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Messages - Battlescared

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Linux / Re: compiling 2.5 from git source
« on: July 14, 2013, 03:13:23 am »
How would I get these three as part of the git trunk?  I don't know that much about git.  I thought I got the whole baseline with the commands that were given.  Are there other areas I should include to get the whole baseline?

Thanks for the response, btw.

Linux / Re: compiling 2.5 from git source
« on: July 13, 2013, 02:51:27 pm »
I am having similar problem with the files not being found.  Here is my configure.log:

<stdin>:3:25: fatal error: CUnit/Basic.h: No such file or directory
compilation terminated.
<stdin>:3:18: fatal error: mxml.h: No such file or directory
compilation terminated.
<stdin>:3:23: fatal error: picomodel.h: No such file or directory
compilation terminated.

I'm not sure where to get these files.  Basic.h sounds like a UFOAI file.  No clue on the other two.  I've done the git commands as directed, cut and pasted them straight into the command line.  Any ideas or suggestions?

Update: Going to keep an updated log in case someone else has similar issues.

Found CUnit.  It is an installable package. 

mxml - mini-xml.   Found it.  Wasn't showing up in Synaptic, but found it on the UFOAI announcement website and installed with "apt-get install libmxml-dev"

picomodel - only place its showing up is in relation to ufoai.  I found it in the lib directory structure.  Still can't seem to get it to get past the configure, but appears to be related to uforadiant, as noted above, so will try to compile without it and hopefully that works.

Discussion / Re: Questions about development progress
« on: July 02, 2013, 12:46:03 am »
Just want to post that I live for the monthly updates. :)  I hate it when it goes on for weeks and weeks, into the middle of the month, without an update, but that's a good thing!  Keeps me coming back. 

Anxiously awaiting the final of 2.5.

Linux / Re: Debian/Ubuntu packages for i386/amd64
« on: February 18, 2013, 12:30:53 am »
Just an FYI.  2.4 will run in Mint 14-64 bit from source after installing a number of dev packages.  Seems to be running great.  Have not messed with 2.5 dev, but will certainly when 2.6 (or whatever is the next official baseline) is released.

Maybe try building it from source?

Discussion / Re: Do you need alien detection to find an alien base?
« on: August 05, 2012, 02:25:41 am »
Watch were it disappears at, then loiter there for a long time.  Send two or three craft in the area and have them just park, eventually it should show up.

Discussion / Re: Feedback
« on: July 24, 2012, 10:52:03 pm »
A secondary aspect of the game is learning how to manage your economy and finances.  If you're running out of money it's because you're expanding too fast.  Hold back and plan your finances out.  Use the statistics to see how much you need to save each month to cover shortfalls.  I always play on at least hard mode and never have issues with funding or country happiness.  Don't sell captured UFO's to the highest bidder, sell them to disgruntled countries.  The extra money isn't worth it, and their happiness improves.  Sell all your captured technology.

FAQ / Re: No Bases or Battleships? No random Ufo spawn in 2.4?
« on: July 22, 2012, 03:41:11 pm »
Watch the harvesters.  Watch.  The harvesters. :-X

Discussion / Re: New wound and healing system on 2.5-dev
« on: July 22, 2012, 01:48:21 am »
On further thought, it may end up nerfing the med kit too much.  Perhaps there could be a limit to the amount of healing that can be done on the battlefield?  Maybe a 60% or 70% healing health cap, in addition to the wounds, that the med packs can't heal beyond.  That would give them some general use on the battlefield and let us get soldiers healed up to a point they might be able to take one good hit, but still have a use for the hospital to finish the healing between battles.

Discussion / Re: New wound and healing system on 2.5-dev
« on: July 20, 2012, 01:50:25 am »
I like those changes.  Med kits are way to powerful in 2.4 and I like the idea of making the hospital more useful.  I would love to see it all backed up with stats on doctors, but I know you're headed in the direction of making doctors just a spin dial and removing them from the hiring screen, which is cool.  This will put a good balance to the need for hospitals and more detail in the soldiers vs. too much detail in the hiring process.

