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Messages - Zorlen

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Feature Requests / Re: Staminal cells
« on: March 19, 2008, 03:03:01 pm »
OK, but... you still didn't answer my question!  ;D
Well, first steps in nanotechnology are already being made today, so why shouldn't future technology include such? Though its powerfullness could be toned down, and not used in portable medkits.

Feature Requests / Re: Staminal cells
« on: March 18, 2008, 07:04:27 pm »
I still don't actually see a reason why PHALANX needs nanotech?

Nanotech is rather broad term. It doesn't necessary involve nanobots, it may even be ultra-dense integrated circuits.

Feature Requests / Re: new weapons.
« on: March 18, 2008, 06:32:16 pm »
Bolter rifle is railgun AFAIK.

Feature Requests / Re: Staminal cells
« on: March 16, 2008, 05:06:42 pm »
According to the storyline, we had problems with producing nanocomposite armours (before aliens). But good at nanotech medicines? It seems conflict eachother, IMO.

I may be wrong, but nanotubes seem to be smaller in diameter than tissue cells, so medical nanobots wont work there.

As for example of nanotech-based weapons - I think something like this was in Deus Ex game series.
And I just thought that for Ultimate Nanotech Weapon we'll propabaly need self-reproducing nanobots with energy source utilising surrounding matter or somehow consuming energy from the outside. At the same time, medikit nanobots seem to be non-reproducing and have non-replenishable power source.

Translating / Re: Russian translation
« on: March 14, 2008, 01:01:12 pm »
I can't make Jabber working there, only ICQ. Seems to be firewalled.
As for needle vs. bolt - I was saying that the current translation of Bolter rifle was fine until another UFO:AI weapon - alien Needler - was proposed. Mentioning needles for Bolter may cause confusion with Needler.

Translating / Russian translation
« on: March 14, 2008, 08:37:38 am »
ADD: Crappy quotes! Hope you can read without them.

ADD2: Not the qutes, its Cyrillic fonts.

I found this forum lacking such a thread :-)
I see there's a number od Russian-speaking people on the forums, so a thread on Russian translation would be handy anyway.

The fist thing I stumbled upon reading msgids is one for Bolter rifle. Russian translation sounds like (a word that I cannot write here) which means "Needle-thrower". That sounded pretty good to me, since I know no good Russian equivalent for bolt or bolter, and Bolter rifle shoots needle-like projectiles. But the proposed alien Needler weapon would probably have the same translation. So I suggest to simply transliterate Bolter rifle into (ah, no Cyrillics, so translit then) "Boltyernoye ruzhjyo", "Boltyernaya vintovka" or simply "Boltyer". This names were used in Warhammer 40k translations, so this are not complete neologisms.

Artwork / Re: UGV pod
« on: March 11, 2008, 01:48:25 pm »
Now I am starting to understand how UW-mapping and texturing work :-)
I made a partial texture for UGV pod model.

I am not sure if several texture maps for different model parts work or if there any way to converge them to a single one. Its a bit hard to properly arrange all details of the complex model on one sheet

[attachment deleted by admin]

Artwork / Re: UGV pod
« on: March 11, 2008, 08:46:55 am »
Its GPL. I always forget to mention that, perhaps I should add it to my signature :)
UGV pod models are uploaded there:

Feature Requests / Re: Staminal cells
« on: March 11, 2008, 08:38:17 am »
Nanotech is often a substitute for magic in SciFi - any sort of non-realistic things can be explained by nanobots. I too wondered about nanobots in portable medkit, but lack of nanobot-based weapons. The only explanation is that with semi-utopical unity of nations, like those described in the background, civilian technologies might be more advanced than military ones.
Though I am against complete removal of nanotechnology - it can be used for advanced integrated circuits' production, base healing, research and workshop facilities and such.

Artwork / Re: UGV pod
« on: March 02, 2008, 05:09:42 pm »
On second thought, this schematic assumes that dropped vehicle goes straight down, which is unlikely if it is dropped by an aircraft in motion. Should the rear part also open to allow non-hovering airdrop or LAPES deployment?

Artwork / UGV pod
« on: March 02, 2008, 04:20:49 pm »
Here's a dedicated thread for UGV pod discussion, in order not to clutter Models thread.

My next variant is an externally-mounted pod, streamlined and equipped with bottom hinges, as Winter said. It shows open hinges and sort of protruding antenna, otherwise it is quite similar to fuel pod.

[attachment deleted by admin]

Artwork / Re: Models Needed
« on: February 28, 2008, 09:26:54 pm »
Well, I feel more comfortable with human techs :)

I thought about UGV pod and made a draft model with a droppable vehicle container and communication device. Is it how it's intended to be?

If granted permission to work on, I'll start a new thread.

[attachment deleted by admin]

Artwork / Re: Models Needed
« on: February 27, 2008, 07:04:56 pm »
Alien Needler Gun - Alien weapon firing armour-piercing monomolecular-tipped needles. Must be sleek and show a large magazine. Will need separate magazine.

You mean something like this?

(Eldar shuriken catapult from WH40K)

I am rather new to modelling, but may give a try at something not too complex.

Discussion / Re: 2.2 feedback
« on: February 24, 2008, 06:30:11 pm »
I don't think a confirmation will work, as many users don't actually read popups and simply click OK or whatever seems to be the equivalent. The second solution you suggest -- making the screens look less similar -- is probably a better one from a usability view.
I've long since wanted the games' save/load dialogs to have some color differentiation!

Discussion / Re: X-Com veteran's initial impressions...
« on: February 23, 2008, 09:18:59 am »
Right now they are so silly that they would fall off a cliff and die horribly, and the world believes its your fault! :D
In UFO:Extraterrestrials civilians seem to deliberately seek refuge inside open flames or clouds of toxic gas! When I fired incediary or gas rocket, the affected area seemed to lure all civies around :)

On destructable objects - I think it would be nice to have alternate entrance options for some maps. At least those Quake2-style cracked walls that are destructable with gunfire.

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