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Messages - Gren

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Windows / r29629 - Not Starting for me
« on: April 28, 2010, 11:01:50 am »
Just ran Muton's build utility for r29629 - everything stops on first splash screen :(

Will try another build.

Bugs in older version (2.3.1) / r29535 - INVSH Error again.
« on: April 25, 2010, 12:05:52 pm »
I think you guys sorted this prob by reproducing the error, on reloading xxx times, but it happened again, almost exactly like it happened to me the first time, except on a different map. This time the map was the crashed Harvester in the wastelands, and the error occurred at the moment the last alien was killed... the game froze up and the console shows the red flashing error message on the title bar. I didn't take a screenshot, and couldn't when I went back to the game screen to try - it was unrefreshable and all I could see in the window was my desktop wallpaper.

I'm trying again to reproduce the problem, but it's not happening.  >:( :( (as before)

Discussion / Re: New forum skin
« on: April 25, 2010, 09:59:24 am »
Very nice theme bayo :) - First impression is that I like it - well done!  ;D :D

Sounds and Music / Re: A Few New Sounds
« on: April 19, 2010, 11:44:53 pm »
cool - thanks a lot - just one minor hint. please try to keep the original filenames (for replacements), it's easier for me to order them then.

So sorry.. but I thought I gave names that would be recognised easily enough for substitution - but anyhoo, you can compare with this:

pbeam.wav    ->   plasma_pistol01a.ogg, plasma_burst01a.ogg
pbeamrifle.wav    ->   plasma_rifle01a.ogg
laser.wav    ->   laser_pistol01.ogg, laser_rifle01a.ogg
flamer_s.wav   ->   flame_thrower_s.ogg
flamer_l.wav   ->   flame_thrower_l.ogg
plasma_s.wav    ->   plasma_pistol01a.ogg, plasma_burst01a.ogg
plasma_c.wav    ->   plasma_rifle01a.ogg
shotgun.wav   ->   shotgun01a.ogg
smoke_grenade.wav->   smoke_grenade01a.ogg
flashbang.wav   ->   flash_bang01a.ogg
sniper.wav   ->   sniper01a.ogg, sniper01b.ogg
big_boom.wav    ->   big_boom01.ogg
Extras       ->   standardneedler.ogg, heavyneedler.ogg

HTH  :D ;D

Sounds and Music / Re: A Few New Sounds
« on: April 19, 2010, 01:54:52 pm »
Had little free time lately but here's some sounds that should cover most of the Unknown Licence files.. one or two got me completely stumped, but see what you need out of these. ;)  ;D

Sounds and Music / Re: A Few New Sounds
« on: April 17, 2010, 11:25:53 am »
i suppose this was only about resampling? not about recreating some of the sounds that must be replaced, no? if you offer some replaced sounds with proper license, please let us know which ones those are.

Yes - I will make new sounds for the ones that are classified as unknown.  :)

Sounds and Music / Re: A Few New Sounds
« on: April 16, 2010, 02:14:51 pm »
Guess I missed the point when Hyperupload stopped allowing access..

The files are also available from Mediafire amended links below ;) - resampled and output to .ogg format - Aliens2 - resampled and output to stereo .wav format - Aliens3 - resampled and output to .ogg format - Ambience2 - resampled and output to stereo .wav format - Ambience3 - resampled and output to .ogg format - Civilians2 - resampled and output to stereo .wav format - Civilians3 - resampled and output to .ogg format - Doors2 - resampled and output to stereo .wav format - Doors3 - resampled and output to .ogg format - Footsteps2 - resampled and output to stereo .wav format - Footsteps3 - resampled and output to .ogg format - Geoscape2 - resampled and output to stereo .wav - Geoscape3 - resampled and output to .ogg format - Misc2 - resampled and output to .ogg format - Soldiers2 - resampled and output to stereo .wav format - Soldiers3 - resampled and output to .ogg format - Weapons2 - Taman Redone - Ortnok Redone - Shevaar Redone

Sounds and Music / Re: A Few New Sounds
« on: April 16, 2010, 10:20:58 am »
This list has already been re-sampled and output as .ogg and 16bit .wav  :D

Sounds and Music / Re: A Few New Sounds
« on: April 16, 2010, 01:06:52 am »
I know, currently sending Mattn the info. Like I know him, he will repair it tomorrow morning, so you can try again tomorrow...

OK - thanks MCR - will check back later.  ;)

Sounds and Music / Re: A Few New Sounds
« on: April 16, 2010, 12:41:11 am »
Gracias  :D ;) - but still no 'Unknown' listing.   :(

Sounds and Music / Re: A Few New Sounds
« on: April 16, 2010, 12:32:40 am »
Hey Gren !

I got the same link from Mattn, just for the textures. I think there is already bugfixing going on regarding this...

btw, hyperupload is down, I think we wrecked it  ;)

LOL...  ;D ;D I used Mediafire for a while - used to be a pretty good service:

Sounds and Music / Re: A Few New Sounds
« on: April 16, 2010, 12:24:49 am »
there are still more than 30 sounds that we have to replace due to licensing issues (as they are not known)

would be nice if you could contribute some of these, too.

Sure I can - but the link takes me to an 'Unknown' page - let me know what sounds you need and I'll do what I can.  :D

Sounds and Music / Re: Track - Return Journey
« on: April 13, 2010, 04:08:25 pm »
How's this coming up?

Sorry Hertzila - I missed your question..  :o :-[

Work is still in progress. (kinda immersed in experimenting with loads of different instruments)

I've removed the Acoustic centre section and changed the questionable guitar riff slightly - atm putting together a new centre (56 bars or so) - but it's a slow melodic/ambient-type section. I incorporated a tempo change to bring the pace right down - dropped from 120bpm to 80. The run-in to the new centre is a kind of galaxial/spacial atmosphere, with a short-paced base progression. - sounds ok so far and coming on well. (my opinion)

 :D ;)

Sounds and Music / Re: A Few New Sounds
« on: April 13, 2010, 01:19:13 am »
Hey - take all the time you need...  :D there's no rush - it kept me busy whilst I was thinking about the centre section of Return Journey.  :P

I know what you mean about distinctive vocals for the aliens - tbh - I had trouble deciding between Shevaar and Ortnok, they seem pretty close, but there is enough to be able to allocate "what to who", or if it is still just too close, perhaps create a new sound for one of them.

Sorry for the extra homework, but I'm sure it will be worth the effort in the end.  ;D ;D :D

Mapping / Re: Animated Textures for UFOs [Paused]
« on: April 13, 2010, 12:57:40 am »
@Gren: How do you like the 'Engines & Powersource' animation with the added green flares (Corrupter) ?

If you like the floor, how do you like the lights animations & fx synchronized with the floor in Corrupter @ ground level ?

The Engine effects look great MCR  ;D I think it adds a lot of realism to an undamaged ship.. I also think the internal power units on lower level are very cool - the rear ones look a tiny bit like the Kit scanner and the front right power units (level 2) have a  pretty effective pulse animation too! :) The Info-screen activity is also very effective - I like those a lot... but I think I already said that  ::)

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