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Messages - rom_as

Pages: [1]
Linux / Re: Unable to enter missions
« on: July 01, 2010, 07:55:58 am »
I see directory /usr/lib/games/ufoai/base/ don't work now. In all early versions, up to 2.2.1, it work.
I place to directory with data files /usr/share/games/ufoai/base and mission enter begin work fine.

Linux / Re: Unable to enter missions
« on: June 26, 2010, 03:01:44 pm »
most probably missing (or it is in wrong dir).
OK. What place correct?
I place the library to /usr/lib/games/ufoai/base/ directory, like into official packages for Debian.

Linux / Re: Unable to enter missions
« on: June 25, 2010, 12:36:36 pm »
I have like problem. All built correct and data files allowed.
But on time mission enter I get errors into console:
 ------- Loading -------
LoadLibrary failed (
ERROR: failed to load game library
Shutdown server: Server crashed.
music change to karlmacklin_geoscape (from van_geoscape)
ALSA lib pcm.c:7234:(snd_pcm_recover) underrun occured

Pages: [1]