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Messages - jcjordan

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I just had a mission I won (base defense) & I had 3 soldiers killed but some of their equipment was lost or was treated as alien booty & automatically sold if I had that checked on the buy/sell list. I couldn't really tell for sure which was the case other than what I started at the base with before the mission wasn't the same as when it was over but there was enough in the pool that I was able to buy what it looked like I lost. IE I had a soldier who was carrying a hvy needler (2 at the base before mission) got killed during the mission & after the mission I had 1 at the base but there were 5 in the buy pool so I bought back the missing one. I didn't count how many the aliens had during the mission but 4 sounds about right.

It does look as though it is that any alien weapons or weapons of soldiers killed during missions will be booty & sold if they're checked to autosell. Is this WAD or unintentional side effect? I'll keep a watch to be sure if this is the case.

Discussion / Re: length of effect for objects
« on: November 10, 2012, 01:11:19 am »
In my game install most/all the files are left as pk3 files & seem to be unzipped when I start the game. I need to try to do Crystan's fix for the smoke grenades but my ufos file is still zipped. What effect would it be for me to unzip that file & leave it unzipped as far as gameplay? Should I unzip just to make the change then rezip it back to a pk3 file? Also as far as the .ufo files contained therein, what program would I use to edit them?

Discussion / length of effect for objects
« on: November 09, 2012, 06:05:50 am »
With the current (nov 5th) 2.5 version, how long do smoke grenades last as well as the gas grenades? In the previous version of 2.5 I had from early Oct it was just through the aliens turn. My frame refresh rate drops way down when I use one. Any thing else I might do to increase the FPS as far as preferences as I'm sure it's mostly due to my laptop but I was wondering if there might be something I'm missing or something to try.

Discussion / Re: Help us out: how many scientists do you have?
« on: November 05, 2012, 12:00:00 am »
jcjordan: it's now configured so that you can reach the Herakles dropship (12 soldiers) around the same time as the Starchaser (research a Supply UFO). After researching the Stingray in the late-game you can then research a Raptor dropship.

Ok thanks I've got one in the queue but haven't got around to researching it yet as I was focusing on weapons/armor as I'm getting killed by the advanced alien weapons now coming on line. Is that change effective in my early Oct version (dated the 4th IIRC) or is that on a more current version?

Discussion / Re: Alien Capture
« on: November 04, 2012, 11:55:55 pm »
Have you research dead aliens yet? You need to get their breathing device done through researching dead aliens before you can keep a live alien alive in you containment. I lost a few before I relealized this is what needs to be done

Discussion / Re: Help us out: how many scientists do you have?
« on: November 01, 2012, 11:40:15 pm »
std diff using an early Oct version
Feb 2085
40 scientists

I'll normally run 2 bases w/ 20-30 men at each if I can put that many labs at a base if I've got a bunch of research topics to work on then bring it down to 10-20 getting rid of the extra labs once research topics are low. Normally the game will have that early game rush then a lull then pick back up then go back to the lull. Right now I'm in the late game rush after the lull where I'm starting to get the hvy needler & particle weapons starting to appear.

A side request on crafts - how about adding a alien tech based transport sooner to replace the Firebird? Right now you can research/build 3 interceptors to replace the Stilletto's & Saracen's though due to the high material costs I only build the Dragons. How about dropping maybe one or 2 of them in place of an advanced transport?

Discussion / Re: Medpack
« on: October 16, 2012, 09:24:32 pm »
Unless thee's been more changes as the new healing system is still undergoing development, yes it does heal some pts in addition to wounds but not to the extent it did in previous versions. So a badly wounded character will need hospital time when back at the base. From what I've read the reasoning is that the field healing is more like triage to stabilize & that full healing should be done at base.

Bugs in stable version (2.5) / reaction fire by alien causes problem
« on: October 11, 2012, 06:22:17 am »
I've noticed this problem on a few missions where my guy targets an alien during my turn & if the alien reacts by firing back at my guy, there's no graphics of either shooting other than the shooting movement (no firing graphics or projectiles going through the air even rockets) but you do hear the alien's weapon sound effects & only the alien hits me (wounds vary w/ range/weapon) & it seems as though my shot has failed to go off due to the reaction fire by the alien but the ammo is used & no damage to alien seen? I've had knife fight distance shots that should've hit/killed alien but instead my guy is dead/severely wounded instead.

This is the Oct 4th build of 2.5 dev as far as I can tell. If there was a way to save battles in progress, I could have the setup.

Discussion / Re: 2.5 dev changes questions
« on: September 29, 2012, 01:20:08 am »
Yes, Aliens bring their gas grenades from the start but i never seen them using them neither on civilians nor on my soldier. Otherwise it would be VERY dungerous weapon in their hands.

I've never seen them used either & Alien use of grenades is very rare from what I've seen since 2.3 (the first version I started w/)

Thanks for the other replies. I just wondered what the reasoning was behind the drop in ammo for the Electromagentic & yes I does seem to be a "killer" rifle so thought it might be along the lines of what the coilgun was in 2.4

How about something along the lines of boosters for antipsych but do agree nothing seems to really fit to me either.

Discussion / 2.5 dev changes questions
« on: September 28, 2012, 02:48:50 am »
I've done some searching but didn't find anything that answered my questions but some topics did touch on it.

1) What are the effects of the different healing choices on a soldier they were used on - antipsychotics & stimulants (healing I get)

2) why the lower ammo of the electromagnetic rifle (from 8 to 2)? I realize it's now more of a step up sniper rifle than in previous versions

3) How are the Alien gas grenades produced? I seem to get them from missions but are they automatically produced at a certain rate & appear at my bases or are they recovered items from missions? They seem to available at start.

Bugs in stable version (2.5) / Re: Small house map targetting problem
« on: August 04, 2012, 12:38:21 am »
thanks for the info

Thanks for the answer to the "wounding" as I don't think I would've figured that out as at first I was thinking it might've been some kind of collateral damage when someone nearby got hit. Good to know that now

Bugs in stable version (2.5) / Small house map targetting problem
« on: August 03, 2012, 08:41:38 am »
On the map small house there's a targetting problem of an alien in the spaces just in front of the open door. It seems as though the targetting wants to go to the lower level not at the level of where the alien should be. It seems that the space in front of the open door & the spaces on each side of it have the problem

Bugs in stable version (2.5) / ctd errors as well as crash to geoscapes
« on: August 03, 2012, 08:32:10 am »
I just downloaded the 7/25 build of 2.5 dev running it on Vista & I'm having a few ctd desktop problems but can't fully replicate but error is along the lines of the attached from the last time I was able to catch something in the console.log

Also having crash to geoscapes on the +frozen mission in Russia shown on my save game attached at some point during one of the first couple of turns normally during the aliens part. I've tried playing this mission several times but haven't been able to get through it due to the crashes.

Also on the new wound system I've noticed that for some reason soldiers seem to get wounded for no reason during a mission ie after landing back at base they're in the hospital w/ very minor damage. I haven't got that one figured out yet as far as repeatability or causes.

Overall I like this version more than 2.4 as it seems like the Aliens are more of a challenge plus some of the other weapon changes.

Discussion / Re: Antimatter Storage locations
« on: July 06, 2012, 01:22:49 am »
You will need the AM storage at any base that dissassembles undamaged ships (you're correct in that only undamaged will have it) plus at any base where you deploy one of the advanced interceptor craft you can build as they use it for fuel.

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