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Messages - Tamanfodder

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Tactics / Re: UFO with 1110 km speed
« on: January 09, 2011, 10:00:48 pm »
LoL i remember on 2.2 my stilettos chewed harvesters out of the sky! It was ridicilous! One stiletto with SHIVA, 2X Sparrowhawks, NO armor, NO ECM and NO targeting computer brought down a harvester!  ;D But on 2.31? No sir! It is a rather good thing as the starter craft shouldnt be capable of that anyway...

Tactics / Re: My battle strategy
« on: January 09, 2011, 09:54:51 pm »
Well i already fire everyone and choose the best of the best on my squad:

4:assaults - Assault weapons, accuracy.
2:heavys - heavy weapons, least mind (ok that last was a joke  ;D)
1:snipa - accuracy (i don`t mind the weapon skill sniper rifle has so crappy accuracy that the shooter MUST be accurate)
1:full-time medic - (since the assaults all already have a medkit on theyr holster)

Feature Requests / Suqqestion of a new feature!
« on: January 09, 2011, 08:58:08 pm »
It is amazing what 3 liters of mead, sleeples night, ADHD and triangular medicene can do! I got an idea last year (less than a month ago) and for some yet unknown reason posted it to design section as a "storyline proposal" Don`t bother to read that it is all a pure crap! Here is a refined version with a pure point: Would it be possible to research an anti alien XVI virii??? that would enable you to cure some aliens on your containment. They sure wouldn`t symphatise the XVI after knowing what has it done to theyr kind! To have aliens on your squad you  would need an alien living quarters, also as the aliens are better to do a spesific job than humans they would be worse on several others: Tamans could be good at PSI powers and poor at physical strenght, Ortnoks would be the exact opposite, Shevaars would be fast but... any ideas for weaknesses??? Also aliens on your squad would have a negative moral impact on your human soldiers since they wouldn`t sure trust them as far as they can throw them! And civilians would also panic as the coming rescuers  turn out to be TAMANS on PHALANX uniform it would be one of a kind WTF!!!!! situation  ;D

Design / Re: Storyline idea!
« on: January 02, 2011, 01:11:10 am »
Well now i am a bit more sober... after reading this shit i wrote, i thought: The aliens fighting for PHALANX is the only good idea on this! How about: You could research anti alien XVI virii. To cure some aliens you have on your containment. After a few weeks training on earth ways, They would be good to go to aid you on missions for example: Tamans could be good at the upcoming psionics, ortnocs would be poor at that but strong in physical strenght and shevaars would be the fast bastards with IR vision, sure the cured aliens wouldn`t really symphatise the XVI that has enslaved theyr kind. Though aliens on your squad would hawe a negative moral impact for your human troops on the field, also civs would propably freack out when aliens are coming from the harvester AND PHALANX landing craft.

Tactics / Re: Base invasion
« on: December 22, 2010, 02:52:14 am »
Ignore my last...   ...and possibly this post! Im a bit too sleepy to write anything with any point! But the base is still too big to defend with 8 soldiers...

Design / Storyline idea!
« on: December 22, 2010, 02:20:01 am »
For the becinning i am not a good storyteller! And only thing i can provide here is a general direction or idea of a possible storyline. My idea after reading Winter`s storyline is to loose the allpowerful hivemind and stick to the more typical evil invading aliens. This way the aliens could be autonomous beings like humans. Also this would allow PHALANX to recruit aliens who stand against opression of theyr own species (and other ones as well) which would make good wariability for your troops. One idea would be that on alien hierachy lesser species (shevaar, ortnok) are subjucated wia neural interface (AKA hivemind  ;D )to the command of tamans as the arguably most intelligent of the species. But the point is that hivemind is a bit of a clishe...

PS: Yes i am a bit sleepy and may hawe written something stubit but the basic point is that hivemind could be replaced with autonomous aliens (tamans) and semi autonomous aliens (the other losers). Point of attacking earth could be...    ...well...     ...umm...    would be a gicantic clishe to say "to enslave humanity"...       ...well lets hope someone figures something out!

Im off to sleep! CYA!

Tactics / Re: Base invasion
« on: December 22, 2010, 12:35:21 am »
Well most likely in case of a base invasion soldiers aren`t allowed to sleep! I think that the ridicilous size of the base on many floors could be compensated if you would be allowed to use each and every one of the soldiers in base! For example if you hawe 8 active soldiers and 8 replacements (in case of injuries/deaths) you could throw 16 soldiers to kick the alien arse! This would make it a good idea to hawe a moderately large (20 - 30) "inactive" soldiers on base in case of some poor little aliens trying to get in! I mean nothing is more annoying than the thought of aliens running loose on your base! That is the one place you should and must have the upper hand on materiel, manpower and morale!

