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Messages - Cyber Killer

Pages: [1] 2
Thank you for the info.

How is putting book 1 together  as an epub going? :-)

The cliffhanger at the end of the last chapter was just unfair... keep us waiting for the next one ;-)

Cool :-).

I read all current 18 chapters over the past few days on my ebook reader (using dotepub I converted the webpages to epub files) and I had quite a lot of fun. The only criticism that I'd give right now is that there are sometimes too few descriptions of what is happening over too many dialogues. Especially when there's a lot of action (like in chapter 12) I found myself wondering where the characters are and what are they doing, also who is speaking.

Waiting for more :-).

Thx for the info - personally I'm waiting for the epub. I read the first 2 chapters on the web, but that's not a comfortable way to read.

Maybe I missed this info, but how many chapters are there going to be?

Linux / Re: I just want to play a game .....
« on: October 06, 2010, 07:53:13 am »
New package version on playdeb: 2.3-1~getdeb3 - the battles still don't work ;-P.

Linux / Re: I just want to play a game .....
« on: October 04, 2010, 08:39:26 am »
I updated today the package from playdeb (now version 2.3-1~getdeb2) and I can confirm it's broken ;-P. The battlescape works as before, but it impossible to enter any missions (nothing happens) or play skirmish (goes back to main menu).

Code: [Select]
Change gametype to 'Skirmish mode'
------- Loading -------
LoadLibrary failed (
ERROR: failed to load game library
Shutdown server: Server crashed.
Shutdown gametype 'Skirmish mode'

Linux / Re: Help. Ufoai 2.3 crashes after initial screen
« on: October 04, 2010, 08:16:50 am »
It is possible, but you'd probably have to compile it yourself + probably have to compile some of the libraries that need newer versions too. It's a bit of extra work, but it should be possible.

Linux / Re: Help. Ufoai 2.3 crashes after initial screen
« on: October 02, 2010, 12:44:22 pm »
Well, I've worse than that in my eeepc and it runs, have you tried with desktop effects off?

You miss the point :-). This is not about the card performance.

In eee you got Intel GMAwhatever, with full opengl support.

totdragos has an old Ati GPU that's unable to use the properietary driver (Ati/AMD dropped support for every card older than HD2xxx some time ago), that's why he's using the open source radeon driver, which AFAIK doesn't support opengl to its full.

If totdragos would downgrade his xorg and kernel (not a good option) to the last version that's able to use fglrx I recon UFO would run fine.

Possible solutions: get new laptop (duh ;-P ) or wait for the next ubuntu release (10 oct), which will have a newer version of the radeon driver that maybe will have better opengl support.

Yes, I agree Ati showed it's users the middle finger by dropping support for older cards, but the new Radeons are just great (I got HD3850) ;-). Note the performance and compatibility of the open source drivers will get better with time (in 2D it's already better than the properietary).

Linux / Re: Help. Ufoai 2.3 crashes after initial screen
« on: October 01, 2010, 12:46:59 pm »
My guess: it's the driver.

Your GPU is ATIXpress 200M, which is basically Radeon X300 and as such uses the free/open radeon driver, which is good enough for desktop effects, but IMO is still not ready for games.

Since you can't use any other driver (fglrx requires currently at least Radeon HD2000 series), I would recommend getting some new hardware. Or wait till the new ubuntu release (which should be sometime next month), maybe a new driver version will help.

Linux / Re: I just want to play a game .....
« on: September 28, 2010, 07:11:34 am »
Well... apart from a file conflict between ufoai and ufoai-server (they both seem to have the same manpage) and awful sound stuttering in the game (though this can be caused by my crappy laptop soundcard) UFO:AI 2.3 from playdeb seems to run a-o-k ;-). This should help all the ubuntu users that just want to play a game without compiling ;-).

Linux / Re: I just want to play a game .....
« on: September 26, 2010, 08:16:56 am »
Playdeb just put ufoai 2.3 in their repository. No newer sdlmixer though ;-P. I'm going to test if this runs on monday.

Linux / Re: I just want to play a game .....
« on: September 14, 2010, 02:28:24 pm »
amd64 builds aren't limited to only AMD processors. amd64 architecture is currently the most popular among new machines (Intel uses it also). All you need is ubuntu 64bit.

But there's a catch - the SDL Mixer in Ubuntu is too old for UFO AI 2.3 (the UFO debs from sourceforge won't work), so either you wait for the next Ubuntu version, or compile this yourself, or download 2.1 or whatever previus version there is.

On a side note, probably the easiest way to get UFO (and many other games) is from (they have a repository).

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