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Sounds and Music / Weapon Sounds To-Do
« on: March 27, 2007, 03:11:12 pm »
Quote from: "Alex"
Draft medikits...

Draft 1:
Draft 2:
Draft 3:
Draft 4:

medikit3.wav is the only one I like from those four. The really high-pitched beep in the others is slightly painful to my ears. I wouldn't recommend using it.

Could you make the beginning a bit longer and more forceful and elongate the hiss at the end of medikit3.wav? That would improve the sound and make it distinct enough for us to use it.


Artwork / Possible new craft
« on: March 21, 2007, 01:19:58 am »
Quote from: "Psawhn"
Do I need to model the weapon bays? (Doesn't take much - just separate a section and extrude inwards. Voila! Weapons bays! :D)
How about landing gear for the hangar screen?

No need to actually model inboard weapon bays. Maybe some open hatches to imply that the weapons are kept inside the fuselage during normal flight?

A second version with landing gear deployed would be good to have.


Sounds and Music / Re: Weapon Sounds To-Do
« on: March 21, 2007, 01:15:28 am »
I've just listened to the flashbang sound, and it doesn't really sound like a flash or a bang. More like a zip and a thud. The sounds should be closer together as well, almost simultaneous.

Hope that helps.


Artwork / Possible new craft
« on: March 20, 2007, 08:32:40 pm »
Quote from: "Psawhn"
I kinda assumed only one craft per hangar. There has to be room around the craft for people to move around carts of weapons and fuel and that.

Exactly my reasoning.

(Incidentally, I think large hangars should be able to service small craft, but the advantages of having small hangars would be lower maintenance costs and better use of real estate.)

Nah, they'd have all sorts of incompatible fuel lines and such. Different sizes and all that.

That works, but of course the textures would be perfectly mirrored too.  "Not a step" would come out to "pets a toN" on the other side. :)

. . . And your point is? ;)

Here's the craft with more bulk and a pair of wingtip thrusters:

I likes it. The weapon hardpoints are good, we can put some nice outboard models on that. Are there any more changes you're planning? If not, please go ahead and texture it.


Sounds and Music / Two weapon sounds still needed for 2.1 release.
« on: March 20, 2007, 06:05:53 pm »
Quote from: "Alex"
Heres a list of some of the sounds I've come up with so far, all are mono 44.1khz wav files:


Good stuff! I particularly like the fire and smoke sounds. I'd be happy to use all of them as they are.

Deep = Grenade launcher grenade (25mm HIT Grenade)
Fire = Incendiary grenade & 25mm IC Grenade
Grenade = Hand grenade
Smoke = Smoke grenade, gas grenade

Here's some other weapon sounds we could really use:

Pistol firing
Machine pistol firing
Submachine gun firing
Flashbang exploding (flash and deafening crack)
Micro shotgun firing (louder and higher-pitched than riot shotgun)
Sniper rifle firing (large calibre sniper rifle)
Plasma blade (see wiki)
Kerrblade swiping through the air
Knife stab
Medikit sound (futuristic injection noise)
Machine gun (will appear in v2.2)

Support for alien and human sounds will soon be in the game as well, so we can start preparing those. Some sounds we already have, but not many. The weapon sounds have priority though.


Sounds and Music / Two weapon sounds still needed for 2.1 release.
« on: March 20, 2007, 03:50:51 pm »
Quote from: "Alex"
How is this for a grenade explosion?

I like the "WHUMP" quality of it, very accurate, but it's too bassy to be a hand grenade. The pitch needs to be higher.

