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Messages - Svevlad

Pages: [1]
Discussion / Re: Base-launched cruise missiles?
« on: May 15, 2010, 02:03:53 pm »
Well the problem is that it was hard to tell how the bloody thing works because if you click on some other facilities in your base, Ufopaedia opens with a description, not with an options menu. So I figured out that it must be a classic defense turret like sonic defenses in X-COM TFTD e.g. when your base is under attack you can defend it with it and that is all...Until I discovered that you can interact with it through the base.

Discussion / Re: Base-launched cruise missiles?
« on: May 15, 2010, 09:29:49 am »
Posted by: Hertzila 
Just a quick note, isn't the existing missile launcher basically this? Big AA missiles fired over long distances to relieve some stress from your interceptors?

Thank you man...It seems that you're the onlyone who understands english

Discussion / Re: Base-launched cruise missiles?
« on: May 15, 2010, 09:27:43 am »
Well well...Today I realised that Missile Silo does exist in-game and yet the noble admin and you took a poop on the idea...I apologise for missunderstanding but...the whole time noone but the last person who wrote the post ever thought to mention it? Damn...
The idea was just like it is in-game...a bloody Missile Silo which fires missiles at the upcoming alien crafts...nothing more nothing less...Well maybe more graphically

Discussion / Re: Base-launched cruise missiles?
« on: May 14, 2010, 06:49:54 pm »
I think he meant something a bit bigger, probably intercontinental. But problem is that to carry enough fuel to get big enough payload fast enough over such distance, you'd need something as big as Saturn V. And such things are hard to miss.

NO I did not mean to shoot aliens with A-bombs, I meant using an expendable interceptor-like missile for engaging alien aircraft which is too fast or very tough.

Discussion / I agree
« on: May 13, 2010, 05:42:19 pm »
Well I totally agree that it isnt that kind of game. But this is a game of variety, so choosing different strategies could be more interesting. Anyway I drop my case. The idea came because it would be very easy to insert such thing because it would differ almost only cosmeticaly from the ceptors. May I ask why did you dropped the idea of naval/underwater battles? I am a new member so I dont know. Was it because of engine/code problems? Or is it just too much work?

Discussion / Re: Base-launched cruise missiles?
« on: May 13, 2010, 04:47:18 pm »
Ok then :)
I thought it would be more realistic... You could only build one missile silo capable of launching one missile as a heavy support for interceptors. After that you need to make another one. I did not know that it would bring disbalance much

Mapping / More germs!
« on: May 13, 2010, 04:26:20 pm »
I thought that we should repaint some of the models to havemore 'dirtier', post-apocalyptic look. For example, deserted looking buildings, broken windos, flipped cars, ....

Discussion / Base-launched cruise missiles?
« on: May 13, 2010, 04:20:41 pm »
It would be a Geoscape weapon, launched just like interceptors but the main difference would be that it would be much faster, more powerful... and expendable. Useful when dealing with superior enemy crafts and super-fast ones.
It would require missile silo building also...

Discussion / Weapon platforms?
« on: May 13, 2010, 04:15:48 pm »
Hello all... I am a beginner in modeling and I use Maya. Sorry if I overlooked the topic over tactical battle vehicles, I failed to find any. So...I am prepaired to make a stun grenade launcher vehicle based on Yugoslavian BOV-M or Battle Armored Vehicle Militia Issue. I am a serb myself, and I saw what this impressive vehicle can do

I thought about it for a long time and it seems that it would be very useful in dealing with aliens. However, there is a possibility that such a support weapon would be too much powerful expecially if given to the player at the begining. You see, the idea is that such a vehicle would be able to fire multiple stun grenades/shells/whatever each turn. I gave it a theoretical 3 rounds per turn rate of fire. It should be medium armored like in real life, of average speed. I would also remove the fence system because it would be too complicated to use it in-game. It WOULD NOT act as an APC which actually is.
So...what do you think?

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