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Messages - ashtiboy

Pages: [1]
Mac / Re: A little help?
« on: April 01, 2017, 12:48:56 am »
the game crashes the moment you try to run a 64 bit game on a 32 bit MAC OS X version the log says the your os is 32 bit and the build is at lest 64 bit why are you useing mac os x 10.6 that  is so old that not even the basic of the most basic will run your os is like no longer sorpoted by even apple them self heck it's not even sold in apple stores anymore in fact no mac programer with any common sense will toch mac os x 10.7 with a 100 foot pole and even mac os x 10.8 is no longer sorported everyone else that can do anything on a mac uses like mavrick and de captain and serea only now you cant even update you os to mac os x 10.9 and up without manaly geting puting the mac os x 10.8 sistem install disks and install mac os 10.8 first it looks like you need to eather install mac os x 10.8 ferst then update mac os x 10.9 to mac os x 10.12 useing the app store  do you know that mac os x 10.6 and mac os x 10.7 dont even HAVE a app store to even update WITH and for free too OR GET A GOSH DARN NEW MAC THAT DOSN"T HAVE A OS THATS SO OLD IT CANT  EVEN HAVE A GOSH DARN ABITY TO HAVE ONLINE UPDATES OR USE SDL FRAME WORKS OR EVEN CANT RUN UFO AI BECUSE EVEN THE UFO AI 2.4 dev build is newer then that crap

Mac / Re: A little help?
« on: April 01, 2017, 12:32:20 am »
the mac os version you have is so old i'm surprized that it even could even log in on to the internet WHY ARE YOU USEING a mac os version thats SO OLD that  NO LONGER EVEN SURPORTED BY LIKE 100% not even the earlyest open sorce games that are like 12+ years old wont run on that os get mac os x 10.8 is the oldest os the ufo ai sdl can work on

so before writeng that the ufo ai univseral 2.6 dev build wont work. make sure the game app file is not runing in the dmg mounted folder. and make sure you are runing mac os x 10.8 and up before you write the bug report gosh am i the only mac user here that got ufo ai to run on mac os x 10.12 without even haveing to know how to program  due to the fact the problem is the mac os x cant find the framework files to run the game to set the game up is ether the os is too old or its in a gosh darn read only folder two every easy probems to fix theres nothing wrong with the build code its self its just the sistem cant run a game thats needs to write data if it can't write the data in the first place that game needs to write the user libairy config foulder if ufo ai is trying to run in  in a read only location due to programed sistem fallsafes in every mac theres a reason the mac uses store user data sepitly from the os sitem folders is to make games run in a self contened runtime to make games run without crashing the whole computer

also another factor here is most of the mac os x versions pre mac os x 10.8 wont run ufo ai is becue of apple sdl libeiry overhule durning mac os x 10.1 thogh mac os x 10.7 was very raply changeng untill mac os x 10.8 is when they finaly decided to store frameworks that games used in the app it self and also have a framework file stored in  the users libary folder as a fallback thats the secound only other reason ufo ai wont work is mac os x 10.1 thoure mac os x 10.7 are not open sorce sorce frenndly due to apple makeing contesnt chages to framework data overhalls raply untill they stoped overalling in mac os x 10.8 due to the fact apple between mac os x 10.1 and mac os x 10.7 are tecnaly  unstable beta builds

it seams i know the game wont run if its opened if the game  it self is still in dmg when dmg file is mounted the perpouse of the dmg file on mac os x is like a zip or rar package file but on steroilds the main trick here is the main reson you guys cant get it to run is a mounted dmg file is read only meda like a thumb drive or cd or dvd you got to click and drag the game off the mounted dmg folder into anywere that the mac os can read and write data like in the app folder in order for the sistem to able to set up and save ufo ai config setings into the users libary folder thats why the build wont run its in a READ ONLY FOLDER

Mac / Re: How to access package contents.
« on: March 31, 2017, 11:36:28 pm »
to run ufo al on mac os x builds for dummys

1. on mac dubole click the dmg file that was downloaded untill it's mounted.  2. look for a white harddrve icon that has name dmg file name.  3. doble cliick on that then a window will pop up that has the game in it. 4. click drag game app into the applcation folder. 5. eject mounted dmg. 6. doble click on the game app in appcation folder to run.

i'm just woundering why are you tryng to run the game in a dmg mounted disk its techaly like runng a program on a read only thumb drive it wont work

Mac / Re: Trouble Installing on OSX
« on: March 09, 2017, 12:11:11 am »
i think you need at lest mac os X 10.8 and up to run the 2.6 build becuse any mac os x version before that will not work due to the sdl reworking  dueing between mac os x version 1-7 get a up to date os thats at lest 8 and up with xcode that comes with sead os and make sure that the game is not run in the dmg but in the apps folder instead if this helps thats how i got it to work becuse durring mac os x 1-7 apple was remodleing there framework files very fast so you need mac os x 8 and up thats when the frame works stoped being moved around and by the way the 2.6 universal build works on mac os x 10.12.1 on my late 2015 27 inch imac with renta 5k just fine with just little to no isues other then kinda some off center click and drag issues

Mac / Re: OSX installers
« on: February 24, 2017, 11:57:54 pm »
hey guys i got a mac and i just tested the 2.6 mac dev universal build from 2014-06-03 and it works fine on my late 2015 27inch imac wich has like Mac OS X 10.12.1 wich is mac os sierra wich is like very new so all we need to do now is use the code from the 2.6 mac dev universal compile code as a baseline standerd for new 2.6 nightly builds for mac i can test them

the mac os x 2.6 dev universal build screenshot  date 2014-06-03 is working. this is on my computers os mac os x version 10.21.1 witch is the secound newest OS for mac used as standerd. when i run the game theres  barily any issues other then slight battlescape map flickering, game comand consle scrolling issues and slightly off center click and drag in the ui.  now can say build compile issues are comfermed fixed. now the main issue is the mac nightly builds now need to be updated with the latest source code becuse the the mac 2.6 nightly build is like over 2 years old and needs to catch up i'm willing to test any new updated screenshot builds useing 2.6 dev universal 2014-06-03 screenshot compile building code as a framework for future mac nightly builds

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