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Messages - Snidely

Pages: [1]
Discussion / Re: Advice for semi-noob?
« on: July 04, 2010, 11:38:27 am »
The quickest fix for reaction fire is to open the console by pressing ` once you're on the battlefield and then typing in "set g_reaction_fair 0" without the quotes. You'll see a message telling you the change will take effect on a reload, so leave the console by hitting ESC, go to the main menu by hitting ESC again, and click on "Retry".

You can test whether this has worked by going back to the console once it's reload and typing "g_reaction_fair". It should give you a message such as "g_reaction_fair set to 0". IIRC this makes it so that reaction fire depends just on the soldier's speed - it's not perfect, but it's better.

This only needs to be done once a game, it'll remember g_reaction_fair being 0 for battles until you exit the program.

Also, as a tip: research laser tech -> laser ammo -> laser rifles asap. Laser rifles are really accurate, pack a good punch until aliens get medium armour and are relatively cheap with the TUs. In all honesty I think the TUs for lasers should be bumped from 7 to 9 for single shot and 12 to 14 for three-burst; on maps where you're dumped straight into a shoot-out I used to have to scramble for cover, but with all lasers I just annihilate most of the enemy from the get-go.

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