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Messages - wcanyon

Pages: [1]
Discussion / Re: reaction fire fix?
« on: June 24, 2010, 04:23:51 pm »
the TUs of the fire mode affect when a soldier fires, so selecting an apropriate wappon/firemode might help

You're assuming I didn't do that. I did. All 6 had reaction fire mode checked and had save time for reaction fire (the shield button) was turned on.

Discussion / Re: reaction fire fix?
« on: June 24, 2010, 08:15:23 am »
I did just see a reaction fire happen. 6 guys pointing at the door of a UFO. 2 had double pistols, rest had rifles (maybe one GL in there). All had "save TU for reaction fire" turned on. 3 aliens pop out and shoot at me. Of the 6 guys pointing at the door, only one of the ones that had a pistol fired back. So maybe it's just rifles?

Either way, I think I'm gonna put this game away until next version. Autoresolve is behaving strangely and reaction fire is broken.

Discussion / Re: reaction fire fix?
« on: June 24, 2010, 07:48:55 am »
I just lost 3 dudes to aliens "popping out" of a door. While 4 dudes were pointed at the door and had TUs for reaction fire. This blows.

Discussion / Re: reaction fire fix?
« on: June 24, 2010, 05:42:56 am »
I won't say that it's broken because I *have* seen it happen. However, it only happened once and it was a flamethrower.

Maybe RF only works with some weapons? I had 8 guys standing at the entrance of a UFO, 6 had plasma rifles, 2 had plasma blasters. An ortnok popped out, killed one of my guys and popped back in and no one fired. 7 of the 8 guys had TUs left for a snap shot. The little check mark next to snap shot was checked for each weapon.

It looks like it's 90% broken to me.

I bet I've lost 10 or 12 guys over the course of my playtime because of this issue.

The .cfg file fix didn't work for me.

Discussion / production much much slower than research
« on: June 21, 2010, 08:17:03 pm »
It seems like when I play UFOAI my research teams are way way ahead of my production teams. Despite them being about equal in number. It seems like it took a team of 20 mechanics several months to build 10 Aerial Lasers. This seems a little unbalanced. Is there something I'm doing wrong?

Discussion / blocked from proceeding into interior of ufo
« on: June 21, 2010, 08:13:20 pm »
I tried a harvester mission today (I think it was a chinese farm map) and found that I couldn't complete the mission because there were parts of the ship I couldn't access -- especially the parts where the aliens were hiding. So I had to restart. Same issue happened again. This has happened several times over the course of about 10 hours of play time. It's annoying because I've been able to access those parts of the ship before (wearing same armor) on other maps.

Is it a bug with that map? Do I need to send one guy on every mission who's not wearing composite armor? 

Discussion / what's with auto missions?
« on: June 21, 2010, 08:10:20 pm »
I was finding that there were way way too many missions for me to go through them one by one. I've played up till about the end of the first year. So I started trying auto missions. The thing I'm wondering about is why I try an auto mission, lose the battle, but not lose any men. Then send the team back in... over and over and over and over... and then wham success with no losses. It seems broken. I didn't see any sliders that said "be super careful when running an auto mission" but I've never lost any men on an auto mission. Typically lose 1 or 2 on a manual mission.

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