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Messages - Bonzo

Pages: 1 2 [3]
Shhhhh it's a secret conspiracy by the alien invaders to deprive you :P

Actually, if you're really interested, it's for several reasons. First, editing and quality control (which means getting at least one Writerlot Crewmember to proof read/critique) - so there's a lot "written" but not quite got the green light. Also they make up Gary's weekly Writerlot slots, allowing him to get some other writing projects done. I'd have said given him some time off, but he's so bloody busy with writing he barely has time to play UFO against me :I

Stay strong - it'll all be up eventually :P (and then you'll be able to download all 27 chapters of it for free for a little while - we'll give you a heads up long before don't worry :D)

Maybe I missed this info, but how many chapters are there going to be?

That'd be 23 online, the physical book will have at least 27. There might be more backstory and extras added to how ever many already written. There'll be plenty of opportunity to download the whole thing when it's finished!

Chapter 15 is online!

Discussion / Re: Game mechanics lookup?
« on: December 28, 2012, 10:09:33 pm »
but I must admit the fact that aircraft have a much larger detection radius strikes me as odd.

If it's not treated as a bug, that encourages a strategy of having standing air patrols of non-antimatter aircraft, which could make for interesting tactical situations, I suppose. If NATO are supplying the fuel free of charge, of course! Keeps Stillettos and such still useful later in the game maybe.

'Equippable' radar modules could effect this too - but this is turning into a speculative suggestion.

Discussion / Re: Game mechanics lookup?
« on: December 26, 2012, 02:20:19 am »
In 2.4, the small radius is the area a UFO will be detected in, the larger radius only picks up UFOs already detected (having passed through the small radius first). I suppose this simulates that it's easier at long distances to show up a stealth aircraft you've already identified than spot them right off.

Regarding effectiveness, reaction fire is a major game balance issue the development team are working on - can't comment on it's 2.5 behaviour.

Wow that's really cool of you :D

Thanks H-Hour, from the whole team!

Chapter twelve is up! (was two days ago, I'm so not-on-the-ball it's rolled out of sight)

Maackey, you're hilolrious. (see I put 'lol' inside the word... what have I become)

Revelations is up on writerlot!

Part ten's up - apparently yesterday... nobody tells me nuffin'

Part nine is up!

Pah. "clever ideas" indeed. All I did was play 2.4 through! By the time we're finished the game will be complete with a zillion mods and be the biggest thing on the internet. THEN will you promise to play it through?

Oh the readers are going to be in for quite the experience... heh heh heh.

I am so excited about a stable 2.5, and I know for every day it's under development the better it will be.

I like the limited range. Much scarier. Given the aliens' stealth tech (orders of magnitude beyond humanities' imagination) probably actively hacks our best detection systems, no wonder we can't see anything until we've nicked their tech from their craft eh?

Discussion / The UFOFic project thread.
« on: October 15, 2012, 09:50:32 pm »
If you didn't see H-Hour's post on the news feed, one of the professional writers from Firedance, Gary Bonn, has written some short stories inspired by playing UFO:ai! Gary and I will be collaborating to produce a new five-minute piece every two weeks, and when the story is complete, publish an actual UFO:ai inspired novel. The segments are available to read (for free) at, and the novel/novella will be available to download for free in few days window, which we will warn you about ages in advance.

According the poor bloke who monitors the analytics we've had a good few hundred (!?) readers from the UFO:ai folk. This thread is to keep you all up to date, and to receive your feedback and critique.

The UFO page on writerlot (basically this, on there)

The current online works are as follows;

Alien invasion 1
Alien invasion 2: Firefight
Alien invasion 3: Paradigm Shift
Alien Invasion 4: Wings and Wisdom
Alien Invasion 5: Little Heroes
Alien Invasion 6: Mystery
Alien Invasion 7: Webs
Alien Invasion 8: The Crypt
Alien Invasion 9: Sacrifice
Alien Invasion 10: Rout
Alien Invasion 11: Revelations
Alien Invasion 12: Beyond Hope
Alien Invasion 13: In Hiding
Alien Invasion 14: The Enemy Within
Alien Invasion 15: Empty Threat
Alien Invasion 16: Things Fall Apart
Alien Invasion 17: Nowhere to Hide
Alien Invasion 18: No Other Options
Alien Invasion 19: Off Balance
Alien Invasion 20: I Wants Fartface and Sweetie
Alien Invasion 21: 8 Minutes To Death
Alien Invasion 22: Poisoned Air
Alien Invasion 23: The Centre of Everything

Book Two

Alien Invasion II: Chapter One
Alien Invasion II: Chapter Two
Alien Invasion II: Chapter Three
Alien Invasion II: Chapter Four
Alien Invasion II: Chapter Five
Alien Invasion II: Chapter Six
Alien Invasion II: Chapter Seven
Alien Invasion II: Chapter Eight
Alien Invasion II: Chapter Nine
Alien Invasion II: Chapter Ten
Alien Invasion II: Chapter Eleven
Alien Invasion II: Chapter Twelve
Alien Invasion II: Chapter Thirteen
Alien Invasion II: Chapter Fourteen
Alien Invasion II: Chapter Fifteen
Alien Invasion II: Chapter Sixteen
Alien Invasion II: Chapter Seventeen
Alien Invasion II: Chapter Eighteen
Alien Invasion II: Chapter Nineteen
Alien Invasion II: Chapter Twenty
Alien Invasion II: Chapter Twenty-One
Alien Invasion II: Chapter Twenty-Two
Alien Invasion II: Chapter Twenty-Three
Alien Invasion II: Chapter Twenty-Four
Alien Invasion II: Chapter Twenty-Five
Alien Invasion II: Chapter Twenty-Six

More to come!


Gary's away at a meeting with the Writerlot/Firedance crew - hopefully putting in a good word for the books.

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