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Messages - CheeseshireCat

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I would if that site's scripts actually worked in my phone's browser... As it is, it's the only thing I have 'net access on right now.
Also, I have no idea at what moment I should capture the log?
I can *e-mail* the savegame somewhere, but most upload sites don't exactly work right on my phone, either.

Bugs in older version (2.3.1) / Bug/screw up -- medkits
« on: December 22, 2010, 04:15:42 pm »
Who needs hospitals when medkits heal all the damage, permanently, and aren't even expendable? :)

I mean... I have a soldier down to 30 HP... If I keep him in a hospital, off-duty, he'd heal in about a month and a half. If I take him on a mission, all it takes is someone using a medkit on him two, tops three, times, and he's at 100% health -- even after mission ends.

Short-term/long-term damage anyone? Come on, it was even in the very first UFO ;)

Whenever I collect an UFO, I have an option to either sell it, or (provided I have an UFO yard), store it there. Now, the problem. I can't for whatever reason, be that lack of free space (if I wanna store an UFO type I don't have yet, but have the yard full, or just wanna intact one instead of a damaged), or cash shortage, sell those I have stored. Nor, actually, get a list of what I have there.

OK, here it is:

I have two bases. 8 soldiers on one, two on another.

I got the base 2 attacked, after which I couldn't have soldiers on base 1 equipped anymore.

Whenever I go to equip screen, be that at any time via craft, or when a base gets attacked, I receive equip options only for the two soldiers on base 2. Now, where it gets even funnier is:

equipping them with whatever stuff actually equips that stuff to soldiers in slots 1 and 2 in base 1. Even if I don't have these weapons on base 1 at all :)

Bugs in older version (2.3.1) / Bug - Autosell doesn't work
« on: December 22, 2010, 04:05:19 pm »
Autosell doesn't work. Moreover, the tickmark gets reset when I leave base.

There's a bug with RF TUs reservation. It's most apparent with snipers.

When I reserve for RF, if I have RF Snap Shot selected, it reserves 12 TUs. If I later change to Aimed Shot, cancel RF, reserve for RF again, it needs 18. But I still can have RF Aimed Shot selected with 12 TUs reserve long as it was reserved when selection was for Snap Shot.

Bugs in older version (2.3.1) / Re: Aimed Shot doesnt hit
« on: December 22, 2010, 04:00:53 pm »
More like it is totally off. With a sniper rifle, aimed shot showing about 65% probability to hit in reality has about 5% chance of hitting. Checked that by using multiple restarts on a mining/Asia UFO crash map, because there it repeatedly deployed one sniper where I could crouch and fire at an alien deployed in the same spot on turn one in 19 out of 20 loadups. And even when hitting, a kill (even against a non-armored one) was scored in about 1/10 cases.

Now, the funner part. A rocket launcher shot at the same target from same spot with displayed hit probability of about 30% was scoring a direct hit in two out of three shots (and in all other maps, it's apparently the most accurate weapon). A kill was scored only in half the hits, though. And frankly, it seems to cause almost no splash damage whatsoever. I only twice managed to kill someone with splash damage, and it includes the cases with aliens standing adjacent to each other in a small (3x4) room, so there just was NO WAY to not catch them in the explosion. So I score a direct hit on one, it dies, but the other just goes like, "Huh? Someone farted?" :)

What's the problem with using the same thing to determine hit probability when aiming and when the actual shot is fired?

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