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Messages - mkpalos

Pages: [1]
Mac / Re: OSX installers
« on: April 22, 2010, 01:37:39 am »
Interesting. I've been playing at 1024x768 as well.

Forgot to mention it last time, but I just had a bog standard team, nothing unusual.

I've downloaded a gdb package, but the link ( to the tutorial on our wiki is down. I tried figuring it out myself, but it looks to be beyond me for now. Sorry about that--if there's any other information I can provide, let me know.

Mac / Re: OSX installers
« on: April 21, 2010, 09:46:29 pm »
Okay, I'll try running it from the command line. I saw the debugging article on the but there wasn't any mention of Mac debugging--are Mac backtrace instructions posted anywhere else?

The specific map doesn't seem to matter; it seems to happen on every map. The most recent one was Africa.

I've attached a zip file with a saved game.

Mac / Re: OSX installers
« on: April 21, 2010, 08:41:50 pm »
Hi all, I just downloaded this and the geoscape seems to run fine. Like the poster above, I've run into two issues:

  • I've only heard one sound so far. It's the pinging sound to notify you of an available UFO mission.
  • The game crashes to desktop upon entering a battle after an interception. The map loads, I see my troops, then bam, desktop. No error messages. I've attached a console log to this post in the hope that it is useful. I'm running 10.6.3, if that helps.

On a minor note, I see some UGV equipment but no UGVs for sale anywhere. If I've read the TODOs right, though, that's to be expected.

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