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Messages - Viento

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Bugs prior to release 2.3 / Re: Map scout_crash won't load - 2.3 v27699
« on: January 02, 2010, 10:40:51 pm »
Hm, sorry. I tried again (after shutting down UFO) and then I could access the mission. Strange. So the ufoconsole.log isn't useful any more. But now I've found this file and if I encounter some more issues, I know where to look and what to post. =)

Newbie-ish, I know. :)



Again 2.3 v27699:  Alien ufos are "invisible" in geoscape mode when they are spotted. Only a red circle shows where the ufo is. After I click this circle and I choose to intercept the ufo, the ufo symbol (which tells me whether it is a dangerous one or not) shows. So, nothing seriuos, it just struck me as strange.


Bugs prior to release 2.3 / Map scout_crash won't load - 2.3 v27699
« on: January 02, 2010, 10:02:14 pm »

I'm playing the latest build 2.3 v27699 and every time I try to start this mission I get the loading map screen, then a very brief (less than a second) flicker and I'm back in geoscape mode. I can retry but nothing changes.


Artwork / Re: New models
« on: January 02, 2010, 05:55:36 pm »
I'll love building them around my bases! ;)


Game ending: Standard Difficulty - ended: Oct. 2085 after I discovered a base that may have existed for some time.

Mission variety: only few missions, no great variation. I only played those that I find interesting (in mid- and endgame there are 10+ missions everywhere, so I chose thse that I like).

When did "endgame" start for me: Puh, hard to say. I would say it starts when the needler-guns appear (and make your life miserable). I would guess this could have been around Mai, but I'm not sure and I can't look it up, sorry.

In general: I think this information may not apply to your game if the difficulty setting is different.


Discussion / Just finished 2.3 (destroyed 1. base) - a bit of feedback
« on: January 02, 2010, 01:03:37 am »
First: Great game! I've been enjoying it tremendously and I'm downloading the newest build to start it over again! I love the development (this time there was a Corrupter-Model in a terror mission and the alien base which I'd never seen before) ;) So, great work, keep it up.


> Maximum limit / month: 600 000 Cr

Phallanx needs to defend earth against the virus. This can only be done if Phallanx has fighter aircraft available almost everywhere. Basically every continent would need a base but this is impossible at the moment. I had 5 bases and I'm not sure whether a 6th one wouldn't have ruined me financially in mid-game.

=> such an important institution should (if successful!) have enough money to expand.

=> Another alternative: I could imagine that Phallanx would just use cities of friendly countries to put a fighter there. I played another remake of UFO and this was a very nice feature. The cities repaired and fueled your aircraft but didn't rearm "fancy" weaponry (like alien stuff, etc). They cities were paid for this "service".

> Research and triggers

At the beginning of the game there is an awful lot to research. It's very hard to decide what items to go for first. That's brilliant and I think it's realistic in a scenario in which a lot of new technology is introduced via war. Now, I've been playing with 60 scientists and thus I had quite good research capabilities. 

In mid-game there is still some interesting things but the closer I git to the end (virus enters the game), the less interesting things there are to research.

=> perhaps it would be good to use "triggers" to make sure that there is enough to research left even in the later part of the game. An example will be given in the next point.

> The Corruptor Story and research: Feed the player more smaller bits

Some things that sprang to my mind: Basically it splits the story up into more smaller bits of information.

> Corrupter shot down => mission => research: "Ship Corruptor"
> "Disassemble Corruptor" => new pieces of alien ufo equipment are recovered: "Virus canisters", "Injection Devices"

=> new research: "Injection Devices" => more horror details about aliens infecting humans
=> new research: "Virus Canisters" => more details on the virus
=> new research: "Dropping mechanism" => player learns about the ability to drop these "injection devices".
=> new research: "Alien from a Corruptor" => player can learn (if there are enough other captures aliens) something about the mission
=> new research: "Hypothesis on Corruptor" => after having done the research on the new ufo stuff and a crew member, the mission of the Corrupter should be revealed.

You see what I mean: Don't give the player all the information in just 1 research mission (as it is now), but feed them bits, but lots of them. The appearance of the Corruptor is a key element in the game. I would like to stress its importance by making the player reserach a lot and piece the story together.

> Improve close combat firing weapons in mid- and end-game.

All close combat weapons are useless once medium armor is used by aliens. It's a pity that all the brave close combat 50+ skill guys have no weapons to use but only carry stun grenades.

=> my favourit solution: After "medium armor" is researched (=trigger), makind comes up with new kinds of ammo to counter the better armor. This could be combined with the next point (alien materials) because that stuff should be great to make highly penetrative  rounds.

=> there is a thread on this topic, so I keep it short here:

> Make Alien materials useful or allow me to get rid of it faster

I accumulated whole tons of Alien materials. If you sell >6000 of these, you need to put a heavy item on the mouse button. I made coffee while all the stuff was sold (no joking). It took several minutes.

=> add a faster "counting" after 30 secons. Steps of 100 would be fine for worthless (3cr) items like alien materials.

or, much better:

=> give sense to the alien materials:

> Fighters can only be built with these.
> New weapons need it
> new kinds of ammunition could use it (see above)
> Bases could be protected effectively against bombing runs by adding "armor" (this would also explain why aliens do not simply wipe out Phallanx bases but attack them with soldiers)

=> this would open up another research branch: "What can we do with these materials?" with easy trigger points "New development: We found a way to shape the materials even more precisely. Now we are able to form smaller things like..."

