script, but they always seem to come within range of either a flamethrower or a grenade launcher, and knowing exactly where they are makes killing them easy. Also, because of the short-range combat, harvesters are a good place to stun aliens.


Discussion / A Wiki for Each Manual
« on: August 04, 2010, 09:27:49 pm »
This website is well organized. It was a good idea to build the manual, the FAQ, and other parts of the website in a wiki. However, I propose that instead of a single wiki, the website would be better served by multiple wikis. Specifically, I suggest one wiki for administration and development and three wikis for the game manuals 2.2, 2.3, and 2.4.

Organizing the documentation by version is a cleaner approach than organizing it by topic and addressing version differences on each page. If that argument isn't persuasive, consider that documentation is subject to the same revision control issues as source code, and it just makes sense to create a branch for each version.

MediaWiki has the capability to host multiple wikis with a single user base. If the website administrator would like to pursue my multiple-wiki suggestion and wants help with the MediaWiki configuration, just let me know.


Feature Requests / Simple Suggestions for UI Controls
« on: August 04, 2010, 08:33:13 pm »
As a new player, I feel the user interface is somewhat clunky. I'd like to offer the following suggestions:

1. The "E" key is too easy to press by mistake. All the keys surrounding "E" change the view. They are pressed when the player is looking at the screen, yet they require a floating hand position (i.e. a position that can't be found by feel, such as the default typing position which uses the bumps on "F" and "J"). Given this situation, "E" is probably the single most likely key on the entire keyboard to be pressed by mistake. Therefore I recommend that the End Turn key be changed to something else. (I know the key bindings can be reconfigured by the user, but I'm suggesting a change to the defaults.)

2. The left mouse button sometimes shoots, sometimes moves, and sometimes changes the selected squad member. The developers have done a good job providing visual cues about which action will happen. Nevertheless, I have accidentally moved squad members when I really meant to change the selection, and I have accidentally instructed squad members to shoot other squad members when I really meant to change the selection. The game has an option to confirm movement, and I find that option does a great job of preventing accidental movement; I recommend that the developers make that option the default. Furthermore, I suggest they create a similar option to help prevent squad members from targeting each other (or, better yet, simply make such targeting impossible).

3. The right mouse button sometimes backs out of the current command and sometimes changes the orientation of the squad member. It is too easy for the player to change orientation (and spend TUs) accidentally when they really intend just to cancel out of a pending command. I suggest the developers either stop using right-click to cancel or stop using right-click to change orientation. My preference would be for shift-right-click, not right-click, to change orientation.

4. When a button opens a window, that same button should close the window. I'm thinking specifically about the Physical Stats and Inventory buttons in combat mode, but there are other places where this rule applies as well.

5. It would be nice if the keys for changing the view in combat mode also worked in geoscape mode.

Experienced users are probably proficient with the existing controls and perceive no problem with them. As a newbie seeing the game through fresh eyes, however, I can affirm that these are areas for improvement.


Discussion / Re: Request for Clarification on Skill Improvement
« on: July 28, 2010, 06:39:00 pm »

Thanks. I updated the wiki with that information.


Discussion / Request for Clarification on Skill Improvement
« on: July 27, 2010, 02:04:21 am »
Can someone explain how skills improve? I've seen the wiki page here: . However, I don't think that page is entirely accurate. Also, it doesn't explain how skill points increase with experience.

When I run the game, I can see in the console how much experience each squad member receives for each mission. However, the experience is reported for skills by number (#0 through #9), not by name (strength through health). What is the skill number for each of the skills?

I'm using version 2.3.


Linux / Re: New to Linux -- Not Clear On How to Install UFO AI
« on: July 26, 2010, 07:02:32 am »
I finally got version 2.3 working.

I was playing version 2.4-dev, and it kept getting buggier. The "Dropping Out of Combat" bug was rare when I started the game, but now occurs on almost every mission. So, I made another effort to get 2.3 working, and I finally succeeded. I'm not sure what made it work. When I compiled it before, I always skipped the "make install" step because I was using "make deb" instead. This time, I did "make install" and now the game works. It doesn't make sense to me, but that's what happened.

So, we can stop the clock now. I see that my first post was on July 14. That means it only took 12 days for me to install UFO AI. Not bad. Thanks for the help from everyone.


Linux / Re: New to Linux -- Not Clear On How to Install UFO AI
« on: July 23, 2010, 07:31:48 pm »
TC, what you describe is pretty much what I get, also using Kubuntu 10.04, but much less sever for the dev version. I get the "can't end turn" bug (very rare), but when I 'retry' the mission it works fine. I had a few occasions in the middle of a mission of dropping out of combat into geoscape, just as if the mission has not started. Not necessarily associated with injury.

Very rough estimate I would say these things happen once for every 8-10 missions. Annoying, but still playable. I also could not get 2.3 to work.


I may have had a run of bad luck yesterday -- the game works much better today. I experimented for about an hour, and I didn't encounter any bugs. I could not recreate the "Crash on Injury" bug which I reported yesterday. So, maybe version 2.4-dev is playable after all.

In any case, it's good to know I'm not the only one encountering these errors. It makes me feel like less of a dummy.


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