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Messages - stamasd

Pages: [1]
Windows / Re: Missing resolution?
« on: July 08, 2014, 05:34:41 am »
I can confirm that non-native resolutions are off-center; but as the native resolution gives well centered image, that's mostly a non-issue. Unless you're masochistic and run non-native resolutions on purpose (and then centering is the least of the problems anyway)

Windows / Re: Missing resolution?
« on: July 05, 2014, 12:34:45 am »
included in 2.6-dev

Indeed, I did a git pull then recompiled, and it shows up. Thanks!

The only (minor) problem with running a git-based locally compiled version is that the package seems to be missing smpeg.dll which I had to find and download manually ( before the binary would run.

Windows / Re: Missing resolution?
« on: July 04, 2014, 04:46:00 am »
FWIW I tried the latest nightly build of 2.6-dev and it has the same issue.

Windows / Re: Missing resolution?
« on: July 03, 2014, 04:15:27 am »
I have the same request. Please add 1366x768 to the standard resolutions.

I tried editing config.cfg manually to add
Code: [Select]
set vid_width "1366" a
set vid_height "768" a

...but it's ignored, the next time you start the game it reverts automatically to whatever resolution you were using before, and config.cfg gets automatically overwritten with that resolution.

(edit) I even tried to make config.cfg read-only. It then doesn't get rewritten, but the game still doesn't come up at 1366x768 but rather at the previous resolution I had used (in my case, 1152x768 because save the native resolution of my laptop this is the one that gives me the most pixels)

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