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Messages - Gallaecio

Pages: [1]
Sounds and Music / Re: sound license & sound resource page link
« on: June 19, 2010, 04:55:18 pm »
I was reading news about the last release, and I remembered seeing this game in Libregamewiki listed as non-free. I went there then, and I saw it was because of the reasons here explained. Then (before getting to this old topic) I followed the link in libregamewiki and it takes to nowhere. The CONTRIBUTORS file is not in trunk anymore.

So, I wonder:
1) Is it because now the game solved that licensing problem and now all sounds as free as in freedom (and I mean,
2) because the file is now somewhere else, or
3) because you just deleted it but those sounds are still there?

I would really appreciate an answer, since it's really important to me to know if UFO:AI can or can not be deleted from the non-free games list at libregamewiki.

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