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Messages - ptbptb

Pages: 1 2 3 [4]
Bugs prior to release 2.4 / Alien Materials from Harvester disassembling
« on: September 20, 2011, 03:46:40 pm »
Disassembling an intact Harvester will produce 1600 Alien Materials. The product screen statistics state that 800 should be produced.

Discussion / Re: Spawnpoints
« on: September 19, 2011, 08:34:13 pm »
To be honest, I tend to prefer the 'in each others' face' deployments.

I have nothing against 'in your face'.  It's when you have four or five aliens all facing you and one 'lucky' soldier gets hit by reaction fire from all of them if he fires, runs away or you try to move someone else in front of him.  Some combinations just end up with everyone picking on the same guy.

Discussion / Re: Spawnpoints
« on: September 19, 2011, 05:30:16 pm »
There are some combinations of map and initial deployment of soldiers that basically ensure that someone will die.  I don't think that's very nice. :-/

Generally one or two retries will get you a set of starting positions that won't prove necessarily fatal on the first turn for one of your soldiers, but I'd prefer not to have to do that.

Bugs prior to release 2.4 / Re: Crash on clicking 'aircraft' in base.
« on: September 10, 2011, 11:46:07 am »
Hopefully fixed in latest master.

Thanks a lot. :-)  I think I'll just keep avoiding the aircraft screen when there are aircraft out and about for now.

I came across another bug just now - but I think it will be next to impossible to reproduce.  A Taman turned invisible after crouching down. He shot at my soldiers for a few turns while I tried to work out what had happened, then I got him by firing plasma grenades around the general area where I thought he was. There wasn't any cover to speak of (just a couple of houses that I looked inside).

Code: [Select]
2011/09/10 10:26:08 Team 1's round started!
2011/09/10 10:26:56 Mnookk Kkr Kraukk is consumed by mad rage!
2011/09/10 10:26:59 Team 1 ended round
2011/09/10 10:26:59 Team 7's round started!
2011/09/10 10:27:04 Team 7 ended round
2011/09/10 10:27:04 Team 0's round started!
2011/09/10 10:27:06 Team 0 ended round
2011/09/10 10:27:06 Team 1's round started!
2011/09/10 10:27:16 [STATS] Paul (Ahalya Hashimoto) kills civilian (b c) with 5-Shot Burst of machinegun_ammo
2011/09/10 10:27:37 Team 1 ended round
2011/09/10 10:27:37 Team 7's round started!
2011/09/10 10:27:39 Team 7 ended round
2011/09/10 10:27:39 Team 0's round started!
2011/09/10 10:27:41 Team 0 ended round
2011/09/10 10:27:41 Team 1's round started!
2011/09/10 10:28:08 Team 1 ended round
2011/09/10 10:28:08 Team 7's round started!
2011/09/10 10:28:14 Team 7 ended round
2011/09/10 10:28:14 Team 0's round started!
2011/09/10 10:28:14 Team 0 ended round
2011/09/10 10:28:14 Team 1's round started!
2011/09/10 10:28:30 Team 1 ended round
2011/09/10 10:28:30 Team 7's round started!
2011/09/10 10:28:38 Team 7 ended round
2011/09/10 10:28:38 Team 0's round started!
2011/09/10 10:28:38 Team 0 ended round
2011/09/10 10:28:38 Team 1's round started!
2011/09/10 10:29:13 [STATS] Paul (Dmitry Kuznetzov) kills alien (Mnookk Kkr Kraukk) with Aimed Shot - Airburst of grenl_plasma_ammo
2011/09/10 10:29:16 [STATS] End of game - Team 1 is the winner

Bugs prior to release 2.4 / Re: Crash on clicking 'aircraft' in base.
« on: September 09, 2011, 12:58:57 pm »
Oh, I've just realised something relevant to this bug.

When the aircraft screen of a base is displayed the aircraft currently selected depends on which aircraft you had selected in the previous screen displayed (even if it's a different base). e.g. If in Base 1 you select Aircraft 2 then clicking 'Next Base' followed by 'Aircraft' will leave you with Aircraft 2 selected from those in the second base.

So the reason why it sometimes crashes when you click 'Aircraft' and sometimes crashes when you select an aircraft from the list at that base is now clear.  When it crashes on clicking 'Aircraft' the aircraft that is out of the base is selected. When it doesn't crash for the initial display of the Aircraft screen then the aircraft that is in the base is selected.

What's causing the crash has something to do with the display of the aircraft that is out of the base.  I have no idea why it only happens sometimes, though.

