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Messages - Kaso

Pages: [1]
Bugs in older version (2.3.1) / Alien AI
« on: June 22, 2010, 01:20:51 pm »
Sometimes the Aliens act strange.

It happend several times that aliens tried to shoot trough walls. It looks like they dont "see" the wall and fire 3-4 shoots right into it while a target is standing behind the wall. Good for my soldiers... bad for the fun-to-play part...

Bugs in older version (2.3.1) / Deconstruct UFO
« on: June 22, 2010, 01:13:32 pm »
The time needed to deconstruct an UFO is buggy.

E.g. if it says it needs 1000 hours, and you look in 8 days later, its not 808h as it is supposed to be, instaed it is something about 900-950h.

I guess there is a failcalculation.

I didnt look into it, but the same problem might also exist during the production of normal stuff.

Pages: [1]