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Messages - Captain Rage

Pages: [1]
Discussion / Re: Strength gain by weight
« on: January 14, 2016, 07:18:54 am »
Why silly? I actually used this in a legitimate scenario in a few cases. Make a soldier utilize a rocket launcher, carrying only one rocket (to keep the speed boost) and make another soldier his mule (make him carry all the rockets!). You can actually get away with using two rocket soldiers while making another practice heavy lifting by overcumbering him with heavy ordnance, if you're in the mood of blowing up aliens. ;D If there only was a smoother way of handing over rockets....

Discussion / Re: I'm stuck
« on: September 26, 2015, 10:05:18 am »
Have you encountered any alien base? Maybe there is one lurking around that you have to find and deal with (I an no developer however, so this is a pure guess).

Discussion / Re: Issues with the RSS feed
« on: September 18, 2015, 11:22:42 am »
Yeah, exactly, the dates seems to be off when using a news reader client (on In my case I use newsbeuter and only two entries show up, which seem to have their respective dates incorrectly set. It would be nice if the main RSS feed worked correctly so that people who use RSS would be notified of any news related to this great game. :)

Discussion / Issues with the RSS feed
« on: September 17, 2015, 02:53:18 pm »
There seems to be a issue while subscribing to the RSS feed using a news reading client. Only two entries show up, and they differ by date to the same entries when opening the feed in a browser. Is anyone else having this issue?

Feature Requests / Lower the music during enemy's turn
« on: February 22, 2015, 04:52:52 pm »
As good as the music is in-game, it can be irritating when you are trying to listen for alien footsteps/sounds during the enemy's turn, especially when the soundtrack starts firing up "alieny" noises that can be mixed up with actual enemy sounds. Would an option to lower the music during enemy movement be too much to ask for? It would probably add to the suspense and overall feeling as well. :D

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