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Messages - Battlescared

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Discussion / Re: The new campaign in 2.4
« on: June 21, 2012, 01:00:26 am »
If he sped up the clock to an hour or more time frame, a UFO could probably sneak in and shoot down the firebird before he realized it was there.  I normally run them back at no more than 20 minute time frame, sometimes slower if I don't know what is around.

Discussion / Re: My observations on the game
« on: June 19, 2012, 02:04:54 am »
I respect your opinion on this but let me point out a few counterpoints that you may not have thought of:

1. Base Entrance.  We've had a few discussions on this.  It seems that troops deploy randomly when a base encounter begins.  My troops always spawned in the living quarters modules, which I tried to locate close to the entrance.  Other people reported their troops showed up in different areas, so not sure what the difference is.  Either way, at times I had to move my troops as fast as possible to the entrance, but I never had a problem.  Just don't send people up too fast with no TP's to back them up.  Get them together as quick as possible, and move them together, waiting for the enemy to come to you until they play chicken and wait for you.

2. Engaging ships before you're ready to engage:  Don't do it.  There is no law in the game that says you have to engage every ship that appears.  In most cases, the tough ships are the harvesters (two Stilleto's can always shoot down a UFO fighter or scout) so just wait till they land and engage them on the ground.  Better loot anyway, and a full 100% ship to deconstruct later (assuming you've build a UFO Depot).  You can also build SAM sites to help soften them up a bit.

3. Never engage a UFO with a dropship.  Period.  If there are fighters in the area, don't send out a dropship.  Wait for them to leave.  As far as I know, UFO crashes don't disappear until you engage it, so just let things lay till you can get to them safely.  A little patience is required here.

4. Countries can be bought off.  Sell your recovered UFO's to the countries who complain the most.  They'll come around and be sending you nice fat checks after a few months of gameplay.  Really, then it gets boring after that, so enjoy the country tension while you can.

5. Just to be sure you're aware of it, there are multiple selections on the stilleto screen for weapons, armor, miscellaneous systems (in the drop down list).  Be sure to put a ECM and weapons targeting on your stilleto's.  It does help their survivability.

6. Research.  Build a second living quarters and laboratory in your first base as soon as you can.  Hire as many scientists as you can, up to 20.  It helps speed things along.  I usually make my first base the primary research base until I have more cash later on.  Use your second base to be a production base.

7. I agree with you on the troop deployment of the initial drop ship.  It's a map issue as it's been explained.  Later on you'll research a larger drop ship and then you'll get to charge off the ship like we used to do in XCOM.  I've never really had troubles with the troop being spread out on start, but I never liked it much.

Linux / Re: SuSe 12.1 Issues
« on: June 16, 2012, 10:32:19 pm »
Did you get this solved?  It looks like your sym link is not working.  I think you're running 64 bit SuSe, and I'm running 32 bit, which means your sym link will need to point to /lib64 like the error is indicating.  Try:

sudo ln -s /lib64/ /usr/local/lib/

Tactics / Re: Keeping the Nations Happy in 2.4
« on: May 28, 2012, 04:13:53 pm »
I played on Hard, which is not the same, I know, but I've never had any issues with keeping them happy.  Usually any time someone gets a little unhappy with me I sell them a recovered UFO and they perk right up.  I've just glanced through the thread but I didn't really see that mentioned, just about building bases and keeping good coverage.  The countries I didn't have bases in complained the most, but I had everyone happy with just one or two bases in the beginning and within 6-8 months everyone was exuberant.  In the beginning, selling UFO's generates more cash than selling them because you get more money from the countries.

Discussion / Re: Feedback
« on: May 27, 2012, 01:55:40 pm »
Buy/sell price is not the same, so you lose money when using that as an instant transfer method
Are there any plans to update the buy/sell page with both prices?  This is somewhat confusing because only one price is listed.  Which price is listed?  The buy or sell price?

And while were on it, it would be nice if the prices fluctuated wit time, though I suppose we control the market for plasma weapons, which is what I sell 99% of the time.

Feature Requests / Re: crash site with no survivors
« on: May 27, 2012, 01:51:55 pm »
I've often thought that after a crashed UFO there should be a random number of alien survivors, between 0 and the max number of aliens the ship can hold.  I do like having the max aliens to kill (more stuff to sell), but it would make sense that some would die in the crash. 

It might give more reason to shoot UFO's down for some people, especially harvesters.  If you shoot it down, there will be less aliens and quicker fights, which some people like.  Catch it on the ground, more aliens to fight, tougher/longer battle. 

Does your system play other games at similar resolutions to the one you set UFOAI to?  You may be having a graphics card problem at higher resolutions, maybe a bad segment of memory.  Any graphics glitches related to it?

Discussion / Re: Feedback
« on: May 26, 2012, 07:58:57 pm »

I experienced a lag spike in geoscope arial combat. The Saracen armed with Sparrowhawk and TR - 80 launchers vs Alien Fighter, lag spike every time, if I replace both weapons with plasma weapon the lag is gone.

I have the same issue.  Thanks for pointing out that it's the launchers causing it.  I'll try and test that and confirm.

The base and craft icons are hard to discern. Craft flying over Antarctica are practically invisible because of glare. The earth is portrayed in realistic tones, perhaps the icons should be larger and more "Cartoony" to make them really stand out.

I feel almost the opposite.  I feel the base and station icons are too big and dominate too much of the geoscape.   I especially don't like when I zoom out and they get huge, often overlapping each other making it hard to click on them at times. 

