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Messages - Captain Bipto

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Feature Requests / Re: R23665 - Game Crash at Combat Summary
« on: March 26, 2009, 06:47:38 am »
I auto alien terror and honestly every mission I van get away with (i lost the option to auto mission sporadically). Only on crashed ufo maps have I encountered this.

Feature Requests / Re: R23665 - Game Crash at Combat Summary
« on: March 26, 2009, 04:28:34 am »
I have not had this issue...yet

Feature Requests / Re: Crabwalk (Vista)
« on: March 26, 2009, 03:55:50 am »
I've had it happen so that the soldier cannot walk upright throughout the map, though I did crouch him near the firebird (on a crashed ufo map) after turn one.

EDIT/UPDATE: Okay so as soon as I have my guys crouch they can no longer walk upright (but can continue moving while crouched). They can stand up but then the movement box turns blue. I had both crouchers at the end of turn one and at the end of turn two. Both resulted in the crabwalk. Again only done this on crashed ufo map.

User modifications / Re: [UFO:AI v2.2.1 MOD] Weapons Mk. II
« on: March 26, 2009, 03:09:18 am »
The machine pistol really should be the standard sidearm. I use it to great effect all the time as a backup for a heavy weapon guy.

I have never used the semi-auto pistol, and only once the cut down shotgun.

Discussion / Re: Latest real-world weaponry
« on: March 26, 2009, 03:03:10 am »
What sort of weapon extensions are planned for the game? Under barrel shotguns and grenade launchers? Scopes? I did not see anything regarding extensions in the wiki cept for the gui comment.

EDIT: @ BTAxis this is not my game, but separating the different vision goggles does not make sense from anything but your rationale that you do not want items doing too many (or in this case everything) things. I respectfully disagree. You are already going to have the goggles incur a penalty to accuracy IIRC, walls the aliens hide behind are not destructable and it costs TU to switch between modes (though not to use IIRC). The penalties for using the gear will probably stop people from equipping their entire squad with goggles, per the UFOpaedia it is recommended only half the team uses it to begin with AND snipers can't use them anyhow. instead of passive use, I would make using the goggles take some sort of TU to representing fiddling with them to get a better picture.

I suggest either:
1.) obsolete these goggles during the course of the story through upgraded alien countermeasures, or
2.) do not make them 100% reliable.

I think the first option is better.

Feature Requests / Crabwalk (Vista)
« on: March 25, 2009, 11:24:10 pm »
If I have my guy crouch and then move, he can longer move while standing up. He can still move around while crouched. March 23 dev release 23665

Feature Requests / Actors walking in the air (Vista)
« on: March 25, 2009, 11:23:10 pm »
There appear to be invisible steps which trap actors into either going off of the map into the black border or up into the air. once in the air (my guys at least I saw that) could no longer move around but could still turn around. I have not had an opportunity to determine whether or not they can see anything while airwalking. \\As mentioned before this is the march 23 dev release I could from the Win 32 Installer link (latest one by odie).

 March 23 dev release 23665

Feature Requests / Aliens do not attack (ranged or melee)
« on: March 25, 2009, 11:21:25 pm »
I am playing the march 23 dev release on Windows Vista (thank for your condolences) and I have noticed that the aliens walk around my guys, even one space away and do not take any offensive action. The aliens do continue trying to end their turn out of my guys' LOS though. I got this version thru the Windows Installer sticky, not SVN.

 March 23 dev release 23665

Discussion / Re: Pulse rifle?
« on: March 25, 2009, 11:03:08 pm »
keep those Aliens weapons where they belong, as second hand props used in cruddy sci-fi c-movies.

Discussion / Re: 2.3 Don't Flame
« on: March 24, 2009, 08:09:31 pm »
wait, is someone making fun of me?

Anyhow, i'll freely admit that I only play this game when I want to.

Discussion / Re: Latest real-world weaponry
« on: March 23, 2009, 11:17:56 pm »
Why separate the goggles into IR and Night vision goggles?

Discussion / Re: Latest real-world weaponry
« on: March 23, 2009, 10:42:41 pm »
Thanks for the link, I see what you meant. The system with the 10 rays. Having IR goggles would help increase the soldiers base detection ability which would help counter the stealth bonus given to a partially obscured target?

Discussion / Re: Latest real-world weaponry
« on: March 23, 2009, 10:09:45 pm »
So a system where one actor may not always see another actor due to cover, lighting etc?

EDIT: Or would it be more for allowing a dude a higher chance of getting his rxn fire off before the target can do anything?

Discussion / Re: Latest real-world weaponry
« on: March 23, 2009, 05:10:07 pm »
Unless the devs are planning on allowing stealthy raids into alien bases there is not point for these 'stealth' weapons.

Discussion / Re: Latest real-world weaponry
« on: March 22, 2009, 07:03:56 am »
BTW one current theory on making cool (pun intended) conductors for coil guns is to use plasma in tubes instead of wires.

I liked forcefields in the x-com clone done by wanna talk about radiation problems though...some sci-fi settings have units emitting alpha-particles to form a field. However I think it has been mentioned before somewhere that fields and riot shields are not fitting in the setting.

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