Discussion / Funny screenshots!
« on: December 21, 2010, 10:43:58 pm »
EVERY self respecting forum needs one of theese! Place to put your more or less funny screenshots, or just neat  in game situations!

.P.S. Sorry i didn`t had any screenshots while posting this! I depend on you guys to post some!

Offtopic / Re: XVI infected
« on: December 21, 2010, 10:39:33 pm »
what is xvi?
16 in roman numerals!  ;D

Feature Requests / Re: HEAVY duty support!
« on: December 21, 2010, 10:23:54 pm »
Well this could be simulated by adding some random dead aliens and civs to the mission site at the becinning of the mission...

Feature Requests / Re: HEAVY duty support!
« on: December 20, 2010, 05:27:46 pm »
Well if the civies showed a intellect ower the mental capabilities of an ameeba, i might take my task of saving them more seriously...   ...currently they are a herd of sheeps happily walking towards the slaughterhouse AKA harwester. I mean if they don`t evev WANT to live, why to bother  ;D

Feature Requests / Re: HEAVY duty support!
« on: December 17, 2010, 04:57:01 pm »
Makes sence...   ...though i would gladly slaughter every single civilian on the map to save my soldiers...

Discussion / Re: end of the game
« on: December 17, 2010, 03:20:15 pm »
Try spamming the map full of radar towers! After thar there is NOTHING green (or blue) that can hide from you!

Discussion / Re: About the hivemind!
« on: December 17, 2010, 03:16:00 pm »
Research report about "odd behaviour":


We have spent the past few weeks investigating these strange occurrences in our Containment unit, and we believe we've formulated a theory that may begin to explain the aliens' newfound intelligence.

It seems that we were off in our preliminary appraisal of how the alien intellect works. We first believed them to be autonomously operating individuals, in the same way humans are, though with superior communications and team tactics. However, our lab experiments and an intense review of battlefield footage now seem to contradict that hypothesis.

In our video records, we have often seen the aliens seeking cover, coordinating their fire, working as a team even though they carry no obvious communications equipment. However, when we captured a few live specimens in our Containment unit, they never displayed anything above the level of animal instinct. This seems incongruous with the evidence we have; large, well-developed brain structures and a proven knowledge of combat tactics.

We sought to reconcile these ideas in a new hypothesis, and our experiments have begun to produce tangible results. The new specimens certainly are responsible for the strange behaviour we've observed, but we originally assumed that they were officers of some type under colour of authority. We now believe that theory to also be wrong. Our experiments prove that when the aliens are allowed to congregate, with or without the suspected 'officers', they become significantly more active and sophisticated. When they are separated from each other for a large enough distance, they revert back to their basic states. The conclusion is obvious. There is some kind of communal force binding these creatures together.

A string of new theories has emerged. The most likely explanation is in the alien brain. There are several species of alien, all of which meet the physiological requirements for a sentient species, but they show little to no brainwave activity of their own. This implies the presence of some kind of shared or distributed thought between them, a hive mind that grows more intelligent as it grows in numbers. We're not sure how it's possible for this hive mind to cross species boundaries; it's obvious that the different alien races originated on different worlds, with vastly divergent evolutionary paths, and some species appear to have been around far longer than others. However, given the aliens' advanced technology, the 'how' is less of an enigma than the 'why'.

These new findings also seem to suggest that specimens down on Earth are cut off from the source of their intelligence. While this may be an important advantage for PHALANX forces, it also brings up threats we had not yet considered. Our research into alien physiology has established that isolated specimens cannot survive very long in our environment, and behave with little enough intelligence while they're on the surface; but if a large enough number is allowed to escape and coordinate with each other -- or with alien sympathisers on Earth -- we could be looking at a serious infiltration risk.

With several specimens on hand, their intelligence now seems to be approaching the human level. If we can create a suitable translation device or common language, we believe we may finally be able to establish communications with aliens in PHALANX captivity. Perhaps some of our linguists or psychology experts could form a dialogue. This is an avenue of inquiry that we cannot afford to ignore.

Of course, if such experiments were to be approved by the Base Commander, I assure you that my team would take full precautions. Nothing is more important to us than the lives of our men and the security of our facilities.


Dr. Connor

Design / Re: Police and military
« on: December 16, 2010, 07:45:39 pm »
LOL! "If the police can`t stop you... must be... ortnok with a particle beam cannon!!!"

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