Bugs prior to release 2.4 / Re: Crash on clicking 'aircraft' in base.
« on: September 09, 2011, 09:54:54 am »
im not getting a crash and i clicked next and equipment over and over again and dr who is the 3rd base not 4th-5th but ive got 8th sept snapshot on my pc atm

Did you click 'Items' as well as 'Equipment'? You have* to click both for both aircraft in each base.  

The snapshot shouldn't matter as the same bug was there in the Aug 21 download.  Also I didn't say anything about which base Dr Who was.

* Well, at least I had to.

Tactics / Re: Where/why/how many bases do you build?
« on: September 08, 2011, 06:04:27 pm »
Definitely build them in pairs.

Each base can have support 3 installations, so I have two bases that have missile ranges that just overlap, and spread the SAM around them.  Fighters, scouts and (sometimes) harvesters just get shot down as they wander through the area.

Bugs prior to release 2.4 / Re: Crash on clicking 'aircraft' in base.
« on: September 08, 2011, 05:26:49 pm »
This time it's repeatable (although slightly different in when it's triggered to before).

Here's how to get it to occur (on my computer, anyway).

1. Start new instance of UFO AI
2. Click on 'Babylon 5' base
3. Click 'Aircraft'
4. Select 'Equipment' tag then 'Items' view for each aircraft in turn.
5. Click next (right arrow) base.
* Repeat step 4 to 5 until you get to base Dr Who. It usually crashes when you select the aircraft Stingray in base Dr Who. Sometimes it crashes as soon as you click 'Aircraft' from the base Dr Who.

If you skip steps (e.g. go direct to base Dr Who from the geoscape,) it doesn't crash.

And again.

Feature Requests / Endless cliff of doom eats grenades
« on: September 07, 2011, 06:18:36 pm »
Simple idea - the first few squares 'outside of the map' could be present, but not allow actors to walk on them. That would allow grenades and rockets to explode close enough to people to damage them, instead of falling down for eternity into the endless dark.

OK, bug happened again - got the log.

I figured out what happened with the 'disappearing' log section. I selected the log with 'browse' but didn't post until after I tried to reproduce the bug - and then, of course, the new log had overwritten the file I wanted to attach.

Switching between bases was a red herring - this happened on the first base I clicked on from the geoscape when I hit the 'Airplane' button.

The base did have one plane (Stilleto) out at the time, that might be relevant.

Note that the content of the log differs slightly (from memory) compared to last time, but it's basically the same problem of looping commands overrunning string buffer.

[EDIT] P.S. That was with a nightly-build I downloaded after my first post.

There is nothing - nothing important - in your log.
Er, sorry about that. Something obviously went wrong when I tried to cut the log down from 31MB to something I could post as an attachment. It was a buffer overflow with a two command loop repeated endlessly (something about select aircraft). I'll try again next time it happens. (Usually happens several times a day, but it's not very predictable).

Aug 21 wasn't yesterday, you know.
Yes, for some reason I don't download 1GB every day.  

And you've missed sharing some important information: How did you make it crash

It just happens when you click 'Aircraft'.

what does "crash" mean for you.
Program goes into an endless loop (as I mentioned). The console log got to 31MB. I get 'Program not responding' and close it.

Did you change bases on Base screen, on Aircraft screen or where?

Bugs prior to release 2.4 / Crash on clicking 'aircraft' in base.
« on: September 07, 2011, 12:52:40 pm »
I've cut short the console log - once it started repeating it just kept on for ever.

I have eight bases, two aircraft in each, and the bug occurred when looking at each aircraft to check for equipment that needs to be bought / installed.  It crashed after checking eight or so aircraft.  

The game version is that downloaded on Aug 21st.

I've seen this bug occur a few times, it seems to have something to do with switching from one base to another several times in a row without backing out into the globe view screen.

I was not able to recreate from the latest save file (I didn't bother fighting the battle before trying to force the bug to occur, though).

Discussion / Re: Alien activity too intense?
« on: August 31, 2011, 10:55:28 am »
Just want to give a "Hell Yeah!" to the "Alien activity too intense?" question.

Less UFOs, harder UFOs, higher priced UFOs. That's the direction I'd like to see things go.

At present, even cheating the hell out of the game using debug_ commands, there's just a ridiculous amount of missions to do before you can make one set of nanocomposite armor.

Discussion / Actor highlighting in 2.4
« on: August 21, 2011, 08:40:39 pm »
Hi, I preferred the 2.3 style of actor highlighting - the green circles to the bright green squares that are used in 2.4.  Is there an option or console command anywhere to turn them back?

[EDIT] Nevermind, it mysteriously changed back by itself.(?)

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