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Messages - Ain Soph Aur

Pages: [1]
Offtopic / Re: I'm not really happy with this forum
« on: January 05, 2011, 10:00:23 pm »
I don't think this was the reason for your account deletion. I was inactive for FOUR YEARS, with a lesser post count. Everything was the same as I left it. So either I was very lucky, or some other factor was responsible. Server issues seem the most plausible.

That was what i was told after i asked in the IRC channel, something like: "I could have deleted the account because of inactivity". Which isnt that bad at all, im just personally not really happy with something like that.

Secondly, I don't see how forum administration is reflective of the game development. Different people are responsible for them. Sure it doesn't look professional, but its all volunteer work anyway. Not to mention shit does happen, and forums get more then their of it.

Forum administration doesnt reflect the game development, but as i stated before, i seem to be annoyed by these small things.

Offtopic / Re: I'm not really happy with this forum
« on: January 02, 2011, 05:54:55 pm »
It seems that you are so lucky, because you just like an alien in the game, who attracts someone come to listen about your complaints soon.  ;D

You are absolutely right, but maybe it wasnt luck ;) I could have just deleted my account or (and that was my decission) post my 'problem' here in the forum to be heard. The 'me == alien' thing is a funny comparison - but please dont shoot me  ;)

You may heard that our server at died. We were running on a temporary server for a week or two from backups.
Maybe two (but I'm not sure) days ago Ninex installed our systems to the new server. The missing avatar must be a simple technical problem on migrating. I notified Ninex about it. If you take it personally it's your private problem.


No, i absolutely dont take it personally, really, it was just annoying. I know that this isnt a problem at all compared to the situation your team was involved in the last few days (btw, i thought the server was just down for a short while). I am sorry that i wasn't able to make the connection between the dead server and my problem here in the forum. Never the less, my super little problem was really annoying to me because i seem to be a person that is annoyed by little things like this. Thanks for your help.

And there is something that i want to tell you personally, but my english skills are to f***ed up to get this right, maybe someone will translate it: Wäre ich an deiner Stelle gewesen - ein Entwickler der sicher viel um die Ohren hat und sich in seiner Freizeit dann noch so für dieses Projekt engagiert und gerade einen Server-Ausfall hinter sich hat - ich glaube nicht dass ich dann noch die Muße gehabt hätte mich mit solchem Schrott wie dem meinen Problem auseinander zu setzen. Da sag ich nur TOP! Das spricht für dich als kompetente Persönlichkeit - nicht nur aus professioneller, sondern auch persönlicher Sicht.

Offtopic / I'm not really happy with this forum
« on: January 01, 2011, 05:02:45 pm »
And why should you care? Because i am generally interested in the project, love open source and from time to time i write some posts about the game on my blog. I must admit that i am not a big help for the developers here on the forum. But never the less, i intellectually support your work.

But at this time i am drown away from the board (that i was observing for a long time now) because of some things that happened:
- At first my account has been deleted (that was like a half year ago). I assume, because i was not very active (i had 33 posts at that time). That was very frustrating, because i am not mainly here to post something, but to see what is new on the board and to observe the progress of the project. So deleting an account because someone isnt very active is just not very clever - in my mind. Then i registered again.

- The second thing now is, that my avatar is gone. I dont know how you guys do it, but i am pretty convinced, that chaos is one main aspect in the organization of your project ;) No honestly, this is for sure not very dramatic, but never the less it interferes with my interest in the project (i hope this is linguistically understandable, because i am from germany).

What i basically want to say is, i am loosing interest because of stupid little things that must not happen. Maybe (just maybe) this is something that the forum admins could think about.


Discussion / Re: end of the game
« on: January 01, 2011, 04:39:29 pm »
Is this some kind of a mindf**k or why are you quoting your self?  ;D

Discussion / RSS Feed doesnt work?
« on: November 08, 2010, 12:49:32 am »
I think the RSS feed on the news page ( doesnt work. The path is:
Can someone fix that please?


Coding / Timeline - neu URL?
« on: October 02, 2010, 06:51:22 pm »
Hey guys,

in the past i found it quite interesting to read the latest code changes - the commits. I saw them here:
But they are not there any more. Can someone tell me the new address please?


User modifications / Re: The f---ing key bindings
« on: July 07, 2010, 11:38:26 pm »
The damn file was located in the Application Data folder, along with the savegames

I personally would expect it exactly there...

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