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Messages - AntJam

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Feature Requests / Re: Using alien materials to make a better medkit
« on: October 09, 2013, 12:51:30 pm »
Thats actually pretty easy to do. The current medikit heals 2-6 points (actually does -4 damage plus/minus 2) at 20 Tu cost per use. A Trauma kit (for example) might heal 4-8 ( -6 plus/minus 2) at 25 Tu cost. It would just be a case of adding a new model and copying the existing medikit stats with the increase in damage , although here I would suggest the TraumaKit might be 3x3 size as opposed to the 2x2 medikit . Apart from the new model/texture its a 5 min job and in fact you could just keep the existing model and change the scale value for simplicity.

Actually on checking the files the medikit heals 3-5 (-4 plus/minus 1)

anyway made a mini mod as an example here,8012.0.html

User modifications / Re: Weapon Mod for 2.5 dev
« on: October 07, 2013, 01:04:21 pm »
Renamed all files and checked all scripts , also discovered some redundant files and noticed I had used wrong research file (it had the email notifications removed) so fixed that.

User modifications / Re: Weapon Mod for 2.5 dev
« on: October 06, 2013, 03:40:48 pm »
Ah no all done on windows vista 64 never used linux. Should I rename everything to lowercase and re-post?

Artwork / Re: First go at vehicle building
« on: October 06, 2013, 02:53:31 pm »
Finally released the weapons as a mod here,8001.0.html .
Anyone have any requests let me know and I'll look into it.
Thanks to everyone who read, posted comments and helped me in this thread.
    Oh and of course thanks to the UFO ai team for providing all the toys.   ;D

User modifications / Weapon Mod for 2.5 dev
« on: October 05, 2013, 07:22:34 pm »
This is a small weapon mod that adds 3 new weapons to the Game all with unique models , ammunition and textures. Plus UFOpedia entries.
   What you get-
       1   Webb .455 Revolver - Fires traditional ammo and with some research Micro-rockets dealing explosive damage.
       2   PlasmaThrower - An upgrade to the flamethrower, in addition to sending out sheets of flame can fire a focused beam that can cut straight through walls and finally can launch a plasma bomb.
       3   Advanced LaserRifle - An enhanced laserrifle/heavy laser has standard wave , an overcharge fire mode for a single massive blast and a cascade fire mode firing four shots.

   If using with existing saves new items will have there prices set to 0 in the market (I think market prices are initalised at campaign start). And you will need to view your research to update the research projects and production screens.
   New campaign starts will have none of these issue.

This is for 2.5 dev versions

Place the AJguns folder in a folder called mods (create one if you need to) in your ufoai install folder see here for info

Start game with      ./ufo +set fs_gamedir ajguns   (I like to create a new shortcut) and have fun

Edit- renamed all files to lowercase to maintain cross platform compatability, removed some redundant files and fixed the email issue.

And a big thankyou to the UFO ai team for all their hard work 

Artwork / Re: First go at vehicle building
« on: October 04, 2013, 05:09:45 pm »
Havent posted anything here for a while so here is the 3 weapons on mission in 2.5 (dev)

User modifications / Re: How do I increase starting money?
« on: October 03, 2013, 07:06:39 pm »
I believe they are just zip files 7zip opens them fine, or try renaming to .zip

User modifications / Re: MAX_OBJDEFS
« on: October 03, 2013, 07:05:47 pm »
Thats ok there hasnt exactly been an avalanche of mods all butting heads on the 7 item limit . made the report

User modifications / Re: MAX_OBJDEFS
« on: October 03, 2013, 05:06:32 pm »
Sorry to dig up an old thread but I just hit this limit seems to be only 7 items was there any progress in allowing this limit to be altered ?

User modifications / Re: Mod problem (solved)
« on: October 03, 2013, 03:18:32 pm »
Can confirm that for items to appear in the UFOpedia the tech entries must be in a .ufo file named alphabetically AFTER research.ufo

User modifications / Re: Mod problem (solved)
« on: October 01, 2013, 07:32:49 pm »
Just discovered something interesting.... having more than 4 ammunition types for a single weapon causes the game to crash when entering the equip soldiers screen. I suppose 5 different ammo types was getting a little greedy looks like I need a slight rethink  ;)

Bugs in stable version (2.5) / Re: What Walking Sounds Like
« on: September 30, 2013, 06:57:19 pm »
Running on Windows vista 64 game build from 21.9.13. Spent a couple of hours playing without the terrain.ufo and had no issues (other than the lack of footsteps) so at least have a workaround (the white noise was beginning to put my teeth on edge after a while) till the problem is tracked down. And definitely not corrupt sounds I checked them.

Bugs in stable version (2.5) / Re: What Walking Sounds Like
« on: September 29, 2013, 07:26:42 pm »
Been getting the same thing as well I have a realtek sound card. I deleted the terrain.ufo (defines terrain sounds for footsteps) and most soldiers and aliens lose there walk sounds but some like the hoverbot and blood spiders dont. Anyway this stopped the white noise issues at the cost of walksounds something I can put up with.

User modifications / Re: Mod problem
« on: September 24, 2013, 03:35:10 pm »
Well for no reason that I can exactly find it suddenly started working today. I had been seperating out some of the files for esier managment so maybe there was a conflict in combining too many data types into one ufo file.

User modifications / Mod problem (solved)
« on: September 22, 2013, 06:48:17 pm »
I'm trying to make a new weapon mod. I have the weapon and ammo appearing in game ,its buildable and buyable and I've even used it to kill aliens. But I cant get it to appear in the ufopedia. In the market you can click on the info icon (top right of weapon image) and it goes to an entry for my weapon with the correct text so everything is there and working but still no entry in ufopedia. Using 2.5 from 21.9.13
attached is a .txt file with the weapon and tech details from my .ufo file maybe someone can take a look I'm sure its something obvious

EDIT...see next post

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