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Messages - DreamWorker

Pages: [1] 2
7 of 8 soldiers are immured in dropship in map Big sity when tactical game started - i cant select them or move.

Bugs prior to release 2.4 / Re: Anyone else notice MD2 animation errors?
« on: November 10, 2010, 10:07:32 pm »
August 07 - i first time saw animations flicker. And now - I download
And see same - dead corpuses have tremor...

I'm poor in Pure C...
It will be great if this bug will be fixed sometime.. So just only hope remain..

Bugs prior to release 2.4 / [31309] (kill last alien?) - get game hang
« on: August 09, 2010, 12:40:16 am »
2010/08/09 02:31:16 Team 7's round started!
2010/08/09 02:31:16 [STATS] alien (Onukark H Hrkakk) kills DreamWorker (Sujitha Heikkinen) with Snap Shot of pistol_ammo
2010/08/09 02:31:22 Team 7 ended round
2010/08/09 02:31:22 Team 0's rou
Looks like it was last alien... So skirmish game hang when all alien was killed?

Next play(when kill last alien) have assertion hit:
Assertion failed!
Program: С: \UFOAI-2.4-dev\ufо. exe
File: С: \UFOAIwin32BUILDenv\MinGW\ufoai\s... \g_inventory. с
Line: 357
Expression: ic->item.t
For Information on how your program can cause an assertion failure, see the Visual C++ documentation on asserts
(Press Retry to debug the application - JIT must be enabled)

After ending my round game have hanged

2010/08/09 03:47:41 [STATS] End of game - Team 1 is the winner
2010/08/09 03:47:41 [STATS] Soldier Gavriil Mohanta earned 46 experience points in skill #0 (total experience: 46). It is now 0 higher.
2010/08/09 03:47:41 [STATS] Soldier Gavriil Mohanta earned 91 experience points in skill #1 (total experience: 91). It is now 0 higher.
2010/08/09 03:47:41 [STATS] Soldier Gavriil Mohanta earned 80 experience points in skill #2 (total experience: 80). It is now 0 higher.
2010/08/09 03:47:42 [STATS] Soldier Gavriil Mohanta earned 450 experience points in skill #3 (total experience: 450). It is now 2 higher.
2010/08/09 03:47:42 [STATS] Soldier Gavriil Mohanta earned 600 experience points in skill #4 (total experience: 600). It is now 2 higher.
2010/08/09 03:47:42 [STATS] Soldier Gavriil Mohanta earned 0 experience points in skill #5 (total experience: 0). It is now 0 higher.
2010/08/09 03:47:42 [STATS

2010/08/08 20:45:57 ********************
2010/08/08 20:45:57 ERROR: Game Error: Could not find item in inventory of ent 1 (type 2) at 6:0
2010/08/08 20:45:57 ********************
2010/08/08 20:45:57 Shutdown server: Server crashed.

Bugs prior to release 2.4 / Re: [31292] strange GUI display TU bug
« on: August 08, 2010, 06:27:53 pm »
Its  happened when shotgun fire last ammo.

Start Skirmish game-> Goto menu(Esc) select Abort 2 times -> GUI hang

Bugs prior to release 2.4 / Re: Anyone else notice MD2 animation errors?
« on: August 08, 2010, 12:47:04 am »
I saw same MD2 animation corruption.

Bugs prior to release 2.4 / [31292] strange GUI display TU bug
« on: August 08, 2010, 12:10:36 am »
When using weapons (commonly shotgun) sometimes in GUI TU do not reduce after fire. Then when try to fire again solder do nothing in spite of GUI show that there is enough TU to do this. Then command solder to crouch and suddenly solder TU reduce from (for example) 16->2.

Discussion / Re: nice try
« on: June 26, 2010, 11:09:57 pm »
Let me handle this...
First off, The reaction fire is fine but If you don't like it, try looking around the forum. I remember that somewhere there's a way to revert it to the older system. that is, if your too thick to use the current system.
Who will fire first, the active actor or one making reaction fire, depends on speed skill of each actor and TU needed to make a shot from primary weapon of each actor.

We know that some weapons do not have really RF (sniper rifles, machine gun, particle rifle and so on)
Or probability of RF using this weapons sufficient small so turn RF on with this weapons is useless.
So this article is incorrect or

1. Actor have too low speed skill to use RF.
2. Actor use inappropriate weapon to RF.
- We need to produce weapons test and create table of weapons suitable for RF?

Many of weapons have RF in GUI but not all of them really have RF. It is discourage.
I don't have assurance that my solder in RF fire at least one shot on appeared enemy.
It looks like that solder do not fire on my turn when I command him.

Where is specification to understand howto correctly use RF?
Help me please.

Discussion / Re: reaction fire fix?
« on: June 26, 2010, 02:47:34 pm »
Can you specifiy a bit what exactly you did please:
- uninstall game and delete all files (have some problems with graphics)
do exact as you tell in "Guide"

set g_reaction_fair 0
set g_reaction_fair "0"
set g_reaction_fire 0
set g_reaction_fire "0"

then tried campaign - send to mission 8 snipers and they killed aliens in RF with snap shots

I'm using snipers with snap shot in harassing fire tactics, sometimes they hit somebody.

A bad with RF - it's floating instability.
IRL if you have weapon(or device) that somtimes work well and sometimes have malfunction and you doesn't know when it will work and when will not - better do not use this device or weapon.

Discussion / disable "civilian spotted" center view
« on: June 26, 2010, 02:04:23 pm »
Is it possible to disable camera center view only on discovered civilians but still center on enemies?

Discussion / Re: reaction fire fix?
« on: June 26, 2010, 01:57:22 pm »
Ок with this fix RF work good except sniper rifle in precise mode not work (sniper rifle snap shot work well but not at close range)

Particle Rifle havn't RF(
Flamethrower (top mode 2x fuel) work well
assault rifle 3 shot work well
all pistols seems to ok

Discussion / Re: reaction fire fix?
« on: June 26, 2010, 10:38:24 am »
Ok, question to developers - in 2.3 reaction fire functionality is testing beta-version or some bug-glitch or it works exactly as planned?
So, in fact that RF is useless now - it's specification of UFO AI 2.3?

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