Tactics / Re: Where/why/how many bases do you build?
« on: July 12, 2012, 12:35:39 am »
My plan is to build bases so that I have complete radar coverage over the entire world, which is possible.  Leave extra room between them because eventually you'll research better radar that will increase each ones range.

Base 1: One of three places, Middle of the good'ol USA :), middle or Europe, or the middle of Asia, closer to the Pacific than Europe.  This base holds my A team and usually ends up being a hybrid that specializes in research.  Usually put two interceptors here.

Base 2: One of two places I didn't put my first base, usually on the other side of the Atlantic.  This one holds my B team and will be a hybrid base of production and research.  Two interceptors here too.

Base 3: The last of the three places mentioned.  Now I go with a full production center and maybe in the mid game start working on a C team.

Base 4/5: Middle of Africa, Middle of South America.  These bases will also be production oriented for later on building aircraft, with room for large hangers.  They will also have a little research (because you can never have enough research) and a lot of storage for materials to build the aircraft with.

Rest of bases are mostly radar and storage facilities that cover the rest of the world, like in Australia, North Pole.  I may or may not man them.  The game is usually over before I feel like building the last base.

I build UFO storage facilities at each of them.  I like to build SAM traps around one or two bases, with SAMs everywhere.  They will miss a lot of UFO's, but when one flies through one it's  fun to watch it get beat up continuously.  It's even sweater when a harvester changes direction as it's just about ready to fly out of the trap only to fly back through it. :)  Another reason I don't try to build SAM's around every base is because one SAM site can't usually bring down a UFO, so when a UFO attacks a base, it's almost always going to get through.  If you consider that if you tried to protect each base, you'd only have 2/3 per site, and that's not enough to shoot down a UFO before it reaches the base, unless you build a lot of defenses along with it too, but that takes up valuable real estate.  I'd rather just kill the aliens once they land in a base defense mission.

To be honest, it doesn't matter too much where you place your bases.  You'll be intercepting plenty of UFO's if you want to and fighting them on the ground.  The more you spread out your bases though, the more chance you'll have to detect them.  Sometimes, having complete coverage is a pain because you're always tracking a UFO somewhere and sometimes you just want time to pass for research to finish.

Tactics / Re: Combat Medics
« on: July 06, 2012, 04:08:37 pm »
^This +1

I equip all my troops with a medkit in their holsters, and give them all two handed weapons otherwise. The rocket launcher is the only one who can't use a medkit without un-equipping his main weapon, but I've stopped using them in favour of grenade launchers.

Besides, any troop can get injured, and there's no way to know if the medic is going to be in the right place at the right time, so best to make everyone capable of it. Plus, medics can't heal themselves (unless I've been doing it wrong...)
I'd rather have the extra firepower, and prevent injuries through having more dead aliens :)

+2.  I use the same tactic.  It helps always having someone close by who can heal, and it's saved many a life.  Plus, as you get down to the end of a mission, I usually try to heal everyone to full no matter what.  It is much faster than having them heal in the hospital. Then it really helps to have a healing party with everyone.

Discussion / Re: Antimatter Storage locations
« on: July 06, 2012, 04:03:22 pm »
Build them everywhere.  You'll get a lot of it so storage for it helps.  I turned one base that was mainly for radar into a storage facility and had about 6 storage units in it.  I didn't actually use it all  ???, but as the game developers make the research tree bigger and badder, it may come into play more.

Linux / Re: SuSe 12.1 Issues
« on: July 03, 2012, 12:07:15 am »
Undefined references are usually a faulty dependency, which could mean that you're missing a support package, or something didn't compile correctly.  I haven't tried to compile the latest build though, but I would suspect the later.  Were there any other errors prior to this?  Something before the LD command started?

Tactics / Re: Keeping the Nations Happy in 2.4
« on: June 22, 2012, 12:41:36 am »
You have mail. ;D

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