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Messages - Sarin

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Discussion / Re: Soldier skill 'intelligence'
« on: November 04, 2012, 08:39:16 pm »
Mind attribute affects how fast will soldier improve, and will affect psionics once they're implemented.

Downloaded latest build about 14 hours ago, I get CTD everytime someone is about to die from bleeding in my troops' LoS.

Discussion / Re: Impressions of 2.5 11/1/12
« on: November 04, 2012, 12:07:42 am »
I've been trying out 2.5 today, and one thing is really annoying. It seems like AI regains its TUs at the same time as your soldiers, at the end of AI turn. This is really annoying because of this situation that's been happening to me lately. Alien walks around the corner, shoots and wounds my soldier, gets shot in turn by reaction fire, and ends his turn in this position. So I have a soldier facing alien who spent all his TUs last turn at point blank, and there is nothing I can do to prevent the alien killing my soldier with reaction fire.

Also, it seems really unstable. I keep getting CTDs when alien or my soldier is about to die in my LoS from bleeding, and I seem to experience frequently crash to geoscape during missions.

Discussion / Re: Impressions of 2.5 11/1/12
« on: November 03, 2012, 07:31:59 pm »
'First Aid', 'Apply dressing', 'Bandage' or 'Patch up' spring to mind.

Apply Dressing sound...culinary. Knuckle sandwich, maybe? :D

Discussion / Re: You know you've played too much UFO:AI when...
« on: July 13, 2012, 05:57:55 pm »
...when you dismiss UFO sightings because alien crafts have different design.

Discussion / Re: Alien propulsion won't work IRL
« on: May 30, 2012, 02:07:46 am »
The annoying thing about this is that it's bloody hard to find a propulsion method that properly illustrates their technological advantage without resorting to some sort of agrav or something of the sort.

This is where it began.

IMO the biggest problem with AM engines is the fact that UFOpaedia overstates energy gained from M/AM anhillation. Easiest solution-change the units. Instead of 1 unit AM=0.01 g, let's do 1 unit=1g. Only thing nescessary is to overwrie a few words in UFOpaedia about AM, alien engines and AM storage building.

Discussion / Re: Winning strategy?
« on: May 27, 2012, 07:28:24 pm »
My usual:

HQ-Cyprus or somewhere around there. Interceptor/dropship/research oriented. First workshop base right next to it, as well as UFO yard. Workshop and offbase defences provide cover against enemies.

Second base, north of Gulf of Mexico. Interceptor/dropship base with integrated defense, workshop base next to it.

Third interceptor/dropship base at southeast Asia, same setting as second.

Radar 1: South Africa, 3x SAM site next to it.
Radar 2: East Siberia, same defense.
Radar 3: South America, same defense.

All three bases with interceptors have 1x Stiletto, later upgraded to Stingray, and 1x Saracen (this is for knocking down scouts/fighters, with two PB cannons it's enough, so I don't waste AM).

Team equipment: 2x snipers, 2x explosive/special guys (GL, RL later changed to another special weapon), 2x machine gunners, 2x close/assault specialists (flamer and assault rifle, later upgraded to plasma rifle). Everyone carries a IR goggles, medikit, couple on grenades, secondary weapon with two reloads, and at least two reloads for main weapon. Assaults also get flashbangs, and if there is space troops also get knife or later monomolecular blade.

Feature Requests / Re: crash site with no survivors
« on: May 25, 2012, 04:32:50 pm »
Makes you wonder tho, why invade world with 70% of surface covered with water...

Perhaps they got the wrong address and were aiming for Mars :P

Discussion / Re: Alien Materials
« on: May 22, 2012, 03:34:17 am »
Essentially this: Dragon would be good for damaging and slowing down biggest UFOs (if the game will later include damaged UFOs slowing down), enabling other interceptors to catch up. Stingray would probably be needed for some missions because of its space flight capabilities, and it will be able to engage largest crafts on more equal terms than Dragon, but of course not one on one with the biggest. About consumption...give or take between 50-150 units per "usual" engagement would be good I think, harvesters yield 450 units.

Discussion / Re: Alien Materials
« on: May 22, 2012, 01:07:22 am »
I think I have mentioned this somewhere already, but what about this solution:

Dragon: small light interceptor with A/M engine, capable of catching all UFOs without problem, but with low weapon capacity.
Starchaser: heavy interceptor with ion engines (research based on alien engines. Ion engines use similar technology of magnetic containment and channeling, but without antimatter), in full load, it will be only slightly faster than Saracen's top speed, but capable of carrying heavy payload, acting essentially as gunboat. However, while not requiring AM fuel, its running cost would be very high.
Stingray: medium A/M interceptor, with decent payload and top speed slightly under Dragon's, but with longer range, capable of orbital flight, but with huge consumption of antimatter.

Discussion / Re: What do I need to build a hospital?
« on: May 20, 2012, 11:54:22 pm »
Some buildings have limit to how many you can build in base, like hospital or defense silos. Once the limit is reached, they will disappear from list.

Discussion / Re: Alien Materials
« on: May 20, 2012, 03:42:28 pm »
You have to realize that engineers are working with materials that are hard to process and they have little knowledge about them, and little experience processing them. You can't expect 100% efficiency working them, more like 10%.

Feature Requests / Re: Mortars
« on: May 16, 2012, 12:56:20 am »
You can use grenades/GL to take high trajectory, just needs a little experience with it. Use shift to aim at actual level your view is at, not the floor under cursor. You can do a nice high lobs right into alien's face.

Tactics / Re: What's your favorite weapon?
« on: May 14, 2012, 02:38:40 am »
Depends on soldier, with one of those elites, if trained well, MG is one of most powerful weapons, capable of taking down Ortnok in medium armor in one turn over ranges longer than flamer, and even over long ranges it will chip off a decent chunk of health. And if you catch grouped Tamans over longer range...may whatever god they worship help them.

When it comes to most effective weapons in each range category, it goes like this...(Plasma blade)(flamer)(GL)(MG)(coilgun)

Discussion / Re: Few suggestion.
« on: April 29, 2012, 11:36:20 am »
You need more, you make them. Later in game, you will need full workshop base per 2 squads at least.

But actually...what are you buying? Only ammo I can think of that isn't made obsolete by advances in game that you can buy are DF cartridges and MG magazines, and those are usually on market in enough numbers to cover your needs.

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