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Messages - micmad830

Pages: [1]
Fixed the problem myself. Sorry for worrying you guys  ;D
I just forgot to compile the map files.
When I did using the batch file, it took 5 hours on my primitive Athlon 64x2 platform.
Afterwards, the game worked like gold.
Compliments to the designers and coders. Heaps better than the 2008 version!

Mea Culpa! I just started doing this stuff, so I have a steep learning curve to negotiate here.

Was able to recently compile latest build. Started to play at Standard difficulty. Noticed the following:
- No alien activity until the middle of second month. Old 2008 version had lots of activity after just 1 month.
- Alien scout landed in North America. My first base is in North America. Sent troop transport, it confirmed that it reached the destination, but would not enter combat mode. Would only let me do Auto-mission which is what I do NOT want to do. I hope this is not a feature.

To the UFO AI gurus, can you please tell me:
- what files should I look at to fix the problem;
- what functions are involved.


Newbie Coding / Re: Trouble compiling - preprocessing failed
« on: June 13, 2010, 12:15:31 am »
No offense taken.

Why do I sloppily put spaces in my directory names? The same reason I sometimes don't give a toss about capitalisation - Windows made me do it! Windows is so relaxed in this area that I have become sloppy.
During my Unix days I know you will be crucified if you typed Ufo when you meant UFO, and shot if you created a directory like c:\Ufo Build 4503 June 12, 2010.

Renamed directory d:\UFO_Build. Changed all the search directories as well.
It worked!!!
It was all my fault. Thanks guys.

Now for the tough stuff of actually coding and adding stuff like maps and other assets....

Newbie Coding / Trouble compiling - preprocessing failed
« on: June 12, 2010, 01:32:21 pm »
Hello folks
First of all I would like to congratulate everyone involved in running this site and those who worked on the game, you guys did very well.
I downloaded the 2008 version and was hooked, until I encountered a nasty bug that wiped all the scientists from main base after a research was completed during June.
So I decided to find out how to debug this myself rather than rely on a fix. I know I can download the newer version, but I want to make other changes and tinker with stuff.

I am mainly a Visual Studio user, but I have experience in Unix builds.
I have followed all the directions in the pages "Getting the Source", "Compiling the Source->Windows".
Running Code::Blocks and opening the workspace, I did a complete rebuild after making changes in the "settings->compiler and debugger" menu. I thoroughly checked that I complied to web page instructions.
I have downloaded source using Tortoise SVN into "D:\UFO-AI". I have installed the prepackaged zip into "D:\UFOAI BUILD". I have made all path changes to the environment variable PATH.
I am running Windows XP SP2.

I ended up getting these errors:

Target is up to date.
Running target pre-build steps
..\..\contrib\scripts\codeblocks_check.bat "D:\UFOAI Build\codeblocks\MinGW\"
D:\UFOAI Build\codeblocks\MinGW\
"unable to find D:\UFOAIB~1\CODEBL~1\MinGW\bin\WINenvVER"

-------------- Build: windows in ufo_ded ---------------

Compiling: ..\..\src\ports\windows\ufo.rc
gcc: Build\codeblocks\MinGW\include: No such file or directory
windres.exe: preprocessing failed.
Process terminated with status 1 (0 minutes, 2 seconds)
1 errors, 0 warnings

Can anyone please tell me why I am getting these errors? What have I missed? I could not find "WinenvVer" anywhere.

Thank you heaps!

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