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Messages - Eegxeta

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I'd make a sword that could morph into a war hammer and give it to my D&D character. That would be a cool "magic" item.

A car with doors that could morph into wings. Now that would be cool.

Discussion / Re: Alien always target one soldier over all others
« on: October 07, 2013, 05:04:06 pm »
Well see here is the thing it only ever targets the one guy if they can see him. I had an alien standing next to one of my soldier who was injured and he targeted and went full-auto on that one guy, who was standing halfway across the map had decent cover and was not injured. They generally use full-auto even though they have no chance of hitting the guy. The aliens generally don't move closer ether most of the time they spend all their time units on shooting even though they are shooting from a ridiculous range. 

Discussion / Alien always target one soldier over all others
« on: October 02, 2013, 04:28:44 pm »
If the aliens can see this one soldier on my team they will shoot at him. It doesn't matter if there are way better targets available, like the guy standing next to the alien, they will shoot, It doesn't matter if they are standing on the other side of the map and have such a low chance of hitting that my guys aren't even shooting back they will shoot. They don't take aimed shots ether it is usually three round burst or full-auto. I have no idea why they are going with full-auto when they are standing on the other side of the map. Makes me wonder if they can run out of ammo. So pretty much this guy has almost as many purple hearts as missions I've gone on.

I'm a little surprised wasn't able to find this anywhere.

Feature Requests / Re: Suppressing fire: For those hard to get aliens
« on: October 02, 2013, 04:16:04 pm »
You've got a really interesting idea here, but I can see it getting out of control really fast. I know where your coming from though I have always saw full-auto as a short range option for use on multiple enemies. I used it once to mow down two tarmen in armor wasn't sure if I was going to be able to kill them so I just filled the hallway with plasma.

Yeah I was thinking of a laptop case too.

Feature Requests / Re: Using alien materials to make a better medkit
« on: October 01, 2013, 04:39:55 pm »
I just giving a suggestion on a lower number based on how many time units my best soldiers have.

Feature Requests / Re: Plasma weapons cauterize wounds
« on: October 01, 2013, 04:27:02 pm »
You save them by shooting the things shooting at them. I don't think civilians have enough hit points to survive any hit at all, even theoretically. I certainly don't remember ever seeing one survive a hit.

Well said that when it comes to a lethal hit if it hits a non-vital area like the arms and legs it won't kill them right away. There is just sometimes where there is just nothing you can do the alien saw the civilian first. I really hate that when my guys are right there and there is nothing I could have done. Anyway this could apply to all weapons and it would add a nice little quirk to the game. It could be implemented by simply making it so only so much of your maximum health can be taken through damage to limbs. The hit system is in place so hardest part is already done.

I'd use it to make a spork that is a spoon that can morph into a fork or a couch that can morph into a chair and desk.

Feature Requests / Using alien materials to make a better medkit
« on: October 01, 2013, 06:02:46 am »
Since the alien material can change shape couldn't that be used in some way to make a medkit that can be used faster like maybe  something like a cross between the hypo spray from Star Trek and packaging tape gun that dispenses some sort of bandage tape that can morph into a small easy to carry box. So the you can quickly bandage a wound and then give a pain killer shot all in one go and maybe take up less space with the down side of being heavier. Instead of 20 time units it would need something like 12 time units so you can use it twice in one turn.

Feature Requests / Re: Medical attention on the dropship?
« on: October 01, 2013, 05:38:39 am »
Well it likely a field base medkit bigger than the ones the soldiers carry, but doesn't have as much as you would back at the base.

I think the best way to implement this would be a special medkit that can be picked up in the rescue zone that would work in one turn, but you can't bring outside the rescue zone.

Maybe this could be a research topic, something like field base and the result is something like a compact self-propelled cart which carries medical supplies that a soldier can push along without slowing him down or making him tired and fits on the already overly cramped drop ship (a 20 hour flight on that thing must really suck). Kind of like the one they made for firefighters on the show "Prototype This!" except it doesn't carry fire fighting equipment. Plasma weapons are very nasty and dealing with major plasma burns is going to need more than a few bandages and some painkillers.

This could also heal injured soldiers like a hospital on the plane, but only up to half their max health and a fair bit slower. It won't heal a lot but it would help when you have one guy with one foot in the grave. I think on plane ride they should be able to do something even if it isn't much.

The proposal could go something along the lines of "The kind of wounds we are seeing from plasma weapons is little more than our current medical field kits can handle, especially the more serious wounds that need more immediate attention (like when a soldier is down to the single digits). With your permission... design a small field surgery/first aid kit that the soldiers can also take with them if the drop ship can't land near the intended target."

That would be nasty because this would be a big drop in funding and you would definitely need to do research and maybe even build a installation in a base or outside a base.

Bugs in stable version (2.5) / Re: Missing screen resolutions
« on: September 30, 2013, 06:00:40 pm »
ok how do I run it with that.

Ok I have to say this now when I make a post I usually go back right away and add stuff. Just thought I should say because you responded so fast. Plus I type slow.

That does sound like a good content idea like there is a sudden decrease in funding for no reason.

There is signs of other people doing stuff about the aliens a UFO you shot down isn't going anywhere and I doubt the aliens have the means to fix it, but after awhile the mission just disappears like someone dealt with it. If they got picked up you'd see a UFO land there.

The governments could say your not working we are better off using the money to protect ourselves. The opening story said they had little success so if you don't do better than they did they stop funding.

That is true but wouldn't the mind control wear off after the aliens leave anyway. The mind control has to be done by a telepath and I don't see how that could extend to affect large enough areas to impact the funding.

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