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Messages - Voller

Pages: 1 ... 4 5 [6] 7
FAQ / How do I build a new base?
« on: May 03, 2007, 05:48:55 pm »
Check out the info box at the bottom left of your geoscape view. On top of it there are three buttons sticking out. Hover your mouse above them and they come out further. Once of them allows you to build a new base.

/edit: looks like someone has beaten me to it ;)

Sounds and Music / Sound and Music standard. Alex?
« on: May 03, 2007, 01:24:12 pm »
Quote from: "Alex"
it was late and I'd had a couple of beers  :?

Hehe, no need to apologise for that :D

Sounds and Music / Sound and Music standard. Alex?
« on: May 03, 2007, 12:57:37 am »
I don't know much about sound editing, but comparing sample volume by their RMS values doesn't make much sense to me. Unless I am mistaken, a sample with a lot of loud parts will have a higher RMS value than one with the same maximum amplitude, which has more quiet parts in it. E.g. if you consider a gun which is fired at 3 second intervals, its recording will have a lower RMS value than a recording of the same gun being fired at 1 second intervals.

Or am I talking nonsense here?

Sounds and Music / mission background track submission
« on: April 26, 2007, 08:46:18 pm »
Quote from: "Wanderer"
Mediaplayer and Realplayer don't want to recognize it.

Gosh, what a surprise :P

I use foobar2000 (audio only). You could also use media player classic, which is an alround player for both video and audio.

Feature Requests / Melee Attack Suggestions
« on: April 24, 2007, 11:55:55 am »
Quote from: "blondandy"
make sure there is no reaction fire with the medikit - that would put a dampener on one's day).

:D :D :D

Both ideas are good.

Feature Requests / Iconic base menu
« on: April 23, 2007, 07:53:48 pm »
you could use a tooltip type approach to make it more obvious which building does what. Just hover your mouse over the building your interested in and it gives you information e.g.

- type of building (e.g. lab)
- capacity (15/20 spaces for quarters)
- maintenance cost
- brief description of what it does

Feature Requests / UFO: AI Chryssalid Successor? Alien Concept: Hydra
« on: April 20, 2007, 02:15:59 am »
Hmm, I like you're idea alex, but it's more like standard mind control, not at all like a chryssalid.

I guess Winter will find himself to be in a bit of a pickle here: chryssalids + realism = difficult to explain ;)

Personally I think you should be a bit more lenient this one time, and create a worthy successor for the chryssalids, even if you can't explain it 100%

I suggest the following stages:

1. melee attack by hydra, soldier gets infected
2. Soldier can still be controlled, but is infected with a parasite or some other nasty thing growing in him. Can be stunned and treated in hospital.
3. Soldier loses consciesness. Cannot be rescued anymore.
4. Soldier gets up again, but is some zombie type creature (slow, but strong melee attack)
5. If shot, cracks open and another hydra comes out
6. Hydra maybe needs another round or two to gain its full strength.

At stage 3, your soldier already counts as enemy, so has to be neutralised like all the other aliens if you want to win the mission.

If this is too easy, cut out stages 2 and 6 (and maybe 3) ;)

Artwork / Modeling
« on: April 19, 2007, 07:55:19 pm »
You have some serious skill sitters! Thumbs up!

Coding / Visual Studio 2005 Linking Errors
« on: April 18, 2007, 08:55:57 pm »
I tried to compile another open source project with VC++ at some point and had to realise that open source projects sometimes use non-standard notation which VC++ cannot understand, but which is widely accepted among open source compilers.
In oder to compile the sources I downloaded CodeBlocks, which comes with MinGW.

Maybe it's a similar problem in your case?

It means they are empty ;)

Artwork / Alien hoverbot
« on: April 18, 2007, 12:38:28 pm »
once again, anti-gravity comes up :D

Discussion / Save in Combat
« on: April 18, 2007, 02:06:20 am »
I guess an "extra hard" tick box could be an option. If enabled, it means you can't save (or only somehow limited) irrespective of the difficulty level you choose. That way you can play on "easy" without being allowed to save, but if you want to you can still play on "superhuman" and save as often as you like.

I hear what you're saying about the AI being good enough as it is and not being allowed to save taking the fun away. I have to admit, I didn't think this through. Also I don't consider myself a hard core gamer who'd want to give himself an extra kick by playing it on the highest difficulty without saving, but I'd certainly would like to try that on medium. So if there's a way of customising the difficulty level, that could be quite neat!

Discussion / Save in Combat
« on: April 17, 2007, 04:43:10 pm »
I have to disagree. If you can do something, there will always be some temptation to go ahead and do it. I like the fact that you can't save during a mission, yet I would probably do it if I could, being fully aware that it's not as much fun if I do!

Sometimes you just need somebody to give you a little help if your fingers are itching and you're about to do something stupid ;)

Personally, I like the idea of only allowing a certain number of saves, which depends on the mission size and the difficulty level.

Or what happens if you take it one step further? Only allow a certain number of saves per day/week on geoscape mode. That way you could actually _lose_ a mission without being allowed to replay it. That way you could lose soldiers or even bases and would have to live with the consequences! Of course you should probably link this to the difficulty level somehow. Also you'd have to be able to save a game on quitting.

Feature Requests / Praise and Possibilities
« on: April 17, 2007, 10:59:23 am »
#1: Why not, could be fun
#2: Definitely :D
#3: Like the bio drones in TFTD? I found those highly annoying, but that's probably because they were dangerous!
#4: Could be a nice piece of equipment. I like the exploding bit, so you don't go putting them everywhere
#5 #6 #7: Hmm, not sure if I approve. This is getting a bit too sci-fi in my humble opinion. Especially the teleporter and cloaking device might make life too easy in difficult situations.
#8: Jupp, agreed.
#9: Could be useful. Personally I have a variety of different types of armament with me, though. They have different fire modes.
#10: Very true. I'm not sure if I even understand the current version. Sometimes the trajectory line goes red in the middle, but when I through it it seems fine. Or sometimes the grenade shoots way over the point which I specified as a target.

Discussion / Edit name button missing in 2.1
« on: April 17, 2007, 10:43:00 am »
@Wanderer: I think you mean "Fooder 1", it's "Cannon Fooder" ;)

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