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Messages - Eegxeta

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Feature Requests / Re: Make the game easier to mod
« on: October 18, 2013, 02:58:03 am »
UFO:AI is actually very easy to mod.. up to a level. Because quite much details are set in configuration files - like the starting money, the weapon statistics, research tree, etc.

I have a question where are all those config files? I haven't been able to find them.

Actually, I have found UFO:AI suprisingly easy to mod when compared to other games. I have made many personal tweaks to dozens of game aspects with relative ease. However, I do have a loooooong history of modding a wide array of games so am quite at home with the geneal structure of the games files, accessing them and putting it all back together. As a result, YMMV.

You would love Cortex Command modding that game is so much fun to mod because you change stuff on the fly no packing or unpacking needed. I made a gun that had so much recoil that using it would make your soldier's head explode. I toned down the bullet mass after a few laughs and ended up with a super armor piercing weapon that could shoot a guy standing behind a concrete wall or after three or so mags on the other side of a mountain. Course one of the most fun activities in that game is trying to pull a head shot off on yourself on a wrap around map with a sniper that puts a 50. cal to shame. See how many times you can get the bullet to fly across the map before hitting you.

Discussion / Re: How does autosave work now?
« on: October 18, 2013, 02:25:56 am »

Discussion / How does autosave work now?
« on: October 17, 2013, 04:48:14 pm »
I keep seeing campaign saved in the message bar but I have no idea where it is saved to as I don't see any new saves in my load menu and the save slot for my game doesn't update. I looked this up and I haven't found anything. Does anyone know where that save goes and how I can use it? I keep forgetting to save while I'm playing.

Also if someone can point me to where all this info is located that would be nice too.

Nice that would help a lot, though along with that you should add (if it isn't in the game already) a little warning for sending a dropship out that isn't full.

Also do you have any plans on being able to carry equipment in the dropship so if you send it on multiple missions you can switch out weapons to match the map like say for example a sniper for a shotgun.

Simple you line the inside of the sheath with more alien materials or you make the sword change shape for storage. Actually the electric current shape would be the sharp one, but you get the idea.

I meant the dropship roster. I ended up figuring it out myself before I read your post, but thanks anyways.

I want to organize the order that the soldiers come so I can do things like group like weapons or separate the team into two squads. It is really annoying having to remember who is on what number especially when rotating soldiers in and out of the dropship team.

Is it just me or are these forums too serious. Doesn't anyone go and post amusing stories of blunders in their defense of Earth? Or have any other fun discussions?

Discussion / Re: Are UVG usable yet?
« on: October 15, 2013, 04:11:40 am »
Well that is when good base design comes in. You just make it so the aliens have to go through your UVGs to get to those facilities. Would be nice if the game said which ones had surface access, because I always forget when I take a break from the game.

So I was setting up my second base and I got it to the point where I could actually house soldiers, equipment and aircraft, so I started a transfer of my second team soldiers and their equipment. Meanwhile a terror mission popped up so I sent the first team. When the Firebird got over Asia(where my second base was) a UFO popped up and started flying towards it. So I switched homebases and launched my interceptors from my second base. They didn't make it on time... A rescue mission popped up, unfortunately I had no dropships or money to buy one. So I started selling stuff to get the money and I bought the dropship only to realize that switching homebases stopped the soldiers from team two from transferring, but not their equipment. So I had my dropship and all my equipment in one base, my soldiers in another and no money. One 24 transfer later and it was too late. I of course forgot to save so I couldn't try again. Curse you autosave why did you abandon me!

Hmm I thought this would be a good topic to have fun with, but it doesn't seem to have really worked out.

Discussion / Re: Are UVG usable yet?
« on: October 14, 2013, 07:28:25 pm »
Well that stinks I was planning on using them for base defense.

Discussion / Are UVG usable yet?
« on: October 14, 2013, 05:24:38 pm »
I tried looking them up and I found some stuff that looks like it would be in the UFOpedia, but nothing on whether or not it is working in the game(I'm playing the 2.5 "stable" version).

Discussion / Re: Alien always target one soldier over all others
« on: October 09, 2013, 11:21:01 pm »
The September 25th 2.5 dev nightly build.

Discussion / Re: Alien always target one soldier over all others
« on: October 07, 2013, 06:44:48 pm »
You mean it doesn't happen to you?

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