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Messages - vedrit

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Discussion / Re: UFO:AI Online
« on: April 14, 2010, 08:17:05 pm »

As a final note, game creation is very complex and takes a lot of work, even for a simple game.  There isn't any "easy way out" of all that work, or any way around it.  Now do you see why people can take over a year for making a dumb little 2D game?
No offense, but that is just a big "no duh"
I know its hard. It know it takes a long time. There is a saying, which is very true, that goes something like this: Anything that can be done quickly isnt worth doing.
HOWEVER, I was hoping for something like RealmCrafter, which is heavily geared towards the artistic rather than programing, meaning its a game engine, with a graphical interface similar to what you would find in a modeling program. Epic Games' UDK is close, and I'm learning it for another project, but its not GPL friendly.
I understand that for any particular project to be worth making, muchless playing, lines upon lines of code will have to be examined, edited, or flat out written. If I could do flat out scripting and coding, I'd already be working on this project and have a project or two already done. But I cant. Simply put, I just cant grasp the language and complexeties of scripting languages (Atleast without taking classes as if it were a foreign language)

All in all, Im not looking for an easy way out of the work,Im just looking for a graphical way of doing the work

Discussion / Re: UFO:AI Online
« on: April 14, 2010, 04:26:04 pm »
I dont even try compiling my own. Even with all the programs to make it "easy", I just cant ever seem to do it right.
Everything in the bin folder is just examples. Nothing to use to make anything that I can see

Discussion / Re: UFO:AI Online
« on: April 14, 2010, 04:46:31 am »
Well....I wont be going with Irrlicht. I cant even get it to run

Artwork / Re: New Soldier model test pk3 / status of animation work
« on: April 13, 2010, 04:24:47 pm »
I can upload to other sites, it would just be a lot easier to upload to the SVN

Artwork / Re: New Soldier model test pk3 / status of animation work
« on: April 13, 2010, 07:53:23 am »
I finally have some time to do some animations. Theres just 1 problem: I cant commit to the SVN, I lack the rights

Discussion / Re: The Flamer's description contradicts it's self.
« on: April 12, 2010, 09:02:09 pm »
Redundancy to ensure firing

Discussion / Re: UFO:AI Online
« on: April 12, 2010, 04:20:43 pm »
Yeah, Irrlicht doesnt look too bad either. Have you looked at Sauerbraten?

Discussion / Re: UFO:AI Online
« on: April 12, 2010, 08:14:40 am »
Refusing to let this die, I have been looking for a GPL-compatible engine. Ogre is ranking fairly high on the list.
Also, note, that I am trying to combine RPG and FPS. Thats the way to go, I say

Artwork / Re: Just a thought
« on: April 11, 2010, 02:11:35 am »
hey just a thought. I mean it would be cool to have an all black team. hell i think we should have a point in the game where if you dont have enough arabs or white people, you must hire more of them over the black guy. then you start getting protests outside your base by various groups. and you have to pay them off. It forces the player to think "WHOLE PICTURE" what to do with funds etc...also having to explain yourself to the world media, that would seem pretty cool. Oh there should also be strikes every now and then from the Engineers. where are the strikes? 

Wow....this thread was retarded before, but it just reached, or dropped to, a whole new level. Seriously? Lets have more Asians, becuase they are all ninja, right? Or Arabians, because they are all willing to blow themselves up. But no whites, becuase they are all retarded, red-neck, or simply too lazy. All the caucasian should be morbiadbly obese.

I dont care whether your black, white, green, or polkadot. Please refrain from saying, muchless starting a thread, about something so trivial and pointless as "This race/ethnicity should be more common or the only one available!"

How the heck did the human race get so stupid?

Artwork / Re: New Soldier model test pk3 / status of animation work
« on: April 11, 2010, 02:06:56 am »
H-Hour: I'll definatly look into things. My internet was PMS'ing this morning, so I couldnt update my files or download the models themselves. Still waiting for my files to update (Got home from work about 10 mins ago)

Artwork / Re: New Soldier model test pk3 / status of animation work
« on: April 09, 2010, 09:39:33 pm »
Dont forget, Destructavator, that there are other people that can do animations
Also, I dont know how you set things up, but once a skeleton has been animated, it can be applied to other models.

Feature Requests / Re: Melee Weapon: Laser Blade
« on: April 08, 2010, 04:26:02 pm »
although theres alot of weapons that dont even exist in real life. in UFO games.  whether its laser, plasma, fusion. but still you have them in games...
I beg to differ. Sure, they may not be militarized, but its obvious that weapons based on these "sci-fi techs" isnt too far from the horizon.
You know why they call "Plasma TVs" plasma? Because thats what they use. Thats why they have to warm up before you can see anything.
Fusion is a bit trickier. It doesnt exist is the sense I think we are all thinking of, but its happening. An atom smasher is New York smashed some gold atoms together to generate a temperature of some 4 trillion degrees celsius. If that were applied to energy production, you could flash-evaporate the 4 Great Lakes and use that to spin some steam turbines. And then some. The report I read stated that the temperature was high enough that the electrons, protons and neutrons melted into smaller parts.

Windows / Re: UGV's
« on: April 07, 2010, 06:06:16 am »
There is no ways to use UGVs yet.

A great unfortunance. They were always fun in the origional X-COM

Discussion / Re: UFO:AI Online
« on: April 01, 2010, 04:18:16 pm »
Dark, I know its hard. Believe me, I know. I wouldnt be bothering if I had to make everything from scratch.

Most MMORPGs have large teams, corporate funding, years of development, and several testing phases. Its done as a job.

This would be done just how UFO:AI is being done; more as a hobby than a job.

To be honest, no, I havent figured out everything, or even close to it. Thats why, if licensing werent an issue, it would be in the 'concept' phase.

Design / Re: why no nuclear stuff?
« on: April 01, 2010, 06:33:59 am »
TR-20 Rocket pod. Though thanks to its inaccuracy when fired at max speed it's used more with the rate of 300 RPM.
The latest ones are actually quite accurate, BECAUSE the RoF is 300RPM+(I think its higher than this, because 300RPM is only 5RPS. I think the fastest one is 1800 RPM, and its a BEAST!) . The rounds leave the barrel before there is kickback, allowing for a majority of the rounds to hit within very close proximity of each other, even at extended range. If you were to add on computer targeting that could aim with an error of a few nanometers, loaded with depleted uranium rounds (Which, by the way, are more than just heavy. They do explode. Uranium is combustable), and you have a devestating peice of weaponry.

BUT for the sake of balancing, I really dont think it will make it in

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