The aircraft could may use some coloring up, perhaps black would make them stand out more, flat black so they don't reflect the sun. :)

In the original XCOM, when you completed a research project the UFOpedia page popped up. I think that would be a good feature to implement. It is a reward and is useful to help players understand and integrate new technologies. I played a year of in game time when I discovered the mailclient.

I like the mail system as it is, though as said already, something more dramatic would help. I've also had reports missed because I didn't notice the mail client go bold with everything going on.  Maybe a popup to say new mail or something.

Using the standard UI, in the upper left corner where the portrait and name are, under the name should be a red square for each enemy unit visible to his LOS. Clicking on each red dot center screen on enemy unit visible to the selected friendly unit.
This would be a great feature.

I read somewhere you may be removing sniper/close/heavy/explosive skills from the game in 2.5. In my humble opinion that is bad, the distinctions are a fun element you have added to the game which deepens character development. Let us not forget, XCOM was best because it worked on multiple levels, not only strategic and tactical but also an element of role play with your soldiers and their growing prowess.

Heavy weapons are being removed as a skill (Paraphrasing someone's reply)
Awww.  I like stats.  Lots of stats.  I don't see why removing it makes the game any easier or better.  There were plenty of weapons and units to support all types of gameplay.

I read somewhere that XCOM was an elite unit, but the recruits are sorely lacking. Each recruit should be at least three bubbles in one weapons skill.
You get a lot of prospective trainees.  Rate each one and pick the best in their field of specialty.  Stats are relative, though, in every game.  All units are elite, some are just more elite than others.  You should see the stats on the ones who didn't make it.  ::)

I think units progress too slowly. I don't usually let units die, so one death is a retry. That being said, the units at my first and second base have done a considerable number of missions in a year of service, yet they have hardly progressed. In fact, Mind is by far the skill which has seen the greatest increases, due to the amount of first aid they apply. Late game, I hire rare new recruits with higher skills than most of my veterans.
Not sure I've experienced that.  Skills progress on how often you use them.  I try to make an alpha first response team, and then support teams.  My alpha team goes on most of the missions and they progress fast.  The other units progress slower, but they're still better than most recruits after a year of gameplay.  Do you autoresolve a lot?  I play every mission regardless.  Only way to boost stats, and sometimes I take extra shots just for fun. :) 

Actually, do stats increase when you autoresolve?

Ah, you're right.  I thought it was human technology we researched and had to produce, but they're coming off the ufo's.  Delete this thread if you're so inclined.  Sorry for the false alarm.

Bugs in older version (2.4) / Re: Missing items in storage
« on: May 26, 2012, 12:24:06 am »
Ugh, be thankful there is a game to have bugs in.  A lot of effort went into it and something this obscure is going to slip by.  And the way it ended up, it's more of an exploit than a defect.  I wish I had noticed it during game play.  Instant transfers would have been a nice feature. :)

Bugs in older version (2.4) / Partical Cannon Mystery Production
« on: May 25, 2012, 08:48:09 pm »
I'm getting particle cannons showing up mysteriously in inventory.  Not sure what is triggering it, but they just keep showing up.

Over in the Bug thread I posted that I'd discovered a problem in the transfer page where items can be lost while working on this.  I think I can fix the problem, but it's a bit out of scope of where I'm working at the moment.

The issue is that the next/previous base buttons are not reinitializing the transfer menu when they are clicked.  The transfer linked list just gets dumped with all the items in it.  What I think should happen is that the prev/next callbacks should check if they are on the transfer page and issue a command to reset the transfer page and unload the cargo before the next base is selected.  That is outside of the scope of cp_transfer_callbacks.c I'm working on now, and at least for the moment, I'd like to stay in that scope.  But I could save the current state in cp_transfer_callbacks in global and check it when the items are accessed to see if there had been a change in the source base, and reset things when I detect that.  I'm looking if I can detect that state without using globals (I don't like globals, though I know it's common in C).

Ideas?  Direction?  Leave it for others to fix?

Bugs in older version (2.4) / Re: Missing items in storage
« on: May 25, 2012, 06:53:28 pm »
Thanks!  At least we know one reason items can disappear in storage.  I think in some cases, people may not realize they did this, and later wonder what happened to something while doing something else.

For now, be careful when you use the next/prev base buttons.  I think I may be able to fix this, but it's something that maybe should be addressed at a different level than what I'm working on now.

Bugs in older version (2.4) / Re: Missing items in storage
« on: May 25, 2012, 05:43:00 pm »
I think I've found a bug in the transfer page that may explain missing inventory items.  If you start a transfer and then go to another base using the next base/previous base buttons at the top of the page, the existing cargo to be transferred is lost.  I am working on a modification to this page so I'll investigate and try to fix this issue since I'm not 100% it's something that I introduced or if it was a problem before I started.

If someone could verify this for me, it would help.  Please do the following:

1. Enter a base and go to the transfer page.
2. Add a few items to the cargo list.  Remember how many of each item you have in storage.
3. Click on the "Next Base" icon at the top of the screen (the little blue arrow head pointing to the right).
4. Click on the "Previous Base" icon at the top of the screen (the little blue arrow head pointing to the left).
5. Check your inventory. 

Did the items disappear?

Newbie Coding / Re: Question on List Formatting
« on: May 24, 2012, 03:14:00 am »
Can you confirm something for me?  I thought spinners were supposed to be on all the transfer tabs... but I seem to have lost them.  I just read a comment that they are only on the Items page?  Does that mean you can't transfer employees, aircraft, or Aliens?  I never used those functions in game so now that I've modified my source code, I'm not sure if I broke something or if that is normal.

As it is right now, I only have spinners on the Items page.  Correct?

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