That's my only suggestion. Very nice work, I wish you'd joined the project sooner. ;)


Artwork / Possible new craft
« on: March 20, 2007, 02:51:27 pm »
Quote from: Psawhn
Sounds encouraging! :D

Variable weapon weight is a good point. (I wonder how a Firefly does it with just two engines - they even have a big cargo bay! Talk about variable weight... :P)

They even it out with ballast tanks full of handwavium, and Wash's expert piloting. ;)

How about an extra belly thruster, and a pair of wingtip thrusters at the back like you said? ;)
I could make the belly thruster internal, rotating out when needed. (ie: leave the model as it is for laziness - leave the thruster for renders. ;))

I don't think the belly thruster would be necessary. After all, those main engines could probably rotate to provide some thrust forward, and considering they're antimatter-fuelled, they'll have plenty of power.

That brings up a good point I forgot: size. About how wide should the craft be, yet still able to fit in a small hangar? I guess I don't need to worry about it, considering Hoehrer offered to worry about exporting. :)
I think I'm more curious, so I could model a pilot inside with the right dimensions.

Dimensions are still a bit up in the air at the moment. The current Small hangar is not too big, but our mapping genius has managed to cram two Stiletto-class interceptors in there. I personally would like to restrict them to one plane per hangar, so that the small hangar could actually be used for more than one type of craft.

That's another thing - the canopy window. Is a full-length window like that too big/impractical for a glass window, or are there transparent alien materials? (Do I need to worry about it?)

No need to worry about that, just don't go overboard. ;)

Oh, I totally want to sig that now. :D

Go right ahead!

I'll try to keep everything in mind. :) Although, because I'm using a mirror modifier, it'd make it a lot easier if I can finish the geometry before working on unwrapping the UVs.

You can always mirror the model after you've UVed it. Perfect symmetry! *grin*


Artwork / Possible new craft
« on: March 19, 2007, 11:43:20 pm »
Quote from: "Psawhn"
Actually, I tried to make sure the engines were over the center of gravity. That was one of the main goals from the start.

Well, I did just eyeball it, so it probably isn't over the exact center of mass. I wish I knew a way to calculate the volume of a manifold mesh in blender.
Oh well, let's pretend there's some really heavy stuff on the end of the wings to keep it in balance. ;) Tha or I can move the engines forward a bit more, or add a thruster in the belly.

I don't suppose it's strictly necessary, but do remember that there'll be a variable weight of weapons in the front. Some small rotatable engines on the 'wingtips' at the back would not go amiss.

Of course, I'd hold on to the high-poly mesh for renders and pictures and stuff if needed. :)


Oh, are there any requirements for the weapon mounts? Or any other kind of module mount for that matter?
I was thinking internal weapons bays on either side of the fuselage. Those holes on the top would reach into the bay. Cannons, lasers, particle beams, etc. would mount inside the bay but come through the holes.
If something like a missile is mounted, the bays can open up and the missile would drop down, like in an F-117 or F-22.

I'm not too sure about TR-20s. I could enlarge the gun hole to let them shoot out, they could be put on a deployable arm, or maybe they just can't mount.

There doesn't seem to be a whole lot of room for internal bays in that tiny fuselage. I know it's supposed to be a light antimatter-powered fighter, but come on. ;)

I think modifying it to have larger weapon bays on either side of the cockpit would make it look more dangerous as well.

As for textures, I need a bit of guidance. :)
Is the hull built out of alien alloys, or advanced terran carbon-polymers or whatever? What colour is it? Does the forming process create colour gradients?

Alien materials. The colour can be anything you like, but it would logically be a darker colour due to the stealth aspect. Highlights and such can be added as you like; you can take freely from alien and human inspirations, as this craft will be a marriage of both.

Is there a defined PHALANX colour scheme? Would the hull be mostly bare metal with paint accents/labels/decor, or would the entire thing be painted? (Like black radar-absorbing paint.)

There is no defined PHALANX colour scheme, since PHALANX uses mostly adopted military and police equipment. As I said, a darker colour is somewhat expected.

Would the ship go into space?

Yes, but short orbital missions only.

Does it need RCS thrusters? (Funny thing about that - if the engines weren't in the center of gravity, it could use gimballing and differential thrust to maneuver in space)

If you add two extra articulated thrusters at the wingtips, it shouldn't need extra thrusters.