> Ranking system of soldiers

It's too slow. I only got 1 soldier who wasn't a Rifleman.

=> speed up the ranking system: For every 5 soldiers in Phallanx there should be a superior (a Sergeant), for every 15 an officer, etc... the best person gets promoted. 

> Skill system

I also don't understand how the skills increase. Some seem to be linked to the weapons you use, and to kills (grenade launcher guys level fast), some other skills don't change at all while others change faster. I didn't find a system behind it.

Health is a problem, though. I haven't seen it rise, which I would like to. My best Close Combat soldier had 80 HP which was not enough at the end of the game. She kept dying from every stupid needle. :)

Okay, this is what I wanted to feedback to you. Thank you for the great game! ;)



Artwork / Re: New models
« on: January 01, 2010, 09:58:38 pm »
Great ;)


Discussion / Re: Organizing troops
« on: December 30, 2009, 07:42:39 pm »
Cool, I use the same strategies of organizing my troops. :)

CC 5 SN 6  James Smith (meaning: "close combat 50-59 skill, sniper 60-69 skill") => so I know what the soldier is good at and how good he is. :)

In version 2.3 you can assign different uniform colors which is useful to find you close combat soldiers and distinguish them from your snipers.

So I support the proposal to make "renaming" easier and enable the option in the equipment screen.


Since machinepistols,  shotguns and all the laser weapons are nicely balanced in the first part of the game (before aliens have medium armor I used most of them) but become useless later on, I would suggest the following:

After the medium armor is researched, Phallanx realizes that some of its weapons have almost become useless.

Consequently they improve them... (new research options)

Just my ideas that sprang to my mind:

> new kinds of ammunition for the standard weapons specially designed to be armor piercing. One could for example use alien material to make the bullets (which would give "alien materials, 3 credits" some importance in the game) or rebuild the weapons with alien material, so that they can stand more stress.
> better energy source for the laser weapon => more power => more damage. Plus a good opportunity to make the heavy laser a bit stronger. :) It's too weak compared against the machine gun in 25 round burst. 

Just a few ideas that came to my mind after I read Destructavator's posting.


Grenade launcher is fine. :)  (but not very useful in cqc, I find. Too much damage for myself with PB grenades)

Flamer: good idea. Never even tried it. :)

Still: Something like a human short assault rifle or a machine pistol that does decent damage would be great! ;)


Feature Requests / Re: Human vs. Human and more!
« on: December 29, 2009, 04:32:05 pm »
HanK: Military convoy attack map?

I've been playing this game (2.3) for a long time now and I have a very limited choice of maps. I'd be interested in how you get these maps I don't know.



I'm later in the game (2.3) and have researched all weapons (heavy needler is the last one). The choice of weapons in most maps is clear (lots of coilguns, small snipers and a few attackers with stun grenades + PB-launcher) but sometimes you need to get into ufos, which means deadly close quarter fighting.

I should point out right here that I am no fan of using alien weapons (I just think they are made for aliens). I love to use the ones developed by humans (using alien technologies) or even standard weapons.

Observation + Problem: I realized that the best weapon for close quarter combat is the coilgun because it is the only weapon that stands a chance to kill the enemy with just 1 shot. If aliens are allowed to fire (at this close range) my soldiers are almost always killed. I find this frustrating  because my soliders have 60+ skill and I don't like to lose many of them. I didn't care about losses at the beginning but after a long time I can't just let 3 of them die in a terror ufo. I retry. Retry. And quit quite often.

Personal Opinion: It just doesn't feel right for the most powerful, huge, bulky sniper rifle to be the best close quarter combat weapon in the game.

Consequence: I think we are missing a human close quarter combat weapon that takes the described function of the coilgun. The sniper skill should not be the most important inside a ufo. I expected the assault and close quarter skills to be important but there are no human weapons that are suitable in this phase of the game (laser rifle + pistol are just ridiculous against medium armour mutons).  

Or am I missing an existing human weapon that is well suited for active close quarter fighting (+ deadly reaction fire) against muton + sheevar in medium armor?


Bugs prior to release 2.3 / Re: Mutiny! (Then crash)
« on: December 29, 2009, 03:58:18 pm »
I don't know whether it is related... I saw aliens shooting their fellow aliens, running after each other and killing each other (on purpose, not because standing in the line of fire). It doesn't happen often, but could be connected. I didn't find out what caused aliens to hunt down each other.


It shouldn't matter whether you reload a pumpgun before or after shooting. Switching the gun to safety after each shot is not what an AI fight feels like, so I think it shouldn't be implemented. This is not a military simulation. :)

#1 example: You have 30 TUs, the enemy hast 20 reaction and a gun that can fire every 5 TUs.

I walk 10 TUs without being shot at, then the first reaction fire starts.

I can move another 5 time units before the next shot is fired at me.

I don't care much when the exact point of shooting is, but there shouldn't be such fast reaction fire shots. :)

This was what I wanted to explain. :)


Yes, definitely. Every alien does that. I can spend a few time units, after that they start reaction firing... and each of them fires once for every step my soldier does.

Btw, my soldiers react the same way: if an alien comes under reaction fire, each step it makes (after having spent the few "free steps") means another shot by my soldier, as long until his overall TUs reserved are spent. But I can definetely fire a shot every 2 TUs (1 step of an alien) that would normally take much more TUs. 


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