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Messages - squamulus

Pages: [1]
The Final Round begins today!

The winners from each genre are now pitted against one another to see who is truly the best. To check out the results from round one and cast your vote, click here.

Thanks and have fun,



You guys were one of the nicest gaming communities I interacted with. SO. I thought, in the spirit of benevolent reciprocation, that I'd show you what was happening behind the competition.

You and Battle for Wesnoth are the major competitors in your genre. The votes are basically going to either of you, with a little blood letting for the others. So HERE is my problem.

It looks like a solid chunk, sure, but it's nothing a large fistful of individuals couldn't fix. I want to see you guys win, even if it means counting hanging chads in your favor. Tell Battle for Wesnoth whatsup.


My my my. Thank you for the epic save Bayo.

Let me know if you guys have a specific video for UFOAI or anything else I can do.


Discussion / Voting for the Open Source Gaming Competition has Begun!
« on: June 23, 2010, 07:59:49 pm »
The day has arrived.

Voting for the best open source game on the web has begun. We've broken the list down into 10 genres. Vote on the art, innovation, storyline, and overall gaming experience to decide what games from the 10 genres will go head to head in the final round.

I'll post some results every day so you can see how your game, and gaming community, stacks up against the rest.

*dons battle cap*

Let's do this.


PS - thanks for being such a welcoming community. You guys are great. Best of luck in the competition!

Discussion / Re: Open Source Game Competition
« on: June 21, 2010, 06:39:16 pm »
To disable the previews there is a little link on the window that pops up that allows you to get rid of them. After doing some strenuous google-work I found this to be the only solution, since I currently have no plugins.

But! On an even more helpful note...

We've collected 40 nominations so far. The voting starts toward the end of the week, so I'll keep you posted about when you should run over and click the UFO: ALIEN INVASION button to get your game to the top.

Thanks for the help with wordpress ^^

Discussion / Re: Open Source Game Competition
« on: June 17, 2010, 10:19:27 pm »
Hmmm. I don't know if it's because it's the new wordpress, but I don't have any plugins installed, let alone an actual directory to look at them. I took a screenshot of my menu bar and even did some forum trolling to find out what, precisely, is going on. Could it be that it's integrated into the new wordpress?

Looking foolish,

Discussion / Re: Open Source Game Competition
« on: June 17, 2010, 08:50:21 pm »

I tried finding the thumbnailing-link-pop-up-esque setting by have no idea where it may be. I checked using my browser and it doesn't do the same for me. Is it a browser enabled setting, possibly?

Discussion / Re: Open Source Game Competition
« on: June 17, 2010, 08:46:21 pm »
WELL! I didn't even know they were doing that. I'll go slap wordpress around and get it cleaned up. Thanks for the feedback ^^

Discussion / Open Source Game Competition
« on: June 17, 2010, 07:52:05 pm »
I'm working with a few guys on a project for indie game developers. The two of them quit their jobs about a year ago to focus on building a marketplace for indie games that gives developers more freedom and opportunities to collaborate. We're now almost ready for an open beta, and we need both games and people to help us test the platform.

To that end, we thought we might hold a competition to find some noteworthy open source games.  The goal of the competition is to grant recognition to open source developers who have contributed to the community in a way you feel is important.  Since our platform is based on indie game development, we're looking to celebrate the work of open source indies you love, granting their developers some recognition and allowing us to feature some favorite open source games from the community in our marketplace.

What do you think of this idea?  Who are some people in the community with open source projects that you think deserve recognition?

Here's the blog with guidelines for the competition:
I'll be improving the site based on your feedback to make sure it's as awesome as possible, so feel free to drop your advice below. If you think the structure of the competition itself needs to be heavily modified I'll gladly take your suggestions. We'll be running more competitions in the future, so any input now would be great.


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