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Messages - tilli

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Mapping / Re: randomspawn
« on: November 22, 2010, 09:25:38 am »
Are you sure there are 56? I've only got 31 in my checkout. Or have you created 25 new tiles?
Yup, 23 forest tiles and 3 houses, but not all forest tiles will survive to the final version.

What are the changes you're making? Are you just randomizing the spawn locations more or are you making more significant changes?
I did not alter the old tiles, except for two things a) randomspawn flag b) sometimes adding an alien spawnpoint.


Mapping / Re: randomspawn
« on: November 21, 2010, 09:35:16 pm »

ok, I'm reworking the +forest tiles (there are only 56 of them).
I have to make a correction to
5. an RMA map of randomspawn tiles and NONrandomspawn tiles without spawnpoints (generic terrain) results in a random placement of actors.
I found out that it is best, if ALL tiles have the randomspawn flag set. generic non spawnpoint tiles can
function without problem, but I also found tiles which do cause problems. Once all were randomspawn flagged, however the problems mostly disappeared.

Mapping / randomspawn
« on: November 19, 2010, 09:37:22 pm »
Hi all

I played around with the randomspawn option. These are the first test results, no warranty.

1. randomspawn is assigned at the worldspawn entity. it requires a number as value, also I was not able to understand what that value represents. Maybe somebody can enlighten me.
2. If in uforadiant you import a NONrandomspawn map into a randonspawn map, all will become randomspawn
3. An RMA map only of randomspawn tiles (no other tiles) works ok
4. an RMA map of randomspawn tiles and NONrandomspawn tiles with spawnpoints results in a NONrandom placement of actors.
5. an RMA map of randomspawn tiles and NONrandomspawn tiles without spawnpoints (generic terrain) results in a random placement of actors.


Mapping / Re: new +forest map and tiles
« on: November 19, 2010, 02:01:08 pm »
just so i understood correctly

if i set randomspawn on every tile which has an alien starting point,
then 5 aliens with 10 starting points would appear every time in a different combination?
even if the starting points are on different tiles?

Do none alien tiles also need the randomspawn?

Mapping / Re: new +forest map and tiles
« on: November 19, 2010, 01:49:10 pm »
thanks mattn for the fast reply.

Another question came up, seems the norm with this mapping project :-)

How is the order of placement of the aliens determined?
What happens if I have two alien starting places on different tiles but only one alien to assign, where does he start?


Mapping / Re: new +forest map and tiles and tilesets
« on: November 18, 2010, 11:22:14 am »
ok, I solfed the .map / .bsp confusion

But run into another problem:
my forest. ump looks like follows
Code: [Select]
///** tilesets

tileset forest_11a {

tileset forest_11b {

assembly small
title "_Little forest"
size "5 10"

tileset forest_11a "0 30"
tileset forest_11b "0 30"

If I increase the number of tiles in a single tileset to greater than 8 (like activating +f41, putting more then 8 tiles in the first tileset also gets the same result), then I get a crash to desktop with the following ufoconsole.log

Code: [Select]
2010/11/18 11:17:39Change gametype to 'Skirmish mode'
2010/11/18 11:17:47Starting skirmish with 8 soldiers and 0 ugvs
2010/11/18 11:17:47------- Loading game.dll -------
2010/11/18 11:17:47not found at '/usr/local/lib'
2010/11/18 11:17:47not found at 'C:\Dokumente und Einstellungen\Tilman\Anwendungsdaten\UFOAI/2.4-dev/base'
2010/11/18 11:17:47found at './base'
2010/11/18 11:17:47==== InitGame ====

Could it be, that there is a limit on how many tiles you can put in a tileset???

Mapping / Re: new +forest map and tiles
« on: November 17, 2010, 08:57:13 pm »
I run into a problem

I want to add a tile to the +forest map

I located the forest.ump and added the following:

tile +h5

3 3

0      abfgu      0
acdgu    +a      acefu
0      abdeu      0

and in assembly
+h5 "1 1"

What that gets me when a call the map is a drop to the main menu.

the log gives me the message: could not find ~/fr_h5.bsp
if I create a fr_h5.bsp the map runs fine

all the other parts are .map, so why does my part have to be .bsp
Where is my mistake???


Mapping / Re: new +forest map and tiles
« on: November 16, 2010, 09:39:20 am »
Hi H-Hour

As usual, thanks for the comments.
Obviously this is still work in progress.
Of course I will change the ground to match the current +forest tiles. Why didn't I think of that myself, stupid me?
That some of the trees are smaller is no surprise. I scaled them. Not sure what you mean by draw order problem.
Tree variation and better hills are also in the works.


Mapping / Re: new +forest map and tiles
« on: November 15, 2010, 08:55:32 pm »
For those who want to look at the map data itself.


Mapping / new +forest map and tiles
« on: November 15, 2010, 08:51:00 pm »

Did some new mapping. Very easy stuff. As I intend to make the whole package usable for RMA, all parts are along the 256x256 grid.
I simply assembled most of the tiles in one map. More tiles are in the works.


Mapping / Re: first mapping attempt
« on: October 11, 2010, 07:56:31 pm »
sorry, of course it has to be english
thanks for the infos on the .ufo

Mapping / Re: first mapping attempt
« on: October 11, 2010, 01:36:38 pm »
h-hour, thanks for the quality control, I hope I got everything
the light are ok, so no changes there
no dropships or ufos for this map (it will stand as it is for the moment), the next one will include them (promise)

so next try for upload

can please somebody with more knowledge then me should fill out some things in the barbone .ufo


Mapping / Re: first mapping attempt
« on: October 11, 2010, 12:14:16 pm »
mattn: grĂ¼nes Licht,
but no warranties
and please rename it for the ingame use

Mapping / Re: first mapping attempt
« on: October 10, 2010, 08:42:52 pm »
ok, I think I managed to switch to dev 2.4 version
so here is the next upload of the map


Mapping / Re: first mapping attempt
« on: October 02, 2010, 05:03:42 pm »
I don't know. Checking my 2.3 installation, I don't see any good matches at the moment. Soon there should be nightly builds of 2.4 and radiant for windows, so you won't run into this issue any more.
Then I will wait for the 2.4 version and rework the map to final status then.

If you don't have any dropships your map can't be included in the campaign.
There are already maps without dropships in the campaign!
But of course I want my map in the campaign (if the devs want them), so please send the lesson about putting in a dropship and ufo.


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