Does it need heat tiles for re-entry? (Probably not, considering alien alloys, but it's still better to make sure.)

Nope. Alien materials.

Do the PHALANX mechs wash the ship down and repaint it regularly? Or should the textures be a bit battle-worn and ragged?

Stealth paint is not an optional sort of thing. ;)

Oh, something else. Should the wings change shape? I can probably find a way to bake that into blender's shape keys, in case the wings need to stretch out for slow flight or pull in for quicker flight or re-entry or something.

I'm not fussed -- I doubt we'd have the ability or time to show the model actually changing shape anywhere that might be appropriate.

Since it's made from alien materials, though, it will (in the writeup at least) be able to change shape to some degree.

774 Polygons. Many of those are quads, though. I don't know if quake2 model format supports quad-polygons or if it needs to be triangles.

I believe it needs to be triangulated.

If I turn it to triangles only, it's 1486 triangles:

It looks pretty ugly with only triangles, though. :P

Program triangulations tend to turn out bad; see if there are any manual adjustments you can make so that both sides turn out symmetrical. I have to do this in Wings 3d all the time.

Either way, 1486 triangles is WELL within limits. The fewer the better, but you could probably add a few hundred more if necessary.


Sounds and Music / Two weapon sounds still needed for 2.1 release.
« on: March 19, 2007, 03:56:36 pm »
Quote from: "Alex"
Ok I'm trying to hear these words in my mind...  I'm not sure if we share a common language for creating sounds so I'll do my best...

Using the current sound as a starting point, do you feel there is too much of a thud involved, I.e. if I emphasised the higher frequencies and softened the thud or removed it entirely, would that be more like it?

kinda like this:

Perfect! I'd be very happy with that.


Sounds and Music / Two weapon sounds still needed for 2.1 release.
« on: March 19, 2007, 03:26:41 pm »
Quote from: "Alex"
Hows this for a starting point for the bolter sound?

As a starting point, it's very good, I like it. My only comment is, try to get a little bit more of a whipcrack effect in there. Essentially the Bolter sound is supposed to be a miniature sonic boom. Just like the crack of a whip.


Artwork / Possible new craft
« on: March 19, 2007, 11:49:55 am »
It's a nice model (although obviously it wouldn't be able to hover with just two engines at the back, as it would tip over ;) ), I think we could use it if the polycount was reduced to something more manageable. Such a simple shape shouldn't take 14,000.

It will also need some serious texturing work to make it look good, but beyond that, I'd be happy calling it the 'Stiletto 2'.


Sounds and Music / Voice acting?
« on: February 11, 2007, 01:48:41 pm »
Quote from: "Illarane"
WRT UFOpedia reader, perhaps having it as a separate download would be a good idea, if it does get produced.  Experience in the Wikipedia project tells me that it takes about twelve hours to record, edit and touch-up a three page (at 1024x768) article, so, depending on how much goes in to the UFOpedia, it could take anything between a month and a year to complete.

Considering the fact that we've already got a novel's worth of material for the UFOpaedia, and we're maybe halfway with the storyline, I think it'd take a while to record audio for all of it . . .

It would be awesome, though, if we had different voices for each character in the UFOpaedia.


Sounds and Music / Theme song
« on: January 30, 2007, 12:17:11 am »
One of the things missing from UFO:AI right now is an insanely catchy theme tune like the old X-COM theme. It plays in my head to this very day.

We should have something like it, something that gets the blood flowing, heroic yet gritty at the same time.


Discussion / New name for Antareans
« on: January 03, 2007, 02:45:12 pm »
Let's not fill this topic with wild storyline speculation, shall we? We're not going down the extremely well-travelled road of aliens making contact with ancient Earth.

The plot is already in place, all that's left is to fill in the gaps.

As for the original topic, thank you all for your votes, we've decided to go with Tamans for the new name. You'll be able to see the great progress we've made in-game when 2.1 is ready to be released.


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