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Messages - Deilure

Pages: [1]
Offtopic / Re: hint X-COM remake in the works with 2K
« on: June 03, 2010, 12:37:24 pm »
I heard that this new remake is to take place in the 50's.  Sounds like a bad move imo, as the tasteless, boring, and almost comical qualities that usually characterize 50's aliens don't belong in the X-Com universe.  Not to mention all the chrome and shiny metals used in construction.  It's just too sterile for X-Com.  Hopefully they won't go down that route.

Besides that, I feel as though the way the original X-Com was set in modern, present times gave it a better fear factor.  Almost as though an invasion could really happen.  It at least made you think about the possibility.

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